Martian Mogul/C9 Troublesome Couple
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Martian Mogul/C9 Troublesome Couple
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C9 Troublesome Couple

Yang Zhiming guided the young man to the table, offering him a taste of the roast chicken.

The young man eagerly bit into the roast chicken he had longed for, its succulence and tenderness flooding his senses. He marveled at the existence of such a culinary delight in the world.

He wondered if the ancient delicacy of legend was real after all, and if the young girl at the entrance had been truthful. He considered that his hasty intrusion might have been quite impolite.

Yet, the chance to savor such delectable roast chicken, even after taking a punch from someone named Gold Tooth, seemed worth it.

The young man inquired if he could have another taste, and Yang Zhiming generously consented, "Fate has brought us together, and as my first customer, I'm happy to share this roast chicken with you."

Internally, Yang Zhiming mused, "If you spread the word about my chicken after enjoying it, then you've earned your meal."

The young man felt a surge of gratitude towards Yang Zhiming for his understanding nature.

Noticing Lin Ke'er by Yang Zhiming's side, he remembered how he had troubled the sweet girl at the door, and guilt washed over him. "I'm sorry, young lady. I acted rashly earlier and shouldn't have questioned you. I offer my apologies and hope for your forgiveness."

Lin Ke'er, who had merely been passing by and had already been consoled by Yang Zhiming, felt her grievances dissolve. She blushed at the man's apology.

Leaning on Yang Zhiming, she replied softly, "It's okay. Mr. Yang mentioned you're a guest, and you meant no harm. Since you've apologized to me, let's put this behind us. But I'd appreciate it if you could also apologize to Mr. Yang. He's my boss, and he was telling the truth."

The young man nodded in agreement, "Mr. Yang, I was mistaken earlier, mistaking you for one of those online fraudsters exploiting the allure of ancient cuisine. I spoke out of turn without thinking. Though you didn't hear my harsh words, I still said them. I stand by my actions and offer you my sincere apology now."

Yang Zhiming dismissed the concerns with a wave of his hand, indicating that these were trivial matters that he didn't dwell on.

With a tender gaze, Yang Zhiming addressed Lin Ke'er, "Ke'er, from now on, don't suffer on my account. Look after yourself first; you're what matters most."

Lin Ke'er had come to see Yang Zhiming as her sole redemption after he had defended and protected her. Moreover, she recognized that all his current actions were for her benefit.

If it weren't for Mr. Yang's efforts to help her pay off her debts, he wouldn't have needed to start a roast chicken restaurant and invite all this trouble.

She nodded in agreement, yet inwardly she vowed to continue safeguarding Mr. Yang from harm if the situation ever arose again. Her own well-being couldn't possibly be more important than his.

Aware that Lin Ke'er's presence made discussing business inappropriate, Yang Zhiming suggested, "You've had a long day. I need to speak with my guest, so why don't you head to your room to rest? Have something to eat; it'll help you settle."

Lin Ke'er, reassured by the young man's newfound appreciation for the culinary delights, similar to Gold Tooth and others, departed with peace of mind.

Yang Zhiming then addressed the young man, "The one who demanded a thousand Mars Coins earlier is a recent addition to my crew. He's a bit wild and must have mistaken you for a threat when he saw you rush in. Please accept my apologies."

The young man, knowing he was initially at fault and for whom a thousand Mars Coins was a mere trifle, quickly responded, "The mistake was mine. There's no need for further explanation, Mr. Yang. By the way, I have a colleague with me—a girl. May she join us to experience this humble fare? I assure you she won't make any trouble."

Yang Zhiming had no reason to decline and went to the entrance to welcome her.

Once the onlookers at the doorway had dispersed, only a flamboyantly dressed woman remained.

To call her a girl seemed a stretch; her eyes may have appeared innocent, but her revealing attire and heavy makeup suggested otherwise.

Cautiously, Yang Zhiming invited her, "Miss, would you like to come inside?"

To his surprise, the woman snapped back, "Who are you calling 'Miss'? Judging by appearances, are we?"

Yang Zhiming couldn't believe that after three thousand years, the term "miss" still carried a derogatory connotation. He hastened to clarify, "I truly didn't mean any offense. I wasn't aware that 'miss' was an inappropriate term. Young lady, would you like to come inside for a bite to eat? Your companion sent me out to escort you in."

The young woman huffed, grudgingly accepting his apology. "At least he has a conscience. I've been waiting out here for ages, thinking he'd forgotten about me."

Yang Zhiming had no desire to delve into their personal drama. He reassured the young man inside the courtyard, "Of course not, I can tell he's quite concerned about you. Let's not keep him anxious; we should head in."

With that, he guided the girl into the courtyard.

The young man, if he could be considered a typical guy, had been sitting on a stool, devouring over half of a roast chicken by himself. Upon their arrival, he rose to greet them, "Here, I saved you half of this ancient roast chicken."

The girl, clearly upset, exclaimed, "Half? Is there even half left? You're just making things up. Is it really that tasty? You not only left me outside but also ate most of the roast chicken."

The young man quickly justified his actions, claiming he was simply too hungry and that Yang Zhiming's roast chicken was indeed exceptional. He then offered a small piece of the remaining chicken to the girl with his chopsticks. Despite her sour mood, she awkwardly accepted and opened her mouth.

Yang Zhiming watched nervously from the sidelines, dreading that their argument might escalate within the Lin family courtyard. His goal was to run a successful business and draw in customers, not to become a hub for bickering couples. Seeing them on the verge of making up, he breathed a sigh of relief.

He found himself missing Lin Ke'er, who had just left, thinking that girls should be as sweet and agreeable as she was.

Just as Yang Zhiming was about to explain the best way to enjoy the roast chicken, the girl burst out angrily, "If this roast chicken is so delicious, why didn't you invite me in sooner? Now I'm only getting to taste it. You clearly don't love me anymore."

The young man persisted in his explanation, "I swear it wasn't intentional. You can ask Mr. Yang; I specifically requested that he go out to meet you. Doesn't that show how sincere I am?"

Caught off guard by the mention of his name, Yang Zhiming couldn't help but feel helpless. Who, after all, would willingly entangle themselves in a couple's dispute?

But for the sake of business, he had no choice.

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