Martian Mogul/C17 He Would Never Forget
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Martian Mogul/C17 He Would Never Forget
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C17 He Would Never Forget

Two businesses were thriving, each in their own way. Yang Zhiming's roast chicken venture was booming, and Hee Zhen, now back at home, found himself constantly reminiscing about that delicious chicken.

Hee Zhen's father was perpetually engulfed in business matters, leaving him with little time to spend at home. Consequently, a domestic robot took care of Hee Zhen's daily needs.

Lately, the robot faced a dilemma – its young master refused to eat.

Despite lacking self-awareness, the robot understood that if Hee Zhen continued to reject its meals, it would eventually be replaced and sent off to a repair shop.

That evening, Hee Zhen looked at the sumptuous meal the robot had prepared and felt no desire to eat.

He sat down at his computer in his room to chat with friends.

Needless to say, computers in the Mars Era were vastly different from those in the Earth Era.

His friend's image was projected into the room, and noticing Hee Zhen's sullen mood, he quickly inquired, "What's got you down, Young Master? Just the other day, you were excited about a new culinary find. As a gourmet, shouldn't you be overjoyed, busy crafting a glowing review?"

Hee Zhen was renowned for his love of fine dining and enjoyed sharing his menus online.

Additionally, as the son of the wealthiest man in Mars Area B, his recommendations drew many curious netizens. They envied the vast disparities in lifestyle while eagerly anticipating a taste of the dishes Hee Zhen endorsed.

Yet, Hee Zhen's discerning palate meant it had been quite some time since he last updated his menu.

His friends, aware of his passion for good food, would often send their own delicious discoveries his way.

Some establishments even offered to pay for Hee Zhen's endorsement of their culinary creations.

Hee Zhen, of course, declined. The reason was simple – did he look like someone in need of money?

After listening to his friend, Hee Zhen clarified, "If you had that roast chicken, you'd lose interest in everything else just like I have. Lately, I can barely bring myself to pick up my chopsticks at the sight of the meals at home."

His friend, now intrigued, asked, "Is it truly that remarkable? If so, why not treat yourself to it once more?"

Hee Zhen let out a sigh after hearing his friend's words. "My dad has commanded me to stay home these past few days, or else I would've bolted out long ago. What's going through that old man's head, anyway? Was being a few minutes late to the last banquet really enough to make him this mad?"

Seeing Hee Zhen's dejected expression, his friend burst into laughter. "You've got some nerve bringing up the last banquet! I was right there with my dad when yours was singing your praises in front of all those elders. Then, we waited for nearly half an hour before you finally showed up fashionably late. Your dad's face soured right then and there. I'm surprised to see you unscathed—I thought your uncle had mellowed out over the years."

The last time Hee Zhen attended a banquet with his date, they drove in an autonomous car, which meant they couldn't speed and ended up arriving almost half an hour late.

Although Hee Zhen's father managed to keep his cool at the time, he later decided that he couldn't let his son's reckless behavior continue. Consequently, he imposed a strict rule on Hee Zhen: he was not to set foot outside the fortress for half a month.

Hee Zhen's friend, also a child of a well-known rich second-generation family in Mars Area B, enjoyed causing mischief alongside him. Seeing his buddy in such a 'pitiful' state, he remarked, "I had plans to hit up the new bar tonight and live it up, but I'm not about to let a good brother suffer alone. It just so happens I've come across a gem recently. I'll bring it over for you to check out tonight."

Skeptical of his friend's claim but bored at home, Hee Zhen agreed, "Sure, and don't forget to bring the latest gaming console with you."

After a quick affirmation, his friend signed off.

Transportation in the Mars Era was incredibly efficient, and since his friend was part of the rich second generation with his own vehicle, it didn't take long for him to reach Hee Zhen's fortress.

The robot butler, recognizing him as Hee Zhen's friend and acting on Hee Zhen's instructions, welcomed him inside.

Hee Zhen's friend walked in and headed straight for Hee Zhen's bedroom.

Lying leisurely on his bed, Hee Zhen didn't bother to get up when he heard the door open. "Wow, that was quick. You got here just as I finished talking."

His friend didn't respond and simply took a seat in Hee Zhen's chair. "You really should pay more attention to what my family's into. Whenever a new vehicle model comes out, it's delivered to me first. I've been telling you to pick up a new hobby. You'd enjoy vehicles just as much as I do."

Hee Zhen chuckled and teased, "Don't act all smug just because you got lucky. If I start liking vehicles, you'll have to watch out for my dad. He'll be on your case. Or maybe you'd like to swap dads? You can inherit the fortune and put up with his lectures every day."

The two had been friends since childhood and spared no topics in their banter.

After a while, Hee Zhen finally remembered why his friend had come. "You mentioned you got your hands on some treasure recently, right? Stop being so mysterious and show it to me."

Without hesitation, Hee Zhen's friend pulled out a tube of nutrition liquid from his pocket.

Hee Zhen laughed at the sight. "Come on, stop teasing. What's so special about this nutrition liquid? I've got several bottles in my room. If you want them, I'll give them to you right now."

As he was about to toss the nutrition liquid to his friend, his friend quickly caught it.

He inspected the tube to ensure it wasn't damaged. "You really don't know what you've got here. This is a new product from my uncle's lab. Want to give it a try?"

Now intrigued, Hee Zhen opened the nutrition liquid and downed it in one gulp.

After finishing, he grimaced and said, "You might want to tell your uncle to reconsider producing this stuff. It tastes awful, and I doubt it'll sell."

His friend took the bottle back and examined it thoughtfully. "Is it that bad? Just make sure my uncle never hears you say that. He's been bragging about this product for days. If he hears your comments, it'll break his heart, especially since he's invested tens of millions into its development."

Hee Zhen's friend recalled how Hee Zhen couldn't stop talking about roast chicken lately. "You can't just skip meals, you know. You really enjoy roast chicken, right? Since you're unable to go out, let me go get it for you."

Hee Zhen was aware that his friend wasn't fully convinced of the roast chicken's allure. With night falling, the trip would certainly be quite the endeavor.

He thought back to when Yang Zhiming had given him his phone number: "If everyone were as helpless as you, I'd have starved by now. I'll just order delivery."

Having said that, Hee Zhen eagerly anticipated his friend's reaction to tasting the roast chicken. After all, who could resist its tantalizing charm?

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