Master ChuMa/C41 Red
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Master ChuMa/C41 Red
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C41 Red

"What do you mean?" I asked my aunt.

At this moment, my grandaunt was smiling at me in a rather charming manner. The street lamp caused her eyelashes to cast a shadow, drawing her eyelashes very long, making her look very seductive.

"Nothing, let's go back."

At this time, after Aunt said these words, I carried my Wenzhou Drum with me as I walked in front of me and went home together with Aunt.

After entering the house, Hu Liangyu and Mystic Three were waiting for us in the living room. I don't know what happened to my aunt, she suddenly changed her mind and helped me settle the problem with Fu Hao at the library. After saying a few words on the way back, my face immediately changed.

I am now my aunt's, Di Ma, and it's not that I don't like making intimate gestures with my aunt, it's just that I did not do anything intimate with her just now. She only made me kiss her once, is there a need for me to go through all this with myself? I didn't want to go to my grandma's room and apologize to her. That night, I was worried that my grandma wouldn't be able to tolerate me because of this, so I became more honest the next morning. Knowing what my grandma liked to eat, I decided to go to the supermarket and buy some food for my grandma.

For the sake of our future life, our good revolutionary friendship still needs to be maintained, but it's really strange. My aunt has been good to me for a while, and she has been bad to me for a while.

Of course, my thoughts are too narcissistic. I'm not in RMB, I don't have money, and I'm not handsome either. How could I make a beautiful fox fairy like me?

When I went out of the supermarket with my bags full of stuff, I saw a bunch of people surrounding the supermarket. I recognized one of these people, and one of them was my aunt, Fu Hao's mother.

To be honest, I don't have a good impression of this aunt. I don't even have a good impression of her, because my title of jinx makes all my relatives especially afraid of me, and they don't even want to look at me.

However, even though I didn't want to meet with my aunt and the others, just as I was about to go out the other door of the supermarket, my aunt saw me and immediately rushed into the supermarket with a few people behind them. She scolded me: "It's all because of you that killed my son, you killed my son, you killed my son! I'm going to send you to the police station and spend the rest of your life there! "

After saying that, the few people behind her immediately pressed me against the wall and sent a few fists towards my face. I didn't even have the time to react before a mouthful of bright red blood was spat out from my mouth.

Who did I offend so early in the morning? Seeing my aunt crying so hard and calling out Fu Hao's name nonstop, I covered my head and asked my aunt, Fu Hao, what's wrong?

"What's wrong? "Let me ask you, did you see Hao last night? I saw him calling you on his cell phone, and now the police are looking for you everywhere. They are trying to catch you and send you a message, and you, the murderer, are the one who pushed my Hao down the stairs, causing her to fall to her death!"

How could I possibly want to kill Fu Hao? But when I thought about this question, I finally realised that my aunt said that Fu Hao was dead?

How was this possible? Last night, when I came out of the library, Fu Hao was still fine, but it was also at this time that I thought back to what Fu Hao had told me when we came out last night.

Last night, I thought that Fu Hao was just saying these words out of anger and didn't take it to heart, but what I didn't expect was, Fu Hao really jumped off the building!

How could that be possible? Even if his aunt had mocked him last night, it would not have caused him to jump off the building! Ever since I met her alone that time, I felt that Fu Hao was a little strange. Yesterday, he said that he was playing on the river, but when I was doing it, other than the few of us who did it, there was basically no one else by the river. When did Fu Hao see me?

Even though I felt that there was something wrong with Fu Hao, but the most important thing is that Fu Hao had already jumped off a building and died, so I asked my aunt: "Where did he jump?"

"Didn't you push my son down? Don't you know where you jumped? You jinx, my entire family has been destroyed by you. " After my aunt had finished speaking, she looked at me with eyes full of hatred, told the people she had brought with her to hit me, but at this moment the supermarket security arrived, stopped them from attacking me, and then sent me to the police station to make a statement.

As Fu Hao jumped out of the building at school, and I was an outsider, I needed to register when I went in and out. There was time and there were also recordings, so I had already ruled out him as the culprit, allowing me to come out after making my statement. However, when I came out, a police officer just happened to enter the building with a few washed photos in his hand. I looked at the photo, and saw that it was of a male corpse lying on the ground with his face towards the sky. That face was Fu Hao's face, but when Fu Hao died, he was actually wearing a bright red dress.

I recall last night, when I met Fu Hao, he was wearing jeans, a white shirt, and a man's red skirt.

An uneasy feeling immediately spread out in my heart. I felt that Fu Hao might not have been humiliated by his grandaunt to jump off a building, there must be something fishy going on here.

He wanted to take a closer look at the picture, but the policeman had already gone in.

When we were leaving the police station, my aunt and the others didn't go and take care of matters for Fu Hao, but had always been following behind me like ghosts, cursing me to die. I had killed their son, and after I finally got a taxi, I bypassed them and prepared to return home, wanting to tell my aunt and Hu Liangyu about this matter.

This time, I was beaten up even worse than the last time by my cousin's men. If Fu Hao had not died, I really would have ridiculed the mother and son pair, to the point that they came to beat me up. Originally, I felt a little guilty towards Fu Hao, but after getting beaten up like this, I didn't feel anything at all.

When I arrived at my building and went into the elevator, I pressed down on the number of floors in my house. I was still thinking about my injuries and about how I had to go back shamelessly, so I struggled to wipe the dust off my body. At that moment, I felt that the elevator was falling towards the basement of the garage.

I pressed the button for the 16th floor, how could it be an underground garage? Just as I raised my head to look at the number I pressed on the elevator, a bright red long skirt suddenly appeared on the top of the elevator.

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