Martian Mogul/C11 Food Lover
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Martian Mogul/C11 Food Lover
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C11 Food Lover

Yang Zhiming was well aware that he wasn't as grand as some might suggest, so he quickly made light of the situation, "Mr. Hee, there's no need to rib me. I'm not keen on setting such a steep price—I'm just looking for some peace of mind. If I were to actually charge you a thousand Mars Coins, I doubt I'd be able to sleep tonight."

Hee Zhen's respect for Yang Zhiming grew upon hearing this.

As the three sat around the table, Yang Zhiming inquired, "Mr. Hee, being the son of the wealthiest man in Mars Area B, you could choose any delicacy across Mars. What brings you to this humble spot?"

Yang Zhiming was aware of the trope in soap operas where the affluent dine at street stalls, but in real life, he had yet to see someone of wealth willingly dine in such a casual setting.

Hee Zhen understood Yang Zhiming's skepticism, as many of his acquaintances couldn't fathom such a choice.

Taking a sip of water, he explained, "While I am indeed the son of Mars Area B's richest man, I'm also a food enthusiast at heart."

Self-proclaimed food enthusiasts were rare on Mars, given the scarcity of noteworthy cuisine, especially when compared to the Earth Era.

Yang Zhiming had always pictured a food enthusiast as an elderly critic, fussing over dishes on cooking shows. It hadn't crossed his mind that the young man before him shared this passion. "Food is a fundamental pleasure; I can appreciate your enthusiasm, Mr. Hee."

Seeing no judgment in Yang Zhiming's eyes, Hee Zhen went on, "My ambition is to explore the world's culinary delights. I've spent years searching for ancient recipes, and I've been duped more times than I'd care to admit."

Ancient recipes, particularly those from the Earth Era, were highly coveted by Martians.

Year after year, countless individuals claimed to offer such ancient culinary experiences, yet none had ever lived up to Hee Zhen's expectations.

The so-called ancient dishes they boasted about often paled in comparison to Hee Zhen's premium nutritional potion.

As a result, Hee Zhen had grown to despise those charlatans who exploited the allure of ancient recipes, always seeking ways to reveal their deceit.

Yang Zhiming had sampled the flavor of the nutritional potions on Mars. Though these potions could supply the daily nutritional needs of the human body, their taste left much to be desired.

He empathized with Hee Zhen's perspective, "Mr. Hee, I can relate to how you feel."

Once Yang Zhiming learned of Hee Zhen's passion for gourmet food, an idea struck him.

Given that Hee Zhen was a food enthusiast, he surely must have sampled every delicacy available on Mars.

Unfamiliar with the flavors of Martian cuisine, Yang Zhiming was at a loss to appropriately price his roasted chicken.

So he inquired, "Mr. Hee, since you consider yourself a gourmet, may I ask for your assistance?"

Upon hearing this, the girl next to them immediately exclaimed, "Hee Zhen, what did I tell you? These people trying to cozy up to you are just after your wealth. His true colors are showing now, aren't they?"

Hee Zhen calmly reassured the girl, "Let's hear him out. I trust that Mr. Yang isn't driven solely by profit."

Grateful for the support, Yang Zhiming beamed at him, "Brother, rest assured, the help I'm seeking won't cost you a dime. And young lady, please be at ease, I have no intention of causing any harm."

He presented a plate of roasted chicken and continued, "What I'd like to consult you about is the flavor of this roast chicken. Mr. Hee, you've become a connoisseur, while I lack such discernment and knowledge."

Hee Zhen had no doubts about Yang Zhiming's sincerity. Firstly, Yang Zhiming had crafted such a succulent roast chicken without knowing how to price it correctly.

Secondly, Yang Zhiming's gaze was filled with honesty.

Being the son of a wealthy magnate, Hee Zhen was accustomed to the company of many, and he could recognize the look of greed in their eyes.

He spoke up, "Since Mr. Yang has posed the question, I'll speak frankly. The roast chicken you've created is unparalleled on Mars. If I were to price it, I believe five thousand Mars Coins would be fair."

Hee Zhen kept to himself that he had actually suggested a lower price than what he thought it could fetch.

Upon hearing his suggestion, Yang Zhiming's face clouded with concern. Setting the price at five thousand Mars Coins for a roast chicken would likely mean they wouldn't sell. Initially, some might be willing to pay, but over time, only a select few would be willing to spend that much on roast chicken. Yang Zhiming worried that his business wouldn't be sustainable at that rate.

He spoke up, albeit with some hesitation, "Mr. Hee, you flatter me. Five thousand for a roast chicken is just too steep for the folks around here."

Hee Zhen understood his predicament. Being the son of the wealthiest man, he had some insight into business. He offered cautiously, "I know Mr. Yang has a good heart and doesn't want to price out those who crave this ancient Earth Era delicacy. Really, the price should be whatever feels right to you. As long as you're not losing money, you can set it to whatever amount you see fit."

Yang Zhiming realized Hee Zhen was making sense. His goal in selling roast chicken wasn't solely to turn a profit; he also wanted to preserve the legacy of Earth's cuisine on Mars. With that in mind, he didn't want to overcharge for the chickens.

After recalculating the costs of labor and materials, he declared, "Thank you for the wake-up call, Mr. Hee. I was close to hitting a dead end with my thinking. I've decided to price the roast chicken at two hundred Mars Coins each."

Though Hee Zhen thought the price was on the low side, he could see the resolve in Yang Zhiming's eyes and offered his support, "If it makes Mr. Yang happy, then I'll be sure to come by often."

A girl nearby overheard their conversation and tried to interject, "Hee Zhen, you can afford to be reckless with your family's wealth, but Mr. Yang, aren't you here to run a business? Why pass up the chance to make money and join in on this madness?"

Yang Zhiming knew his decision seemed insane to onlookers. Only those like Hee Zhen, with both money and vision, might understand, while others would likely think he had lost his mind.

Now that he was living on Mars, Yang Zhiming still retained the knowledge of how to prepare the delicious foods from the Earth Era. Therefore, he felt it was his duty to introduce the Martians to these Earthly culinary delights and ensure the tradition of Earth cuisine lived on.

Yang Zhiming expertly sliced the roast chicken and offered it to the girl. "I just can't stand the thought of such a flavor being forgotten. Plus, setting the price at two hundred Mars Coins means I can turn a profit while making it affordable for all Martians to enjoy this tasty roast chicken. I believe it's a win-win solution."

The girl, engrossed in savoring the roast chicken, paid no mind to the ramblings of Hee Zhen and his eccentric companion, Mr. Hee.

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