Master of the Devil Domain/C12 Five Elements Techniques
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Master of the Devil Domain/C12 Five Elements Techniques
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C12 Five Elements Techniques

"Hmph, no matter what, I have to destroy that Leng Yu Hall!" Meng Chou made up his mind.

"Alright, let's not talk about the matter of the Leng Yu Hall. Head, how do you feel about it? How much do you know about the Five Elements Arts in the Thousand Revolution Valley?" Du yuer asked curiously.

The Meng Chou gave a faint smile and said humbly: "I don't know much about this. I've swallowed a Xiao Cai from the Fire Worm Hall, a Zhou Wei from the Glazed Golden Hall and a Lin Dong from the Ghost Valley and Earth Hall. Right now, I know a bit more about the laws of fire, gold, and earth!

Du yuer looked at Meng Chou with his mouth agape. He felt that even after the Meng Chou received the three types of arts, he still looked shy, and couldn't help but roll his eyes and say: "You only opened your mouth three times, and already took the three devils Xiao Cai, Zhou Wei, and the Lin Dong for decades of cultivation, are you still not satisfied? Great Master, just be content with what you have, don't be too greedy! "

"Hehe, the more the merrier. If we can devour the Cold Jade Hall, the benefits we will receive far surpasses the combined benefits we will get from Xiao Mu, Zhou Wei, and the Lin Dong!" The Meng Chou looked forward to it.

"Oh, that drilling vehicle was really fun. Boss, can you drive it for a bit?" The Du yuer said.

After the Meng Chou obtained the Lin Dong's memories, of course she knew how to drive the carriage. Leng Yutang and the others had probably left them thousands of miles away. They nodded and said, "Of course you can, but you need to use less in the future. After all, this is the only place in Qianji Valley. If you are discovered, there will be more troubles!"

Meng Chou and Du yuer landed on the ground, took out their rigs and jumped in with Du yuer. To drive a truck, one had to possess an earth attribute law technique. The Meng Chou followed the memories of the Lin Dong and slowly drove the carriage. The drill bit spun, its four wheels flying as it moved forward. The drills went in a horizontal straight line, not uphill or downhill,

As for the mountain, in front of them, there was a large mountain. The Du yuer anxiously grabbed onto Meng Chou's arm and said: "Be careful when you drive, there's no trouble while you're drilling, and we'll be buried alive!"

"I'm here. Don't worry, I won't die!" The Meng Chou said indifferently.

After the truck entered the mountain, the surrounding scenery changed. It was now filled with soil, and this was completely within the mountain. The drill bit in front emitted a yellow light, and a long tunnel appeared in front of the truck. The tunnel was deep and dark, wet and damp.

"Wow, this is too fun! Teach Yu-er to open it, okay?" Du Yuyang pleaded.

Meng Chou's face changed as he said with a bitter face: Let you open it? We'll talk about it when we get out of the mountain and prepare the coffin! "


After drilling for a quarter of an hour, they finally emerged from the great mountain. The sky was shining brightly, and the light emitted from the drill bit in front of them had dispersed. Du yuer turned around and saw that the mountain was still safe and sound, how could there be a tunnel? He could not help but marvel at the wonders of the Qian Ji Valley's drilling rigs.

"Boss, you must teach Yu'er how to drive a truck! Okay? If you don't die, then Yu'er will die for you to see! "

"Then go to hell!"

"You …"

"It's fine to teach you, but wait for me to think of a quick solution!"

"What quick method?"

"If you also have the ability to devour memories, and then devour a Thousand Revolution Valley Ghost Valley Earth Hall disciple, you'll be able to drill a carriage!"

"Then how can I have that ability?"

"Allow me to think …"

After a long while, the Meng Chou said uncertainly, "Maybe you can drink my blood!"

"Boss, you …"

"Drink it!" Meng Chou said in a deep voice. With that, the ball of spirit blood floated towards the Du yuer under the control of the Meng Chou. Du yuer frowned. Looking at the pool of blood, she bit her lips and turned her back to Meng Chou. Meng Chou was startled, but after that he understood that it was difficult for Du yuer to face him, and did not want him to see him drink the blood.

Meng Chou controlled the ball of spirit blood to float in front of his mouth. He opened his mouth wide and slowly sucked the spirit blood. Not long after, Du yuer finished sucking in all the blood essence, and slowly wiped the corner of her lips. Then, she slowly turned around and bit her lips as she looked at Meng Chou with a complicated expression.

Meng Chou could not help but ask: "How do you feel? Do you have the ability to devour memories? "

Du yuer looked at Meng Chou coquettishly. "How can you be so fast? He hadn't even refined it yet! Moreover, whether or not it has the ability to devour memories will be known after a test! "

Meng Chou smiled awkwardly, and said: "I was anxious, then you should refine it first!"

"Yes!" The Du yuer replied softly as he brushed off the dust on the carriage with his hand and sat down cross-legged. Meng Chou also sat down cross-legged. Just a moment ago, he had taken out a ball of blood essence, but now he felt dizzy and dizzy.

Not long after, the Meng Chou woke up first, and the blood essence of Xiao Cai, Zhou Wei, and the Lin Dong was completely refined. He saw that Du yuer was still sitting cross-legged to refine the blood essence. He stared blankly at Du yuer's face that was as smooth as water for a while. Then, as if he thought of something, he jumped out of the truck and entered the mud on top of it. The moment he jumped out, he remembered that Du yuer would wake up and find out that he was not worried.

