Master of Ways of World/C16 Subrealm of Method
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Master of Ways of World/C16 Subrealm of Method
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C16 Subrealm of Method

"So that's how it is! So that's how it was! I understand! So this was the ancient martial arts! No wonder so many people train but do not enter the sect! " Ma Ling'Er nodded in realization. She suddenly understood the problems she faced when she was cultivating ancient martial arts and had a whole new perspective on the ancient martial arts cultivation method. She couldn't wait to go back and practice and see if she could officially enter the ancient martial arts cultivation according to what Zhang Fan had said. After all, there were not only powerful forces that studied ancient martial arts, but also countries that studied ancient martial arts. It didn't matter if those who cultivated ancient martial arts had the power to destroy the universe with a single thought or to destroy the world.

It was not something that could be compared to a cultivation technique. Especially after seeing Zhang Fan execute an ancient martial skill, she felt more confident in that ancient martial skill.

"What is it? It seems like you have a whole new perspective on your family's ancient martial arts cultivation method? " Although Zhang Fan was looking straight ahead, he had been paying attention to the change in Ma Ling'Er's expression and tone. Seeing the sudden change in her expression, he couldn't help but ask excitedly.

"Truth be told! Our family cooperated with the country and organized a set of cultivation techniques from the ruins of an ancient mystery, called the Infinite Demon Slaying Tactic! This cultivation technique contains a pile of Qi Method and a breathing method. I have tried to cultivate it before, but aside from having a strong body and fighting techniques, the other effects are extremely poor. Now that I have heard your explanation, I think I know how to practice it! " After saying that, she thanked Zhang Fan in a deep tone, "Landlord, thank you very much!" "In the future, if there's anything that I can use, under the condition that I don't go against my morals and bottom line, please do not hesitate to instruct me!"

"Hm!" "I will!" Zhang Fan answered in satisfaction when he heard that, then added on, "Demonic Slaughtering Technique. From the sound of it, this name seems to be a martial art! Logically speaking, it should be able to help you cultivate to the great circle of the fleshly body! I wonder if this martial art is complete or not! "

"I don't know about that! At that time, if you have any questions, I wonder if I can ask you for advice! And the martial arts you were talking about? What did that mean? I heard a lot of new nouns in your words! If you don't explain, I can say that I don't understand at all! I beg you to be generous with your advice! " Ma Ling'er couldn't help but ask Zhang Fan when she saw another noun sticking out of his mouth.

"Ancient martial arts are divided into different levels. Starting from the lowest level of physical strengthening martial arts, then upwards are martial arts, martial arts, martial arts, martial arts, and so on!" Each level was further divided into different grades! I don't really understand this right now, so I won't explain it in detail in case I mislead a child! You will understand if you can come into contact with it in the future! " Zhang Fan then explained, "Martial arts were prevalent in ancient times, so the most common cultivation technique was martial arts. It could allow a person to reach the peak of the fleshly body realm, and allow the person to step into the perfect spiritual realm! If he wanted to continue cultivating, then he would have to obtain the inheritance of martial arts techniques and martial arts techniques. As for martial arts techniques and martial arts inheritances, those were unimaginable inheritances. It is said that I have transcended the cycle of life and death.

"So that's how it is! Martial Arts, Martial Arts, Martial Arts! Looks like you have already introduced the basics of ancient martial arts to me! Then, may I be bold to ask, what realm have you cultivated to!? And how does one cultivate his or her mental state? " Hearing this, Ma Ling'Er sighed in admiration. She didn't expect that she would learn about ancient martial arts from Zhang Fan, so she couldn't help but ask. She wanted to take this opportunity to understand the problems that she couldn't solve.

"The ancient martial arts cultivation system is very complicated. I only have a partial understanding of it. After all, other than the ancient martial arts cultivation system, some of the ancient martial arts's mystical stance techniques and breathing techniques are also part of it!" The more powerful your stance and breathing techniques were, the more powerful your achievements would be! Moreover, the Stance Breathing Technique and the Cultivation Technique you originally practiced never conflicted. Some abnormally powerful Stance Breathing Technique and the Breathing Technique can even multiply your cultivation technique by several times, or even dozens of times. Their decay into a miraculous state will cause the might of normal cultivation techniques to abruptly soar, and for a short period of time, they will be promoted to the Martial Arts and above! And my realm? He was only at the great circle of the fleshly body realm! "To me, ancient martial arts have only just begun!" Zhang Fan shook his head as he explained the cultivation method of the spiritual realm, "Using blood essence to strengthen one's spirit, making a breakthrough in life and death, cultivating to the spiritual realm was not difficult, but it was hard, and it was also hard. In the ancient era, there were some gifted geniuses who reached the peak of the spiritual realm before they could wash their marrow and refine their viscera, but during the peak of the fleshly body, their mental realm had already reached a terrifying level! A single glance from him was enough to cause a person at the peak of the fleshly body realm, who was only at the Transcendent Spirit Realm, to not be able to move! Of course, there are even more monstrous existences who could break through to the Empyrean level before the perfection stage of the fleshly body.

"The great circle of the fleshly body realm!" Transcendent, terrifying, and a celestial being! So the ancient martial arts series was so complicated and huge! "It seems like I'm just sitting there looking at the sky!" When Ma Ling'Er heard this, she already had a rough understanding of ancient martial arts cultivation. Hearing this, she couldn't help but exclaim in admiration. However, her heart, which was originally indifferent to ancient martial arts, was once again stirred up.

"The ancient martial arts system is very large and complicated! What I've just told you is not even a tenth of the ancient martial arts system. What I've told you is only my understanding of ancient martial arts! If one day you step into ancient martial arts, then we can exchange information and verify it! It might be beneficial for everyone! " Zhang Fan nodded his head as he heard this. He also had an extreme yearning towards the higher realms of the ancient martial arts.

"This is necessary! "It should not be too late for me to practice ancient martial arts now, right?" Ma Ling'Er remembered that she was a cultivator and was about to condense a Dao pill when she reached the middle stage of the heart. This made her unable to stop herself from asking, because she, who had just met an ancient martial artist, also yearned for an ancient martial arts.

"There should be no problem before the Jindan is formed!" It would be hard to say if he could condense an Aurous Core since these were two different cultivation systems! "I feel that since cultivation has already advanced into the Aurous Core stage, there is no need to change into an ancient martial artist." Zhang Fan shook his head as he said this. At this time, they had already chased him to a underground river.

"That's good!" After all, Zhang Fan was an authoritative professor. Even if he didn't say everything, it was more or less true. Seeing Zhang Fan stop, as she was right behind him, she quickly stopped as well, using her eyes to scan her surroundings.

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