Martian Mogul/C5 The Roast Chicken Restaurant Opened
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Martian Mogul/C5 The Roast Chicken Restaurant Opened
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C5 The Roast Chicken Restaurant Opened

"You've lost your mind! Get off Boss Lang right now!" Gold Tooth was utterly astonished. He could never have imagined that this ancient cube could move faster than Boss Lang.

And to top it off, this guy was actually riding on Boss Lang's back...

"Scoundrel! Get down!" Wolf Girl was livid, twisting her body in an attempt to shake Yang Zhiming off.

But how could Yang Zhiming, the metal man, be so easily dislodged?

His twisting only served to accentuate Wolf Girl's shapely figure even more. Yang Zhiming couldn't help but admire it, noting that Wolf Girl's physique was significantly superior to Lin Ke'er's.

As Wolf Girl grew increasingly agitated beneath him, Yang Zhiming expertly placed his palm on her head, starting a rhythmic massage and stroking. This was the dog-petting skill he had mastered from a pet shop owner in his past life. No matter how wild the dog, a few gentle strokes would soon have it behaving.

"Get your filthy hands off my head!" Wolf Girl snapped, yet the sensations from her head were becoming increasingly intense.

Her whole body started to tingle, and she involuntarily let out a sound of comfort from her throat.

With her face flushed red, Wolf Girl finally succumbed to exhaustion and knelt on the ground, allowing Yang Zhiming to stroke her head as she showed signs of sheer enjoyment.

Curse it! Was this ancient cube person actually a legendary beast tamer? Grandpa had told me that such humans had long been extinct on Earth. How could he have such control over me?

Unable to resist the deep-seated instinct to submit, Wolf Girl slowly bowed her head to Yang Zhiming.

Meanwhile, the humans around them were completely dumbfounded.

In their eyes, the once indomitable Boss Lang was now being gently caressed by a cube person, kneeling obediently and motionless on the ground, seemingly in utter contentment.

Lin Ke'er's eyes sparkled with excitement. She remembered reading in her textbooks that during the Earth Era, humans were the apex species, with a profession known as beast tamers who specialized in subduing wild beasts. That art had been lost for ages, and yet here was Immortal, subduing Boss Lang in mere moments.

"Immortal, you're incredible!" Lin Ke'er exclaimed with enthusiasm.

Yang Zhiming watched her animated demeanor and couldn't help but feel amused. Clearly, this person from the future hadn't experienced much of the world—didn't even know how to pet a dog, it seemed.

His friendly facade vanished as he commanded in a stern voice, "Tell me your name, or I'll stop."

True to his word, Yang Zhiming's hand movements slowed.

Beneath him, Wolf Girl snapped out of her trance, her eyes beseeching as she looked up at Yang Zhiming. "My name is Bai Lang. Please, don't stop—faster, go faster..."

Pleased, Yang Zhiming nodded and quickened his pace, saying, "Alright, from now on, you'll be known as Bai."

Gold Tooth and his crew were utterly baffled by the scene. They had come for vengeance, yet there was their boss, being stroked like someone's pet and renamed Bai?

One of the henchmen, his face twisted in discomfort, suggested, "Brother Gold Tooth, maybe we should back off. This metal man is no pushover."

Gold Tooth's lips quivered, his face a portrait of frustration. Reluctantly, he nodded in agreement, seeing Bai Lang's look of contentment.

Yang Zhiming, however, had no intention of letting them off the hook. They were prime free labor, and he saw no reason not to put them to work.

"Bai, go tell your underlings to do some tasks for this Immortal," he instructed.

As his hand ceased its motion, Bai Lang snapped to attention, a longing glance at Yang Zhiming's hand revealing her newfound utter devotion and dependency on him.

"What are you running for? Come here and listen to the Immortal. From this day forth, what the Immortal says, I say!" Bai Lang commanded.

The henchmen, including Gold Tooth, scurried over, ready to heed Yang Zhiming's directives.

Then, Yang Zhiming brought Lin Ke'er forward and announced, "This Immortal plans to open a roast chicken restaurant. Roast chicken is a delicacy from the Earth Era. You will all follow Lin Ke'er's commands and work for my restaurant. Understood?"

"Immortal..." Lin Ke'er murmured, shrinking back slightly. Deep down, she was still genuinely frightened of these menacing thugs.

Yang Zhiming noticed Lin Ke'er's discomfort and reassured her, "Don't worry. Starting tomorrow, you'll be in charge of them, and together you'll make money."

Lin Ke'er locked eyes with Yang Zhiming's encouraging look, feeling a surge of strength and courage. She couldn't pinpoint when exactly Immortal had become a pillar of faith in her heart. Following Immortal to pay off her father's debts and then to live a good life was Lin Ke'er's foremost goal.

The underlings, realizing they were about to work hard labor under the command of a young woman, were visibly displeased. However, a stern glance from Bai Lang quickly subdued their discontent.

Seizing the moment, Yang Zhiming explained the shop opening procedures he had written earlier that day. Once everyone understood their roles, he dismissed them, instructing them to reconvene here at eight the next morning.

Bai Lang seemed particularly loath to part ways. Her long legs brushed against Yang Zhiming unintentionally, and her pleading eyes looked up at him, as if begging for shelter, sending a wave of heat through him.

"Damn," he thought, "even as a metal man, I'm not immune to temptation. Bai's allure is just too strong."

As a metal man, Yang Zhiming didn't require rest, but human habits still lulled him into sleep.

The first rays of morning sunlight kissed Yang Zhiming's face, and as he opened his eyes to the unfamiliar sunlight, he murmured with conviction, "Father, in this life, I will never let poverty bring me to my knees again. Here, I begin my new life!"

At eight in the morning, Yang Zhiming stood in the Lin family courtyard, Bai Lang by his side, with her followers arrayed before them. Lin Ke'er was already bustling about, getting things ready for the shop.

The Lin family courtyard was now home to the first roast chicken restaurant on Mars.

Yang Zhiming surveyed the scene – numerous chickens had been purchased, and several new earthen roasting ovens had been constructed. The team had done a commendable job mimicking the design.

Impressed by their efficiency, Yang Zhiming nodded in approval. He had anticipated at least a three-day wait before opening, but to his surprise, they were ready to go today.

He affectionately stroked Bai Lang's head, and she responded with a flirtatious glance. In that moment, Yang Zhiming felt the exciting onset of his new beginning.

This content is from Gugu Reading.

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