Martian Mogul/C12 The Order Number
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Martian Mogul/C12 The Order Number
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C12 The Order Number

Yang Zhiming and Hee Zhen considered each other confidants, sharing a mutual respect as they engaged in conversation. Being new to Mars, Yang Zhiming was unfamiliar with Martian life and unclear about the pricing of various foods. He expressed his uncertainties, and Hee Zhen, impressed by Yang Zhiming's skill in preparing roast chicken and recognizing his genuine nature, generously shared sales techniques with him.

Hee Zhen lamented that the roast chicken was priced too low, especially since Yang Zhiming's roast chicken restaurant was quite a distance from his usual haunts. The inconvenience of traveling far just to satisfy a craving for roast chicken seemed too great an effort. Yang Zhiming pondered this after hearing Hee Zhen's concerns.

Although his restaurant had just opened and had earned praise from a food enthusiast like Hee Zhen, Yang Zhiming knew that sustaining the business would require broader customer support. Hee Zhen's feedback was something he couldn't ignore. Reflecting on the Earth Era's food delivery services, Yang Zhiming realized he could utilize his employees, such as Gold Tooth, to deliver orders to customers. He shared this idea with Hee Zhen.

Hee Zhen had initially thought that after today's meal, future cravings would mean a significant journey back to the restaurant. He had felt a bit downcast, but perked up at Yang Zhiming's proposal. He promptly pulled out his photon computer, asking for Yang Zhiming's photon computer ID to place future orders. Yang Zhiming, remembering he hadn't yet purchased a photon computer, gave Hee Zhen Lin Ke'er's photon computer ID instead, explaining it was the restaurant's official ordering line.

Mars had its own delivery services, but in his excitement, Hee Zhen had completely forgotten. He quickly saved the number Yang Zhiming provided. As the day turned to evening amidst their lively exchange, Hee Zhen and his companion realized it was time to leave for the night's banquet, which they could still reach if they hurried.

Hee Zhen glanced at his watch and remarked, "Mr. Yang, if I weren't so busy tonight, I'd love to have a lengthy conversation with you."

Yang Zhiming expressed his understanding of Hee Zhen's imminent departure, recognizing that as the son of the wealthiest man, Hee Zhen undoubtedly had a multitude of events to attend.

Hee Zhen and his companion had already settled the bill for the two roast chickens they had enjoyed earlier.

Yet, Yang Zhiming felt grateful for Hee Zhen's assistance that day and decided to pack an extra roast chicken for them to take with them.

"If it weren't for your help today, I wouldn't have been able to grasp the dining customs on Mars, nor would I have been able to set a fair price for the roast chickens so swiftly. Please accept this chicken as a token of my appreciation," he said.

Hee Zhen was accustomed to people coveting his status or seeking favors from him. It was rare for him to encounter someone who wasn't after his wealth. Gratefully accepting the roast chicken from Yang Zhiming, he said, "I'll gladly accept it. Mr. Yang, you've been fair in your pricing today and even offered me a roast chicken on the house. I'm proud to call you my friend."

Observing the two men's hesitant farewells, Hee Zhen's companion nudged him into the car and addressed Yang Zhiming, "Boss, your roast chicken is absolutely delicious. Hee Zhen and I will definitely be frequent customers from now on. We're really pressed for time today, so you two can catch up later."

With that, she swiftly hopped into the car and waved goodbye to Yang Zhiming through the window.

Yang Zhiming gestured back, signaling that they should stay in touch moving forward.

Watching them go, Yang Zhiming mused, "She's quick on her feet and refreshingly candid."

He then turned and made his way into the Lin family courtyard, closing the gate behind him.

Today had been fruitful for him. He called Lin Ke'er, Bai Lang, and Gold Tooth together to discuss the day's successes, concluding, "After today's launch, I've decided to price the roast chicken at two hundred Mars Coins each."

Gold Tooth was already displeased with Yang Zhiming for preventing him from collecting a thousand Mars Coins from Hee Zhen. Upon hearing Yang Zhiming's decision to price the exquisite roast chicken so affordably, he erupted in protest, "You stopped me from fleecing that little fat sheep earlier today, and now you're setting the price this low. Are you serious about running a business and making a profit?"

Lin Ke'er, a firm believer in Yang Zhiming's vision, refused to tolerate Gold Tooth's criticism. Standing up, she defended, "Mr. Yang single-handedly made the roast chicken. What gives you the right to question him? We started with nothing. I trust that everything Mr. Yang does is in our best interest."

Despite her fear of Gold Tooth and his cohort, Lin Ke'er felt emboldened to speak her mind with Yang Zhiming by her side.

Gold Tooth, unable to stomach the sight of the frail Lin Ke'er standing up to him, lunged forward, intent on settling the dispute with his fists.

Yang Zhiming, seeing Gold Tooth's aggression toward the young woman, swiftly positioned himself in front of Lin Ke'er, shielding her from the blow.

Gold Tooth, a man of considerable strength and currently fueled by anger, managed to drive Yang Zhiming back nearly half a meter with his powerful punch.

As a metal man devoid of pain, Yang Zhiming was unharmed by the retreat. Gold Tooth, however, was not so fortunate. His fist felt like it had struck a slab of steel, nearly fracturing his fingers upon impact.

Embarrassed by his failure to gain the upper hand and concerned about losing face in front of his subordinates, Gold Tooth advanced, ready to continue the brawl with Yang Zhiming.

Bai Lang, who had long been won over by Yang Zhiming, would not stand for further violence. "Gold Tooth, stop. Are you ignoring my orders now? Am I not your leader anymore?" she demanded.

With a menacing glare at Lin Ke'er behind Yang Zhiming, Gold Tooth stormed back to his seat, his anger simmering.

After ensuring Lin Ke'er was comfortably settled, Yang Zhiming walked over to Bai Lang and began to massage the back of her neck. Bai Lang let out a contented, low pant at his touch, which noticeably lifted Yang Zhiming's spirits.

Once Bai Lang had been rewarded, Yang Zhiming resumed the meeting: "Gold Tooth, we're a team now. And remember, we've opened this roast chicken restaurant to earn money, not to attract enemies. It's crucial that you kick the habit of using your fists to settle disputes. Most importantly, we must never turn our fists against our own."

Gold Tooth was reluctant to acknowledge his fault, but he recognized the truth in Yang Zhiming's words. With Bai Lang's formidable presence reinforcing the point, he nodded in resignation. "Boss, I won't do it again."

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