Martian Mogul/C19 The Big Dice
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Martian Mogul/C19 The Big Dice
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C19 The Big Dice

Yang Zhiming was fine-tuning the seasoning blends for his roast chicken when he inadvertently touched something and, in an instant, transformed into a gigantic die.

The situation was problematic. Not only was he unable to continue his work, but he had also been holding various spices when he was still human. Now, they were strewn across the floor. Although the colossal die hadn't picked up the pungent scents of the spices, it was frustrating to see them go to waste. Yang Zhiming was seething with anger.

What was going on? His roast chicken restaurant was just getting on track, and now he had inexplicably become a massive die.

Yang Zhiming was now feeling panicked. He had sent everyone away, but if someone were to walk into the kitchen and see him like this, they would surely be terrified.

How on earth could he revert to his original form?

In a fit of rage, he twisted his body, not expecting the die to actually roll.

The sensation left Yang Zhiming feeling disoriented, reminiscent of the time he rode a roller coaster at an amusement park during the Earth Era.

He was puzzled. The die was clearly rotating on its axis, so why did it feel like he was moving rapidly and plummeting from the sky?

Before he could ponder any further, the dizzying sensation ceased.

He found himself lying on his back on the floor, looking up at a ceiling made of reflective material that was polished to a mirror-like finish. It allowed Yang Zhiming to see his current predicament.

Looking up, he saw the massive die at the center of the kitchen, now at rest. The face-up side showed the number 3.

In Chinese culture, the number 3 held no special significance, and Yang Zhiming couldn't immediately decide whether this was a stroke of good or bad luck.

But his instincts warned him not to make any more sudden moves.

He had acted impulsively earlier, driven by a surge of anger without much thought. Reflecting on the events, he was filled with a sense of dread.

Just then, someone knocked on the kitchen door. "Yang Zhiming, are you there? Are you in the kitchen?"

Bai Lang was the one speaking, as she had come in search of Yang Zhiming.

With her fiery temper, Bai Lang noticed the empty kitchen and didn't hesitate to push the door open and step inside.

Yang Zhiming understood her well enough to know that without a response, she would certainly check the kitchen.

His anxiety was at a fever pitch; he desperately wished he could transform back into a human.

"Yang Zhiming, where are you?" Bai Lang called out before pushing the kitchen door open.

Yang Zhiming's heart nearly stopped. Even though Bai Lang was loyal to him, how could she recognize him as a massive dice?

It was possible that Bai Lang, failing to find anyone, might take out her frustration on the oversized dice.

Just then, Bai Lang entered. She glanced around and found the kitchen deserted.

Muttering to herself, she said, "What is going on? I can't find Yang Zhiming anywhere, yet the kitchen light is still on."

Without another thought about the light, she pushed the door open and left.

Yang Zhiming, unable to move or act, could only watch Bai Lang's every move from above through the ceiling. He was baffled. What was happening? Why couldn't Bai Lang see him?

Shifting his gaze, he realized that Bai Lang had only looked around from the doorway, and he was hidden behind the chopping board, out of her line of sight.

"So that's it," Yang Zhiming realized, but he was still distressed by his predicament.

He had poured so much effort into his business, finally achieving success, and now he found himself turned into a gigantic dice. How on earth would he open the roast chicken restaurant tomorrow?

He lamented his misfortune. Others experienced reincarnation in their own bodies, some returning to their youth to alter their family's destiny, or into the lives of attractive and wealthy individuals.

Yet, he had to be reborn as a giant dice, destitute and plagued by misfortune, with accidents occurring all too often.

When misfortune strikes, it often pours like rain. Yang Zhiming was suddenly alerted by the sound of footsteps at the door. Bai Lang had left earlier without turning off the lights or closing the door. Peering through the ceiling, Yang Zhiming could see Lin Ke'er, tea in hand, making her way to the kitchen.

Concerned that Yang Zhiming might neglect his own well-being while engrossed in his culinary experiments, Lin Ke'er had returned with some tea and snacks. Her steps were light, and she was just about to enter the kitchen.

Lin Ke'er was always kind and attentive. If she discovered that Yang Zhiming was not in his room, she would surely come in to investigate thoroughly.

Yang Zhiming couldn't help but think that fate was conspiring against him.

Just then, another set of footsteps approached the door. Yang Zhiming lamented that when luck was against you, even a sip of water could choke you.

To his surprise, it was Bai Lang, who had been searching for him earlier. After not finding him in his room, she had decided to look elsewhere and just so happened to pass by the kitchen.

Seeing Lin Ke'er about to enter the kitchen with the snacks, Bai Lang quickly intervened, "I just checked; he's not in the kitchen. I have no idea where he's off to this time. Don't bother going in; it would be a waste of time."

Lin Ke'er paused, taking in her words. "Thank you for letting me know. I suppose Mr. Yang is just tired and has gone out for a walk to clear his mind."

Bai Lang let out a scoff. "Who can really tell what's going on? It looks like you won't be able to deliver that tea today. I'm actually quite hungry myself. Why don't you join me in my room? We can chat and enjoy the snacks together."

Bai Lang was known for her pride and rarely this approachable. Lin Ke'er, ever amiable and accommodating, wasn't upset by Bai Lang's commanding tone. "You're right, Mr. Yang deserves some personal space. If you'd like some pastries, Bai Lang, I'll gladly bring them and join you in your room."

Lin Ke'er switched off the kitchen lights and secured the door behind her. With the pastries in hand, she followed Bai Lang to her room.

Yang Zhiming marveled at Lin Ke'er's attentiveness and felt fortunate that the kitchen switch was conveniently located at the entrance.

It wasn't until the sound of the two girls' footsteps faded away that Yang Zhiming's anxiety began to subside.

However, his current form as a colossal dice made movement quite cumbersome. He pondered over what strategy he could devise to revert to his human shape.

Chapter 3 - The Secrets of the Human Body

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