Master Appraiser/C7 The Reason Why She Liked It
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Master Appraiser/C7 The Reason Why She Liked It
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C7 The Reason Why She Liked It

"The ring from Qianlong's era, I think we can skip the bidding. It's surely worth more than your jade bottle."

Jiaang Han's face showed a flicker of change; he hadn't anticipated Yuh Wenming's luck in securing such a gem.

He extended his hand, presenting it to Jiaang Han: "Elder Yuen and the Fifth Master are witnesses here. Look... Shouldn't we settle our wager?"

As Yuh Wenming requested the twenty thousand yuan, Jiaang Han's complexion turned a steely shade of green. He reluctantly pulled out a wad of cash from his pocket and handed it over to Yuh Wenming.

"I'm not the petty sort. Hold onto this tightly, and don't let it get stolen, alright?"

Jiaang Han's emphasis on the word 'stolen' was thick with menace, as though he was plotting to reclaim the money at the first chance.

The Fifth Master, the undisputed leader of this territory, wasn't about to be intimidated by Jiaang Han's threats. He scoffed, "I'd like to see someone try."

Jiaang Han, who had never picked sides before, was visibly shaken as he turned to the Fifth Master, struggling to believe that the Fifth Master would show such loyalty.

"Fifth Master, you must believe me. It's just this kid's dumb luck. There's no way he could have beaten me otherwise."

The small jade ring, coated in wax, had eluded even the experts. They had no choice but to chalk up his victory to sheer chance.

The Fifth Master, upon hearing Jiaang Han's persistent protests, crossed his arms and gestured with his chin towards Yuh Wenming, "Explain to us, why did you choose this particular jade ring?"

Every choice has its logic, and the Fifth Master was clearly offering Yuh Wenming an out.

By now, Yuh Wenming could say anything; there was no need to fret over convincing them.

Jiaang Han was about to interject, but the Fifth Master silenced him with a look. He didn't dare to make another peep.

They needed Yuh Wenming's explanation to give Jiaang Han a chance. If he still hadn't learned to value it, he couldn't blame the Fifth Master for his ruthlessness.

Casually accepting the ring, now free of its yellow wax, Yuh Wenming couldn't help but smile, "I spotted the wax layer on the jade ring from the start, but I never imagined it belonged to Qianlong himself."

From the outset, the Jade Ring was deemed sufficient to outdo Jiaang Han, eliminating the need to disclose its provenance. Yet when the outer layer of yellow wax fell away, it revealed an image of Qianlong's son, which in turn elevated the Jade Ring's value.

Upon hearing that Yuh Wenming had prior knowledge of the wax coating, Jiaang Han's face registered disbelief and dissatisfaction; he refused to accept that Wenming was aware of the wax's presence.

Approaching Jiaang Han, Wenming scrutinized the items on the stall and quickly detected an additional layer of yellow wax. This layer, however, appeared to serve no practical purpose and was only suitable as a teaching aid.

"Observe this artifact," Wenming suggested. "The yellow wax acts as a thermal insulator. In this climate, it takes on a faint white hue."

Elder Yuen squinted at the object in Wenming's hands, uncertain if Wenming had stumbled upon yet another gem.

Without a word, Wenming passed the item to Jiaang Han, urging, "Feel it for yourself. The texture is quite distinct."

Jiaang Han ran his fingers over it, then nodded slightly. "It has a roughness to it, akin to touching an uneven candle."

He handed the artifact back, prompting Jiaang Han to examine the residue on his fingers, which would indicate whether the yellow wax concealed anything.

The item they were examining was likely a silver hairpin encased in yellow wax, but poor preservation had led to oxidation and rust at the tip.

With a resigned shake of his head, Wenming set the item back on the stall. "Perhaps this piece could fetch a handsome sum if properly conserved."

Fifth Lord remained silent, but his gaze shifted, revealing a fondness for Wenming. He saw potential in him, a promising talent.

Jiaang Han's approach, on the other hand, was often unpalatable to many. It seemed that a few hard knocks in the outside world might do him some good.

Admiring the Jade Ring, Fifth Lord declared, "Let's keep this Jade Ring with me for now. Whatever price it fetches will be yours."

Since Wenming had selected the item, Fifth Lord didn't feel right claiming the entire profit from the Jade Ring's sale. Opting for consignment, he aimed to secure the best possible price.

Upon learning that the Fifth Master was considering selling the Jade Ring, Elder Yuen quickly approached and suggested, "If you're thinking of auctioning it off, why not give a family member a good deal instead?"

Having inherited someone else's memories, he harbored no ill feelings toward Elder Yuen. With a light smile, he offered, "Haha, if Elder Yuen likes the piece, please, take it."

The absence of any discussion about money struck them as odd, leading them to suspect that Yuh Wenming must be in need of their assistance.

The Fifth Master glanced at Jiaang Han and asked, "Do you have any further questions? We're all here. Once you're satisfied, you're free to go."

Jiaang Han had been searching for an opening, but with none in sight, he resigned himself to defeat. "Alas, I admit I'm no match for him. The fault in this competition lies with me."

His gaze was drawn reflexively to the Jade Ring in Elder Yuen's hand, a piece he found quite appealing, and he wasn't the only one.

With a serene smile, he paid no mind to Jiaang Han.

Backed by the Fifth Master and supported by Elder Yuen, Jiaang Han knew he had to carefully assess his own strength before making a move.

"Here's my offer: I won't let you lose out. I'll have your Jade Ring professionally appraised later. Whatever price they quote, I'll top it by one hundred thousand yuan."

Yuh Wenming was already content with the twenty thousand yuan he had received from Jiaang Han.

Besides, the Jade Ring was a prize from the competition, acquired without any initial investment—it was like getting something for nothing.

"Haha, I was thinking of giving you twenty yuan for your trinket, so please, don't hesitate to accept."

The vendor lamented his lack of discernment, having mistaken a Qianlong-era Jade Ring for a mere trifle.

Had it not been singled out, the ring might have remained concealed, eventually passing into the hands of another.

He waved his hand dismissively, "I leave it in your hands, Professor."

Without providing a definitive answer, his intention was clear: he wanted them to handle their affairs promptly and efficiently.

Perhaps because of the item's value, the Fifth Master rose to join Elder Yuen in the appraisal, eager to discover the true worth of the Jade Ring.

Yuh Wenming watched them depart and had no intention of lingering in the marketplace. He decided to head back ahead of them.

Upon his return to the school, he immediately noticed Qiao Siya and Hu Yanyong stationed at the school's entrance, as if they had been awaiting his arrival. Leaning against the school's perimeter wall, their unfocused gazes caught Yuh Wenming's attention.

Their positioning made it clear they had intercepted the school's main thoroughfare. To re-enter the school, one would inevitably have to pass by them.

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