Master Appraiser/C8 The Change in His Mentality
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Master Appraiser/C8 The Change in His Mentality
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C8 The Change in His Mentality

Striding purposefully toward the school, Yuh Wenming found his way abruptly blocked by Qiao Siya and Hu Yanyong.

"Hold on, who said you could pass? Are we invisible to you?" they challenged.

Yuh Wenming ignored them, continuing on as if he hadn't heard a word. His encounters with Fifth Master and Elder Yuen had shifted his perspective. With Wenn Zheming's memories now fully occupying his mind, he saw no reason to fear the pair.

Qiao Siya watched Yuh Wenming's indifferent gaze with a mix of curiosity and confusion, unable to fathom the source of his newfound confidence. Previously, any encounter with them would have been met with anything but indifference.

"Old Hu, look at that expression he's daring to show us. Maybe it's time we put him in his place," Qiao Siya suggested, a malicious glint in her eye.

Hu Yanyong, sensing Qiao Siya's malevolent mood, chuckled heartily. "Haha, let's see how he reacts now."

They confronted Yuh Wenming, scrutinizing his attire. "Look at these clothes of yours. I bet not a single piece cost more than ten yuan."

Yuh Wenming met their gaze with a cool detachment, choosing neither to argue nor to engage with them, and made his way to the cafeteria alone.

His stomach growled, reminding him of his hunger after spending so much time admiring treasures in the market. He was eager to refuel in the canteen.

Yuh Wenming relied on the aroma of the food to tell when meals were ready, as he didn't own a watch. His cell phone, an old model so outdated it was practically a relic, had rarely ever been seen by his classmates.

But Qiao Siya, persistent in her mischief, followed Yuh Wenming with Hu Yanyong in tow, curious to see where he was headed.

The two exchanged a glance and quickened their pace, falling in step behind Yuh Wenming. "Looks like the cafeteria is your only option," they taunted.

Qiao Siya, perhaps intentionally, had ordered some tantalizing fried skewers from outside, aiming to tempt Yuh Wenming. He, however, seemed oblivious to the provocation, focusing solely on selecting his meal in the cafeteria.

When it comes to affordability, the school cafeteria is unbeatable, and the flavors are top-notch.

He dropped thirty cents for his meal, picked out two dishes from the standard meat selection, and settled into a seat.

Before him lay a full plate of food, while Qiao Siya and Hu Yanyong put on their spiteful little show.

Their meals were separate, likely fast food ordered from outside the school.

"See that? Some folks are stuck eating cafeteria grub, while we get to enjoy this," she sneered, aiming to provoke Yuh Wenming.

But Yuh Wenming ignored her, rising calmly with his tray and approaching the cafeteria worker.

Given the lull after mealtime, the worker was unoccupied.

Pointing to the pair with their takeout, he remarked, "I know it's not my place, but if they're eating outside food here and something goes wrong, it could fall back on you."

The cafeteria worker, heeding Yuh Wenming's caution, promptly sought out the manager to address the issue with the two diners.

Yuh Wenming left his tray in the designated area for easy collection and walked out alone, the sound of voices trailing behind him.

Qiao Siya and Hu Yanyong were hastily packing up their takeout, nodding in agreement to the manager.

They wouldn't dare cross the school staff.

Others might have stood by, relishing the spectacle, but Yuh Wenming headed towards the classroom.

There's nothing like a good meal and a rest to feel at ease.

Little did Yuh Wenming know, his intervention had irked Qiao Siya and Hu Yanyong, and the cafeteria manager wasn't one to step in lightly.

His proactive approach meant only one thing: someone must have lodged a complaint with the office.

"Yuh Wenming, just wait until I catch you—you'll regret it," they muttered.

To them, eating a boxed lunch outside was a matter of status, and their pride led them to discard their meals in the trash can.

Meanwhile, Yuh Wenming had made his way to the side of the school building, where he heard the sounds of someone crying. Both he and Wenn Zheming were known for their compassion; they couldn't just walk away from someone in need.

Following the cries, Yuh Wenming spotted a figure seated on the stairs, her face buried in her knees, her body shaking with sobs. Clearly, she was in distress.

Since she hadn't looked up, Yuh Wenming hesitated to approach, unsure of the girl's identity. He checked his pockets, only to find he didn't even have a tissue to offer. Approaching seemed pointless.

The nearest supermarket was a good four or five hundred meters away. Yuh Wenming initially thought to stay out of it, but his kind nature won over, and he found himself heading towards the store.

With twenty thousand yuan on his card and enough loose change to spare, he wasn't worried about funds. Besides, Elder Yuen and the Fifth Lord were off appraising the Jade Ring, confident it would fetch enough to buy a villa with a private courtyard. Still, Yuh Wenming was frugal by habit, not one to spend carelessly.

The supermarket owner was surprised to see Yuh Wenming, known for his thriftiness, enter the store. Without a word, Yuh Wenming grabbed a pack of tissues, left a dollar on the counter, and walked out.

As he left, the staff remained puzzled, watching him go and murmuring, "The sun must be rising in the west today."

Returning to the staircase, Yuh Wenming found the girl still there. Regardless of who she was, he felt compelled to offer assistance. He approached, placed the tissues before her, and softly said, "Here, take these tissues."

His voice was detached, betraying no sign of familiarity.

He casually took the paper, noticing a slight smudge on his makeup.

Despite the alteration in her appearance, Yuh Wenming still recognized her: "Xu Jing? What are you doing here?"

Xu Jing had thought someone was simply handing her a paper, never expecting to see Yuh Wenming. She nodded in acknowledgment.

"Yeah, you're probably finding this funny, aren't you? Even you're mocking me. I wonder who else is left to help me."

As he finished speaking, a synthetic metallic voice echoed in Yuh Wenming's ears, drawing his attention.

"Mission alert: Please assist Xu Jing in overcoming her difficulties."

He muttered to himself, "Difficulties? It looks like she's genuinely in trouble."

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