The Meng Chou was digging about in the ground, and now he was free to move about in the ground, it was no different from walking on the ground, he only needed to use some mana. Not only was it able to freely travel through the soil, it was also able to control the soil within five steps. If he continued to practice, ten steps, twenty steps, it was possible. When he reached mastery, it was possible that he would be able to build an underground cave with the power of a devil.

With a thought from the Meng Chou, a path automatically opened up in front of him, forming a tunnel that was only three metres long. Meng Chou formed a hand sign with his hands and started moving. On the walls on both sides of the pathway, dirt started to appear and pierce into the walls on the opposite side. Under the control of the Meng Chou, the Earth Root was retracted and extended, it was extremely nimble.

The Meng Chou nodded his head in satisfaction, he stepped forward, and passed through the earth spikes. In front of him were five steps, and when the Meng Chou stepped onto the stairs, with the first step, there was an additional step, and where he went, the earth spikes disappeared, and the stairs dissipated, allowing the ground to return to its original state.

Meng Chou appeared from the ground and stretched his body in satisfaction. Meng Chou touched his chin as he thought about how to hunt another Thousand Revolution Valley disciple to test it out. Since Mister has already killed three of the Thousand Revolution Valley's disciples, I'm afraid that they have already grouped together and will not easily fall for the trap. Moreover, without the Du yuer's Demon Bell, killing those disciples alone would not be easy.

Meng Chou paced back and forth. After thinking for a long time, he still could not come up with an foolproof plan. There was no way around it. He thought of the purple gold and the little ape. If they were both here, they would usually kill the enemy. If they went deeper and captured the enemy alive, it would be rather difficult.

Meng Chou sat on the floor, supporting his chin with his hand, a light flashed in his eyes. He didn't think of a plan to deal with the enemy. In his boredom, he took out the small sized magicite cannons and played with them in his hands. While playing with the magicite cannons, he still released his magicrystal and paid attention to his surroundings.

Meng Chou took out a magic crystal and threw it into the magic crystal cannon. He then fired at a magic beast that was walking leisurely and suddenly, a ball of light flashed and rushed towards the forest porcupine. Meng Chou saw the forest porcupine open its eyes wide in fear, but before the forest porcupine could dodge, it was drowned in the white light.

The place had lost the figure of the jungle porcupine, and there was a huge crater on the ground. Meng Chou was very satisfied, he raised his magicite cannons and fired in all four directions, only to see balls after balls of light shooting in all four directions. The extremely strong firepower continued to strike at the surrounding trees and soil, causing continuous sounds of explosions, causing the Meng Chou to churn, jump, and move about, making various movements, the magicite cannons in his hands did not stop, and as the magicite cannons moved about, they had to fire a total of 78 cannons, and only then did the middle-grade magicite cores start to be used up.

The magicite cannons were quite powerful, but they burned quite a bit of money. A mid-tier magicite cannonball could be used up in a matter of a few dozen shots. The magicite cannons were mini cannons. If it was those magicite cannons guarding the city, wouldn't it be burning money?

Meng Chou looked at the Magical Crystal Cannon in his hand as he played with it. If this cannon was given to the little ape, with its defensive capabilities and magic crystal cannon, wouldn't the little ape be able to protect itself with a moving firepower? While thinking, Meng Chou and the little ape came out from the Heaven's Destruction world and handed the Magic Crystal Cannon to the little ape. The little ape saw the cannon and was extremely excited. Meng Chou had once demonstrated this cannon's power in the Heaven's Destruction world, and the cannon's power had shocked the little ape and Zi Jin for a long time.

The little ape took out a mid-grade magic crystal and put it into the magic crystal cannon. Then, it smiled sinisterly and pointed the cannon at Meng Chou. Meng Chou's face suddenly stiffened, his scalp went numb. If he was to be hit by the cannons, even if he didn't die, he would at least lose a layer of skin.

Seeing the sinister smile on the little ape's face, Worry's face sank as he stared at the little ape with a frightened face.

The little ape scratched its head and chuckled. Then, it pointed the magicite cannonball towards it. Bang –

Earth and rocks flew everywhere, and the ground trembled.

The little ape fondled the Magic Crystal Cannon in a loving manner.

A demonic consciousness came from the ground, the Meng Chou knew that he had woken up. He then brought his hands together, and a hole appeared on the ground, with a few steps leading down. The little ape stared blankly. It ran to the front of the cave and looked down, but it only saw a few stairs. In front of it was still clogged up with earth and rocks.

Meng Chou looked at the little ape, signaled her to follow him, and then walked down the cave. The little ape happily held onto the Magic Crystal Cannon as it followed behind. It was surprised to see the passageway that appeared automatically.

Not long after, he arrived in front of the truck. Du yuer woke up, looked at him with a smile and asked: "Boss, where did you go?"

"Go up for air!" Initially, he had planned on capturing a Thousand Revolution Valley's Earth Hall Demon and giving it to Du Yu to swallow. But because he didn't think of a plan and didn't wait for the eight Thousand Revolution Valley demons, he returned empty-handed. But it was hard to say it out loud, especially to the truth of the matter to the Du yuer, otherwise he would be severely injured.

The little ape jumped out from behind Meng Chou with the Magic Crystal Cannon in its hand and jumped onto the chariot.

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