Master ChuMa/C54 Ghost king's cemetery
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Master ChuMa/C54 Ghost king's cemetery
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C54 Ghost king's cemetery

When Hu Xiaohong was full, I told her more or less about what happened at Yi Hua High.

Two new deities have been added to the hall. I got two new deities' seats and gave them incense before respectfully bowing to everyone. Seeing the population continue to increase, I started to consider taking on some private jobs to earn some money. Otherwise, it would be quite difficult to raise so many deities.

At night, everyone returned to their respective divine seats to rest. Only my aunt, a fox, was lying on my bed as I sat alone on the sofa to wait for news from Hu Xiaohong.

Until midnight when Hu Xiaohong still hasn't returned. I started to worry as I paced back and forth in the living room, wondering if I should go to that school to find Hu Xiaohong now.

Just as I was thinking about that, a red light flew in and Hu Xiaohong transformed into her human form. I saw that there was blood at the corner of her mouth and she had a painful expression on her face while holding her right shoulder with one hand.

I rushed forward to hug Hu Xiaohong. "What's wrong with you?"

"Ghost King ~"

After saying that, Hu Xiaohong fainted. What if the deities were injured? I've never been in a situation like this. I picked up Hu Xiaohong and placed him on the sofa before going in to wake up my aunt and tell her about Hu Xiaohong's situation.

Aunt came out and looked, "Go and call White Emperor over."

Receiving my aunt's instructions, I hurriedly went to the front of the divine seat to invite White Emperor out. After he appeared, White Emperor looked at me with dissatisfaction.

"It's the middle of the night. What's so important that you have to call me out?"

"Hu Xiaohong is injured."

White Emperor only had a hard mouth but soft heart. When he heard that Hu Xiaohong was injured, he immediately rushed out.

"How could this be?" The White Emperor said as he cast spells to help Hu Xiaohong recover from her injuries.

Hu Xiaohong's injuries were temporarily stable, and she had regained consciousness.

"Your injuries are not ordinary. Who caused it?" White Emperor looked at Hu Xiaohong and asked.

"Ghost King, that school's newly developed teaching building offended the Ghost King's tomb. I investigated and found out about it and accidentally broke into the Ghost King's territory, causing a conflict with him." Hu Xiaohong rested for a while, before continuing, "The principal had concealed something, all the workers who were involved in the construction of the school building were all dead, and the people who were originally involved in the design of the school building started to lose their lives one by one."

"Ghost King has a violent temperament. Whoever offends him will not have a good ending." The grandaunt coldly said.

The White Emperor frowned, "I remember that this Ghost King was initially suppressed by one of the Hu Family's Attendant Disciple s using a Rainbow Scale Sword. It should be unable to leave its tomb, so why would it come out to kill people?"

Her aunt seemed to have thought of this too, and hurriedly asked Hu Xiaohong, "Did you see that Rainbow Scale Sword?"

Hu Xiaohong shook her head.

"Oh no, if the Rainbow Scale Sword's remaining power completely disappears, it can go even further." The grandma had a worried expression.

I suddenly thought of the missing students. If the Ghost King wanted to absorb the yang energy, wouldn't those students be in danger? " Did you see any students at the Ghost King's place? "

Hu Xiaohong still shook her head.

Could it be that the students were already dead? It seemed like this matter wouldn't be easy to resolve.

"AHH!" It was Hu Xiaohong moaning in pain.

I looked at White Emperor and asked, "Can you treat Hu Xiaohong's injuries?"

"Since you were injured by the Spirit King, you naturally won't be able to recover so easily." White Emperor looked at me disdainfully, as if he was looking down on my shallow insight.

I didn't care about being looked down upon, "Then how can I cure Hu Xiaohong's injury?"

"Maybe that Rainbow Scale Sword can do it." The granny said as she looked at Hu Xiaohong, "You're injured, go back and rest. When we find the Rainbow Scale Sword, we will call you out."

Hu Xiaohong nodded and hid himself. For a moment, the atmosphere in the room became extremely oppressive, I couldn't help but want to beat up the principal, if not for him hiding the death of the teaching building's workers, Hu Xiaohong would not have barged in.

"Let's go and take a look tomorrow." As she spoke, she turned around and returned to her room.

White Emperor also returned to his Divine Throne, but I couldn't fall asleep. Hu Xiaohong was heavily injured, and this time, the opponent was the Spirit King.

I wandered around the living room all night by myself. Early the next morning, I went to school with my immortals. Since the Ghost King would not come out during the day, there was nothing to see about the new, run-down teaching building.

When the principal saw me, he immediately smiled and said, "Dagang, you've come."

I angrily looked at him. "Why did you hide the deaths of the workers?"

"I don't know how to hide this from great deities, but those people died in a very strange way, as if they were all sucked dry. So, they all wanted to report this case, and one of them was afraid that it would affect the reputation of the school. After all, so many people had died, so they came here in fear.

"What about the bodies?" The grandaunt asked with an ice-cold voice.

"I temporarily buried the body behind the teaching building."

"By the way …" I approached the principal and stared at him. "Did you see that Rainbow Scale Sword?"

"Rainbow Scale Sword?" The principal looked at me blankly.

"It was a sword," I said, not explaining. "It should have been stuck in the place where you built the teaching building."

"Did you see this? The workers who dug up the soil got it, right?"

"What about the workers?"

The principal smiled wryly, "Don't you already know? The dead ones. "

"Can you get in touch with their family?" The aunt sat in her chair, squinting at the headmaster.

"You mustn't contact them," the principal quickly refused. "If you contact their family, you can't hide anything."

"You're still trying to hide it even now. Forget it, let's go home."

When the principal heard me say that he didn't care about it anymore, he quickly pulled me along and begged, "Please don't leave."

"I think it's better if we don't go out in the open for now. If these bereaved families come to the school and cause a ruckus, our affairs won't be too good to handle." Hu Liangyu propped his chin with one hand, pretending to think, "But if there's no Rainbow Scale Sword, then there's no way to deal with the Spirit King."

"The Spirit King?" When the principal heard these two words, his face turned ashen.

"Yes," Hu Liangyu slowly approached the principal, and used a sinister tone to speak. "That sword was used to suppress the Spirit King, without it, the Ghost King would have come out to kill people. You guys took the initiative to build the school building on his grave, other than the workers who died, there were others who died, right?" Without waiting for the principal to reply, Hu Liangyu continued, "All those who participated in the construction of this school building had to die, who will be the next?"

Suddenly, he crawled up to me and grabbed my sleeves and shouted, "Great deity, you have to save me. I said it myself, I made people dig out that sword, I have already sold it." He stood up. "I'll go and get it right away."

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