Master ChuMa/C43 Amorphophallus koraiensis schneid
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Master ChuMa/C43 Amorphophallus koraiensis schneid
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C43 Amorphophallus koraiensis schneid

"Are you looking for me? What's the matter?" "Don't you mind finding a young great deity to take care of things? What if I screw you over?"

The man was so emotional that I almost hugged him and asked him questions. I was a little jealous.

However, this grandma's reaction was as fast as lightning. What a joke! The Hu Clan was the branch of the five clans led by Xian'Er that was the most adept at evasion techniques.

If it weren't for the fact that some of the spells and spells were not good enough to be revealed to outsiders, if her aunt wanted to tease someone, they wouldn't even be able to touch half of her fox fur!

"It doesn't matter. As long as it's that great deity, it's fine. It can't be deceived. It definitely can't be deceived."

He had medium to short hair, with an unadorned bangs. His thin jacket and shirt were very simple, but the way he talked and the oily look on his face proved that this man was not an ordinary middle-aged uncle.

However, this person's eyes weren't that big. He stared at me like a weasel, and he wasn't the real Huang Family that we might meet in the future, so calling him a gangster was more appropriate.

In short, he looked like a middle-class family, but his words and actions carried a trace of vulgarity.

"Just be careful, this man is not telling the truth."

At this moment, Hu Liangyu was lying in my arms. She gently shook his fox ears, allowing me to enjoy the gentleness and gentleness of this kind of traditional and dignified woman.

I was just wondering if I was a little masochistic, knowing that my aunt's temper was still a little more violent, but that sense of arrogance still couldn't get away from me. It was really despicable.

"If there's anything you need, just talk it out with him. We're just here as assistants."

The grandaunt coldly curled her lips. There was even a bit of jealousy in her small eyes. This really was a set of iron chains!

We men and women are here talking about love, and leaving that slightly balding uncle by the side to blow the wind is really a bit unkind. At the very least, it would be better to let people know when they die.

However, this is still my first time saying it like this. She, who only reveals her feelings after being comforted and apologized to me, is unexpectedly honest at this moment.

This contrast not only made me pleasantly surprised, but it also made me, who had a keen sense of smell since I was young, sense that something was amiss.

"There must be something strange going on. Say it, if you don't behave a little bit more and look at this photo, I'm sure you'll end up in a worse state than him. This is my cousin after all."

As the saying goes, if one strikes first, one strikes first; if one strikes later, one will suffer. I am still thinking about how to deal with the awkward relationship between these fox beauties.

Furthermore, Fu Hao, this unlucky star, had caused such trouble. No matter what he did, he had to find me and cause trouble for me by doing it as an evil spirit.

"Even though we are called great deities all day long, how do you all think about it? Isn't it just like being in a mirror?"

This scare doesn't matter, the other party immediately laid down on the floor, almost causing me to kowtow to him. To be honest, this person might not be honest, but it really annoyed me a little, and's incident also made me uneasy.

[Oh my god. It was only a spell formation that fooled me. If the main body had come, I wouldn't have been able to explain myself on the spot. When I looked at the photo, I could see a trace of unease in the eyes of the police.

This was probably not the first time they had encountered such a case. They could easily deduce that the last time such a case occurred, the following personnel would definitely not end up well. In the end, the ones who came to clean up the mess were the people's police.

"Great deity, great lord!" You are my biological ancestor, I really can't accept that. I was hoping you would come and save our family. " The uncle's name was Zheng Lei, and when he spoke, it was with a glib tone, as if he was a different person from his initial impression of a part-time job.

I could vaguely hear something similar to silver needles landing on the ground, but it seemed to be an even bigger object, as though there was a shadow wrapped around this person's body.

However, this was most likely not the usual state where deities possessed bodies. It was somewhat similar to a temporary upper body, and it was also in the state where one had only half a sense of the body. It was most likely used in special situations.

Di Ma wouldn't use this method anyways. This sort of common sense was something his aunt would rub her shoulders and hear when she was in a good mood, she didn't think that it would become useful so quickly.

"How about I find you instead? This is how our woman left recently. She's lost face everywhere. If this child were to wear such bright clothes, then it would be fine. How could an old woman be so late for festivals …"

Seeing that the man was still blabbering on, I didn't bother to continue greeting him and immediately stood up from the table. With a serious expression, I turned my hands behind my back and looked at him.

"Stop, stop stop stop, stop. If I hear you continue to stir up trouble like this, I will delay your matters for you."

"How about this, you don't need to show me the photo. I'll be the one looking at the red dress, and I'll take you to your house to take a look. But first I have to say, if you try to hide anything, I can't guarantee that I'll do well."

At this time, the uncle also nodded his head like a drum. He almost revealed the color of his underwear, and only looked at me with a gaze and hint. Naturally, the aunt was also aware of the oddity within Zheng Lei's body.

Not only did this person have problems with his family, he also has an unknown immortal family on him. He doesn't even know which path he came from. If I were to casually make this promise, it would bring me a lot of trouble!

"Di Ma, this is not a job that I hired, there will be a few neutral random missions starting now, but none of them have been assigned to by the order flags, it can be considered as the first private job that you can receive, the reward might not be small."

"It's just that, this sort of thing is more likely to happen."

A dark red ball of air mischievously swirled around my head, causing me to feel dizzy and dizzy.

Why do I hate it? Ugh, you are also a close relative, eat the offerings and melon fruits and don't forget to remind me!

"Mm, you handled it pretty well this time. I can still see the weirdness in the way he's hiding, but the one who's coming is the guy I hate the most."

Seeing that the situation was more or less settled, my grandma started to whisper to me.

This kind of intimate action was extremely hard to enjoy, but one could see how much he hated the mysterious deities on Zheng Lei's body.

Fortunately, Zheng Lei's home was not too far away, and happened to be in a nearby small villa area. On the surface, it looked like a human and a dog.

Looks like this Zheng Family is also of the same moral character as Zheng Lei. They don't have much ability, are quite impressive, and have yet to speak a single word of truth.

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