Master ChuMa/C48 Sparse shadow mountain
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Master ChuMa/C48 Sparse shadow mountain
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C48 Sparse shadow mountain

Zheng Lei lowered his head and looked at us, sighing. He knew in his heart that if he did not speak honestly, we would not let him off easily, and if we failed to do so, that person might not even let him off.

Not only did he steal King's hemianopia's limelight, he even stole his business road. Because of some things, he was initially only willing to take action because he wanted to increase the reward, but you actually did it for free. "

Hearing this, I was truly speechless. I helped someone to vanquish demons and exterminate devils, doing good and virtuous deeds. I actually provoked such a figure and even wanted to put him to death.

"Who exactly is this King's hemianopia?"

If the problem comes out, I don't really expect this Zheng Lei to tell me the truth. He looked as if he knew, so I tugged at her, hoping she'd say something.

She frowned, as if she didn't want to talk about this person. But this guy wants my life, so she didn't try to hide it anymore.

"Hmph," the aunt had a look of disdain on her face, "He's just an evil person, he's trained in all kinds of evil arts, making himself a person that can't be a demon or a demon, but his evil techniques are also not ordinary."

It seemed that this time it wouldn't be easy to solve the problem, but I knew in my heart that even if I didn't go find him, he would definitely think of another way to deal with me. Escaping isn't the way to solve the problem.

"Hey!" I shouted at Zheng Lei, "Do you know where he is?"

Zheng Lei's eyes flashed, as though he was considering whether or not he should say it.

"You don't want to go to him, do you?" Hu Liangyu looked at me in surprise.

"That's right, can it be that if I hide from him, he will let me go? Rather than living a life of fear and trepidation, it would be better to just directly take care of him. "

Huang Yueshan looked at me, and snorted: "Should I say, you are an expert with great courage, or are you just like a newborn calf that isn't afraid of a tiger?"

"Mo Cheng's words are reasonable," the grandaunt looked at me with a smile, "It's not a man's thing to just avoid him, what's wrong with going to meet that guy?"

Since his great-aunt had already said so, the others no longer had any objections. I looked at Zheng Lei and asked in a serious voice: "Hey, do you know where he is?"

"This ~" Zheng Lei still hesitated, "I can tell you where he is, but you definitely can't tell me."

"You must come with us!" Huang Yueshan suddenly opened her mouth with an unquestionable expression on her face, "You used an evil technique to turn your mother into a Yin Sha, causing her to be unable to reincarnate, do you want her to become a ghost forever? Even if you can still control her now, there will be a day when she will lose control. When the time comes, you will not be the only one to die. "

"We'll talk about it in the future. In any case, I won't go with you guys. If I betray him, he won't let me go." Zheng Lei raised his voice and shouted.

"Then we'll destroy your evil mother right now!" Huang Yueshan said in a stern voice.

"Whatever, I'm not going anyway."

After Zheng Lei finished speaking, he turned around and wanted to escape, but was stopped by Hu Liangyu, "You want to be an unfilial son, we don't want to be villains."

Even though he hates me and treats me very badly, he's still my cousin. So I went close to my grandaunt's ear and whispered, "Is there still hope for those who have been turned into evil spirits?"

"Logically speaking, there is no way to be saved, but listening to Huang Yueshan's words, she should have a way."

I walked in front of Zheng Lei and pointed to the surroundings: "All of them are immortals, the only one that Huang Yueshan can barely be considered to be his family is also on our side," Look at the situation, do you have any chance of resisting? We'll be living at your house today. Bring us to that guy tomorrow. "

According to Zheng Lei's instructions, that King's hemianopia brought his demon monster to live on a lone mountain in the south. When he said the name of that mountain — — Sparse Shadow Mountain, I finally understood, that mountain was the one I heard my grandfather talk about when I was young. It was said that no one who entered that mountain ever came out alive, because there were many man-eating demons in the mountain. From the looks of it, it was not a demon eating a human. It was probably a human eating a human.

We all planned a bit, even studied the tactics, and prepared to set off early the next morning.

"Oh right, did you bring the mountain whip s?"

It was only after Hu Liangyu asked this that I remembered that I only came here to take a look first. I didn't have any intention of fighting, so I didn't bring anything.

I looked at Hu Liangyu and shook my head with an embarrassed smile.

"I'll get it." Hu Xiaohong volunteered and left.

I remembered that the Yukun's fan had won many magic treasures, and quickly shouted in the direction that Hu Xiaohong had left, "Don't forget to take the Yukun's fan, if there's anything else!"

But at this moment, Hu Xiaohong was already far away, and I'm not sure if she heard me or not, but I secretly looked at my aunt, only to see her with a calm expression.

In order to prevent Zheng Lei from escaping, we tied him up with a rope, and set up a barrier around the place we were staying, so that the Little Demons in this place wouldn't disturb us. Because there might be a great battle tomorrow, the troubles in the Zheng Lei family would be resolved later.

I was about to tell my aunt to rest, but she suddenly stood up, as if she were thinking about something.

"What's wrong?" I asked as I approached her.

"Tomorrow, we won't be looking for that King's hemianopia for a while, maybe we can go look for him first."


Seeing the meaningful smile on her face, I couldn't help but feel that the 'him' that she was referring to must have an extraordinary relationship with her. Suddenly, jealousy welled up in my heart.

"An interesting fellow. I just don't know if he's still on that mountain."

"Sis, you can't be talking about that guy, right? With his personality, he was still in the mood to stay in the mountain? "Did you go somewhere else early?" Hu Liangyu spoke of him with a look of disdain.

"Who are you guys talking about?" I couldn't help but ask.

Hu Liangyu continuously shook his head and sighed. I could only cast my gaze towards Huang Yueshan, hoping that she would be able to tell me if she knew.

Huang Yueshan looked at my expectant eyes and coldly snorted, "The previous master of the Sparse Shadow Mountain that they spoke of was called White Emperor."

"His surname is Bai?" "Could it be …" I was about to voice out my thoughts, when I heard Hu Liangyu's voice.

That's right, he's from the Bai Family, one of the Four Major Clans. That fellow called White Emperor, wasn't he the young master of his clan? Hu Liangyu looked at me, "He has a weird personality, I don't want to get into contact with him."

"However," the grandma looked at me and chuckled, "Maybe he has a way to save Little Wu."

"Really?" I looked at my aunt with excitement.

Seeing me so agitated, my grandaunt's expression suddenly changed. I was afraid that she was jealous again. I quickly put on a smiling face. The grandaunt gave me a sidelong glance and explained, "The Bai Clan has a special technique that is specifically used to dispel the evil curse. It might be effective against the poison curse on Xiao Wu's body."

"Alright, let's go look for him tomorrow."

Thus, everyone decided to rest.

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