Master Appraiser/C21 The Escape from the Encirclement
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Master Appraiser/C21 The Escape from the Encirclement
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C21 The Escape from the Encirclement

Tucked away in a thicket, Yuh Wenming spotted two individuals ahead of him.

They were engaged in conversation, seemingly about to light the cigarettes they held.

Yuh Wenming quietly assessed them, lowering his voice to see if they had any other tricks up their sleeve.

"I need to get in touch with the staff, otherwise who knows how much counterfeit merchandise they'll produce inside."

He silently retrieved his phone, but before he could make a call, the reflection from his screen caught one of their faces.

On reflex, the man glanced at the bush and immediately locked eyes with Yuh Wenming crouched within.

Startled, they exchanged a look of alarm. "There's someone in the bushes."

With weapon in hand, they charged forward, intent on dragging out the hidden intruder.

But Yuh Wenming was well-versed in combat, no match for the likes of them.

He seized one by the arm, flinging him to the ground with a forceful kick to the temple.

The man collapsed, unconscious before he could react, while the other realized just how outmatched he was.

Retreating, he grabbed the walkie-talkie at his waist, trying to signal the others in the farmhouse to come out quickly.

They had never anticipated an encounter like this, charging toward Yuh Wenming's location.

With no one else nearby, Yuh Wenming called the staff, relaying his position.

He didn't hang up; instead, he dropped the phone to the ground and took off after them.

As they bore down on him, Yuh Wenming swiftly backed away.

He had thought he could slip away from the farmhouse with ease, but to his surprise, a swarm of underlings blocked the entrance.

Reaching the doorway, he saw them surge forward, eager to apprehend him.

Yet Yuh Wenming was ready. With an agile flip, he landed a punch square on one's face, sending him sprawling.

The punch was so sudden, the man couldn't resist, and he slumped to the ground.

The ease with which Yuh Wenming dispatched his opponent made it clear he was a trained fighter, and taking him on alone was futile.

A crowd converged, all with the same objective: to take down Yuh Wenming.

"Get him! We can't let him get away. Whatever we've discussed, he's heard it all. We have to capture him."

The command reverberated through the crowd, signaling the moment to prove their worth had arrived.

Brandishing their machetes, they charged toward Yuh Wenming, eager to eliminate him swiftly.

The staff on the phone overheard the menacing commotion outside. It was clear to them that trouble had struck once more.

"Charge! I refuse to believe that a dozen of us can't take down one man."

With the entrance blocked, Yuh Wenming's only option was to escape through a window. No other escape route was available.

A grave robber emerged from the farmhouse, clutching a parcel.

The parcel contained bronze artifacts they had unearthed. If these artifacts ended up in the workers' hands, the robbers would be rendered obsolete.

Yuh Wenming now faced the challenge of retrieving the package, with his associates surely not allowing him any freedom to act.

The boss, noticing only one person at the door, raised his hand in disbelief. "Don't you see? There's just one guy up there."

Realizing there was only one person inside, he bellowed, "What are you all afraid of? Get moving!"

They had assumed a crowd was outside, but the sight of so many people took them by surprise, their eyes widening in shock.

Unprepared for the multitude of adversaries, they surged toward Yuh Wenming.

Thankfully, Yuh Wenming's combat skills were solid; without them, he would have stood no chance against the onslaught.

"Ha! Bring on more, I don't believe any of you can match me. I'll take you all down."

If not for Yuh Wenming's inherent kindness, he would have already reached out to the staff outside for help.

His hands moved deftly, keeping all opponents at bay, unable to get near him.

The boss, recognizing Yuh Wenming's formidable strength, inhaled deeply and remarked, "Such power, I've never witnessed before."

With a clap of his hands, his henchmen intercepted, sealing the door to prevent Yuh Wenming's escape.

"You've got potential. Why not consider joining us?"

Yuh Wenming hadn't anticipated his skills garnering admiration; a slight curve touched the corners of his lips.

"You really want me to join you? Did you even bother to check my background? What if I'm a staff member? Catching you would be no trouble at all."

The boss's brow furrowed at the casual mention of 'staff member' by Yuh Wenming, and he began to suspect that Yuh Wenming might actually be one of their own.

Puzzled by Yuh Wenming's words, he inhaled deeply before responding, "I trust you. You're the only one who spotted the traces on the Golden Jade Robe."

That very piece of armor had been purchased by Yuh Wenming. The small merchant surely knew what kind of man Yuh Wenming was.

Their line of work was straightforward; they could spot their own kind in an instant.

Seeing that they had recognized him, Yuh Wenming spoke up, "I bought your item because I believed it to be a treasure."

The Golden Jade Robe was only truly valuable once complete; otherwise, it was worthless. They needed to scrutinize it carefully to avoid any mishaps.

Yuh Wenming moved forward, stepping in front of them, looking for a chance to slip away.

The boss noticed Yuh Wenming's attempt to leave and stepped back, a faint smile playing on his lips.

He pulled a needle from his pocket, took aim at the back of Yuh Wenming's head, and squeezed the trigger.

The anesthetic from the needle struck Yuh Wenming's neck. He collapsed, his body convulsing as his eyes shut.

Through his haze, he could barely make out several figures approaching with more anesthetic needles.

"This guy is tough to take down. We're pretty skilled, and yet he floored us without a peep."

"Bring him inside, tie him up with hemp rope, and make sure he doesn't escape. We can't afford any slip-ups."

With a slight nod, someone dashed inside, eager to avoid any complications.

Yuh Wenming was dragged in by his limbs, his potential injuries disregarded.

Lacking any strength, his body continued to slump.

The small merchant gave Yuh Wenming's face a pat, confirming his unconscious state. "Good, when he comes to, we'll find out exactly who he is."

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