Martian Mogul/C18 Today's Sale
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Martian Mogul/C18 Today's Sale
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C18 Today's Sale

Hee Zhen's friend had been swayed by his earlier praises. Additionally, after criticizing the premium nutritional potion developed by his own uncle, Hee Zhen was genuinely curious to taste the roast chicken that his friend couldn't stop raving about.

He dialed the photon computer ID Yang Zhiming had given him. "Is this the roast chicken restaurant? I'd like to order a roast chicken."

Lin Ke'er, the owner of the photon computer, answered the call. "I apologize, sir, but our roast chicken restaurant has been incredibly busy today and we've sold out of chicken. Would you like me to take down your information and deliver it to you tomorrow?"

Upon hearing her response, Hee Zhen felt a twinge of disappointment. Tonight presented a perfect chance to impress his friend with the delectable roast chicken and simultaneously promote Mr. Yang's restaurant.

He quickly followed up, "I understand you've had a busy day and that your roast chicken is in high demand, but I'm really craving one. Maybe I could pay extra for delivery? Or perhaps I could come and pick it up myself?"

Lin Ke'er was taken aback by his eagerness. She realized he was serious about wanting the roast chicken. "I'm truly sorry, sir. To be frank, our restaurant has just opened and our delivery service isn't fully operational yet. We're still waiting for our take-out bags to arrive. While our staff could prepare the chicken now, it would compromise its flavor."

Disappointed, Hee Zhen sighed.

Seeing his friend's dejected look, his companion quickly reassured him, "We can wait until tomorrow. It's not like we're in any rush."

Lin Ke'er added over the phone, "Mr. Hee Zhen, you are a valued customer that Mr. Yang has specifically instructed us to accommodate. Rest assured, we will make sure to deliver the first roast chicken to you tomorrow."

Hee Zhen briefly entertained the idea of sneaking out just to savor a roast chicken. But he reconsidered, knowing that Mr. Yang's restaurant must have had a successful day and that he was likely exhausted from the hard work.

Although Hee Zhen hailed from a top-tier wealthy family, he never took pleasure in giving his employees a hard time. So he told Lin Ke'er, "Since that's the case, make sure you register my address, and don't forget to deliver the roast chicken tomorrow."

After he finished speaking, he sent his address details to Lin Ke'er.

Turning to his friend, Hee Zhen joked, "Looks like you won't be lucky enough to enjoy this roast chicken. You better head home early. Tomorrow, I'll savor the roast chicken myself and just send you a photo."

Hee Zhen's friend, realizing he was being ditched for a meal, playfully retorted, "You heartless guy! My uncle created a new premium nutritional potion, and I brought it all the way here for you, leaving behind all our buddies."

Once Hee Zhen set aside the photon computer, he picked up the game console his friend had brought and, without looking up, said, "Enough talk. The game's about to start. If you don't join in, the other team is going to start complaining."

He handed the controller to his friend, and they dove into the game.

His friend declared, "I'm definitely getting some of that chicken tomorrow. Don't think you can keep it all to yourself."

Hee Zhen and his friend bickered playfully, "You're not getting any. By the time you show up tomorrow, I'll have polished off the roast chicken."

Leaning against Hee Zhen's bed in a more comfortable position for his back, the friend said, "I've gotten to know your butler pretty well. I'll have him get my old room ready. I'm staying over tonight."

The two were childhood friends who had grown up together amidst playful squabbles, with their parents being close as well. Both families had preserved rooms for each other's children.

When they were too tired to go home after playing at each other's houses, they'd just sleep over and phone home, with both sets of parents being completely fine with it.

Hee Zhen had actually wanted his friend to try the delicious roast chicken, but it seemed that wouldn't happen tonight.

So he relented, "If you want to stay, that's fine, but you'd better wake up early tomorrow, or I won't save even a single chicken wing for you."

Hee Zhen began to wax lyrical about the roast chicken's allure. "You have no idea. The last time I laid eyes on that crispy roast chicken, it was cooked to perfection. The skin was golden and crunchy, and once you sliced into it, the meat was incredibly tender and juicy. And the aroma? It could make your mouth water on the spot."

Before Hee Zhen could finish, his friend cut him off, "Ease up a bit, will you? I'm here starving, and you've polished off the last premium nutritional potion. Now you're torturing me with your vivid descriptions of food. Are you trying to starve me to death?"

Only then did Hee Zhen remember that his friend hadn't eaten. Although he himself hadn't had dinner, the nutritional potion he'd consumed left him feeling sated.

So, he led his friend to the dining room. "Why didn't you mention this sooner? You said we were heading to the bar, so I assumed it was for some post-dinner fun. I never imagined you guys would actually be substituting alcohol for a meal."

At home, the smart robot had already set the table with food.

His friend, ravenous, attacked the spread with gusto.

After polishing off the meal, he turned to Hee Zhen and remarked, "The robot's cooking is pretty good, you know. Yet you turn your nose up at it. If I hadn't come over, you'd probably still be hungry, right?"

Hee Zhen, a stickler for dining quality, shot back, "You think I'm like you? You're gobbling down food as if you've been starved for ages. I should snap a photo and post it online—people would mistake you for a street urchin."

His friend quickly countered, and their banter escalated into another playful squabble.

Meanwhile, the household robot relaxed, reassured. Although its master seemed less than thrilled with the home-cooked meals, the robot took pride in its culinary skills, bolstered by the friend's hearty appetite.

In stark contrast to the lively scene at Hee Zhen's place, Yang Zhiming faced a series of minor setbacks while experimenting with roast chicken techniques in the Lin family courtyard.

Yang Zhiming was a man of foresight, always believing that if he was going to do something, he should do it exceptionally well. On that particular evening, he was deep in thought, brainstorming ways to enhance the flavor of his roast chicken.

Surrounded by an array of seasonings in the kitchen, he tirelessly experimented with different combinations.

Lin Ke'er and Gold Tooth, among others, were eager to lend a hand, but Yang Zhiming turned them down, saying, "You both have had a long day and must be exhausted. Go get some rest. I can handle this on my own. Plus, I have a firm grasp on the precise heat and timing needed for the perfect roast chicken."

But once everyone had departed, as Yang Zhiming was diligently preparing the roast chicken, an unforeseen incident abruptly occurred.

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