Martian Mogul/C8 A Skyhigh Price
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Martian Mogul/C8 A Skyhigh Price
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C8 A Skyhigh Price

Gold Tooth was taken aback for a moment, struggling to contain his craving as he pressed the young man further, "Stop staring; it won't make it yours. Are you going to come clean now, or do we need to rough you up first?"

Gold Tooth's lackey, always eager to throw his weight around, stood menacingly by his side, "The boss is talking to you. Spit it out!"

The young man had no desire to get entangled with them and reluctantly began to explain, "I'm not here to cause trouble; I just want to buy your roast chicken."

Gold Tooth brandished his steel rod, "Do you really think I'd believe you just like that? I recall the first person in line wasn't you. There's a whole crowd waiting outside. Why are they all patiently out there while you barged in?"

Gold Tooth's henchman chimed in, "Boss has a sharp memory. This guy doesn't look like he's up to any good. Let's just give him a beating."

Even the mightiest dragon fears the local serpent, and the young man, having come in alone without backup, was now facing a group of burly men.

With no other option, he conceded, "Everyone outside is curious about what's going on in here, so I volunteered to come in and check."

Just as Yang Zhiming finished taking out the roast chicken and placed it on the table, he noticed the confrontation. With a sigh, he intervened, pulling Gold Tooth aside and offering an apology to the young man, "You're all guests here, but today is our grand opening, and we didn't prepare enough food, making you wait outside for so long."

Gold Tooth, never one to easily suppress his ire, was incensed to see Yang Zhiming siding with a stranger, "It seems my efforts have been in vain, taken for granted. If it weren't for Bai Lang's orders, I'd leave this instant."

Having just pacified the guests, Yang Zhiming now faced internal strife. He took Gold Tooth aside and counseled, "A moment of patience can calm the storm, and a step back can open up a whole new world. Besides, there's bound to be skepticism outside about whether our roast chicken is truly a legendary dish. Inevitably, someone will come to investigate. We shouldn't turn away from potential profit, right?"

Gold Tooth, though still not entirely convinced, refrained from bringing up the subject of leaving after hearing what was said.

Yang Zhiming led the young man to the table where the roast chicken was displayed. "If you're curious, feel free to take a closer look here," he suggested.

He then expertly carved an entire roast chicken, arranging the pieces on a plate. To finish, he generously seasoned the chicken with his carefully prepared spices and presented it to the man.

Upon noticing the young man's arrival in the courtyard, Yang Zhiming grew concerned for Lin Ke'er's safety. He instructed Gold Tooth to keep an eye on the newcomer and stepped out of the Lin family courtyard.

Lin Ke'er, overwhelmed with guilt at the sight of her revered Mr. Yang, lamented, "Mr. Yang, it's all my fault. I couldn't stop him from entering."

Catching sight of the frail girl before him, her eyes brimming with distress, Yang Zhiming found himself unable to utter a word of reproach. "It's not your fault. I simply didn't anticipate the overwhelming demand for the roast chicken. Why don't you go inside and rest for a bit?"

After ushering the girl inside, he addressed the crowd gathered at the entrance, "I understand everyone's curiosity about the roast chicken, but unfortunately, I've run out of ingredients for today. I'd appreciate it if you could sign up here, and then you can return at your convenience to collect your order."

The crowd had been lingering not solely for a glimpse of the owner. The same man who had just consoled Lin Ke'er challenged, "You claim this roast chicken is a culinary treasure from ancient times, yet we haven't caught even a glimpse of it. Are we supposed to leave empty-handed? Besides, that young lady is clearly too gentle to lie. You may look presentable, but who knows what you're like behind closed doors?"

Yang Zhiming, having committed to the roast chicken venture and boldly promoted it as an ancient delicacy, was somewhat prepared for the current situation.

He stepped forward and declared, "I, Yang Zhiming, stand by my name and reputation. I intend to continue my business here and would never dream of deceiving you. If you come back with your receipt and find that you've been duped, I am willing to face the consequences right here and now, without any grievances."

With these words, Yang Zhiming quelled the murmurs of the crowd, and they dispersed from the Lin family courtyard.

Upon entering the Lin family courtyard, the young man was immediately enticed by the aroma of roast chicken. Now, up close, the sight of the succulent roast chicken was too much for him to resist.

He reached for the chopsticks next to him, eager to taste the chicken.

Gold Tooth, who had been eyeing him, snatched the chopsticks and claimed the piece of chicken the young man was about to enjoy.

Pushing the plate aside, Gold Tooth remarked, "Mr. Yang just mentioned you could take a closer look. What, you think you can actually have a taste? Forget it, that's not happening."

Disappointed, the young man pressed his lips together, then turned to Gold Tooth and pleaded, "Look, I'm not here to make trouble. The chicken looks so delectable, I just want to try it. Name your price."

Gold Tooth, noting the man's fine attire and his casual attitude toward money, surmised he must be wealthy. Irritated by Mr. Yang's earlier intervention, a vindictive thought sparked within him. "Well, since you insist, I won't hold back."

He held up a finger and declared, "One price: one thousand Mars Coins for the roast chicken. Pay up, and it's all yours."

A thousand Mars Coins was no trifling sum, far more than what ordinary gourmet food would cost.

Considering that a standard nutrient solution sold for a mere ten Mars Coins, Gold Tooth's exorbitant price for the roast chicken was meant to deter the man.

Gold Tooth watched eagerly, hoping to see a look of discomfort cross the man's face.

In the seconds before he received a response, Gold Tooth had already rehearsed the taunts he would unleash.

But the man didn't react as expected. He promptly extended his terminal, ready to make the transfer to Gold Tooth.

While Gold Tooth regretted missing out on seeing the man flustered, the prospect of actually getting paid by this easy mark brought him joy.

Just then, Yang Zhiming, having dispersed the onlookers, stepped into the courtyard.

He overheard Gold Tooth quoting an exorbitant price and stepped forward to intervene, "Sir, my clerk was only teasing you. Why did you take it to heart?"

After speaking, he shot Gold Tooth a warning glance, signaling for his cooperation.

Realizing that the one thousand Mars Coins were slipping through his fingers, Gold Tooth clenched his teeth and begrudgingly admitted, "Right, I was just joking. I'm not familiar with the pricing. You should discuss it with the boss."

With that, Gold Tooth turned and walked away, his henchman in tow. "Big brother, don't get worked up. Relax your jaw before you break a tooth."

In a hushed tone, Gold Tooth snapped, "Be quiet. What do you know? We're talking about a thousand Mars Coins here!"

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