Martian Mogul/C16 The Creditor
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Martian Mogul/C16 The Creditor
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C16 The Creditor

The following day, Lin Ke'er set out with one of Gold Tooth's subordinates.

They began their day at the bank, converting all their cash into virtual currency, before heading to the largest market in the vicinity via bus.

Lin Ke'er was touched by Yang Zhiming's trust in her and was determined not to disappoint him.

Despite living in the Mars Era, Lin Ke'er still possessed the innate love for shopping and finding the best deals—a trait seemingly ingrained in her DNA.

After visiting several major markets, Lin Ke'er remained full of energy, while Gold Tooth's subordinate was gasping for breath, clearly worn out.

He leaned on his knees and suggested, "Miss Lin, perhaps we should take a break? It's nearly noon, and with the intense sun, we wouldn't want you to get sunburned."

Lin Ke'er glanced at the sun and nodded in agreement. "Let's stop at that cold drink shop over there to rest a bit. After lunch at a restaurant, we can continue our selection process."

Relieved, Gold Tooth's subordinate followed Lin Ke'er for a refreshing break with two cold drinks before seeking out a nearby restaurant for lunch.

The restaurant was modest in size but boasted a clean and tidy environment, with a down-to-earth proprietress.

Gold Tooth's subordinate invited Lin Ke'er to take a seat while he went to place their order.

Lin Ke'er surveyed the room, pulled a tissue from the table to wipe down her seat, and then settled in gracefully to await Gold Tooth's subordinate's return.

Just then, two imposing men with muscular builds entered the restaurant.

One sported a scar on his face, and they both looked as though they had just been in a brawl.

Lin Ke'er was mentally tallying the cost of the ingredients she needed to purchase while daydreaming about the perfect gift for Yang Zhiming once she had settled her debts.

Suddenly, the two burly men approached her table.

Standing in front of a light, their shadows fell across her table, prompting Lin Ke'er to look up.

She recognized them as two of her creditors and, finding herself alone, her senses sharpened. "Can I help you gentlemen with something?" she inquired cautiously.

The men took seats on either side of her, and one casually draped an arm over her shoulder, "Young lady, unless I'm mistaken, your father owes us a considerable sum of money."

Lin Ke'er brushed his hand aside and instinctively recoiled, "We've already promised to repay you the money on time. You had agreed to that without any issue."

One of the men leered at her, "Sweetheart, we did say that if you paid us back on time, we wouldn't trouble you. But until then, we're interested in collecting a little... interest."

His companion chimed in, "Exactly, darling. You're quite the beauty. Your dad must know plenty of ways you could earn some cash. How about you become my girlfriend? Then you wouldn't have to worry about my share of the debt. After all, once we're married, we'll be family—no need for formalities then."

Lin Ke'er found herself trapped, with no immediate way to escape the situation.

Thankfully, Gold Tooth's subordinate arrived just in time. He spotted Lin Ke'er cornered by the two brutes and rushed over, "Who are you two? Why are you sitting so close to Miss Lin?"

The men weren't intimidated by his questioning and replied with a sneer, "We're Miss Lin's dear friends. And who might you be? Scram, or we won't be so hospitable."

Tears brimmed in Lin Ke'er's eyes as she turned to Gold Tooth's subordinate, "They're not my friends; they're my creditors. They saw me alone and thought they could exploit the situation."

Gold Tooth's subordinate, accustomed to strutting around with his boss, was unfazed by the confrontation. He pulled a controlled knife from his coat pocket, "Paying off debts is only fair, but if you're here to harass someone, then don't expect me to play nice. Do you want to take your chances one at a time, or shall we all dance at once?"

Confronted with real resistance, the two men didn't linger. They fled in such a hurry they didn't even grab their belongings from the table.

Lin Ke'er expressed her gratitude, "Thank you for stepping in today. I was at a loss for what to do. Your bravery saved me from those two villains."

Gold Tooth's subordinate, unaccustomed to such delicate praise from a girl, scratched his cheek shyly, "I'm usually out with my boss, and no one dares to get fresh with us. He got lucky today. But the most important thing is that you, Miss Lin, are safe."

He sat opposite Lin Ke'er, and the restaurant owner promptly brought out their meals.

Once they finished eating, they rested for another half hour before heading to the market to shop for ingredients.

Lin Ke'er's attention to detail and her soft, gentle manner of speaking provided Gold Tooth's subordinate with a refreshing experience.

By evening, they had purchased everything they needed.

The roast chicken restaurant was bustling as usual today, but thanks to the previous day's training, most of the staff were now well-versed in the chicken-selling process, allowing for smooth operations.

Upon Lin Ke'er's return, Yang Zhiming approached her with concern, "Why are you so late? If you hadn't returned within half an hour, we would've all set out to look for you."

Seeing the staff's concern for them, Lin Ke'er felt moved and recounted the day's events in detail.

Yang Zhiming offered words of reassurance, "The days of being bullied are behind you. From now on, we'll all be here to protect you, so you don't have to fear them anymore."

Gold Tooth's subordinate teased the man who had accompanied her that day, "Well, look at you, stepping out with Miss Lin and turning into a knight in shining armor. You're not usually this nice to the rest of us."

The man's face turned red as he retorted, "Do a bunch of grown men like you really need my protection? When it comes to fighting, each of you throws a meaner punch than the last."

Yang Zhiming sent Lin Ke'er and Gold Tooth's subordinate off to eat while he stayed behind to receive the ingredients delivered by the courier.

The delivery service from the large malls was impressively efficient; Yang Zhiming waited only about fifteen minutes before the ingredients arrived, neatly packaged.

He then instructed Gold Tooth to stay by his side to learn how to properly inventory the supplies. "Don't say I never gave you a chance. Learn this now, and later on, you can take over this easy job."

Gold Tooth was secretly pleased, thinking, "If the boss says so, I'll definitely learn."

After all, he had spent the entire day at the cash register, with very little of the takings actually his. Plus, being stuck in one spot without being able to move around had been stifling for him.

Gold Tooth instructed his subordinate to fetch a pen and paper, while he took notes at the side.

— From Migu Reading

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