Master of Ways of World/C4 Vibration of All Sides
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Master of Ways of World/C4 Vibration of All Sides
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C4 Vibration of All Sides

The people who had already been sentenced to death appeared once again in front of the world. Whether it was the top officials of the Chinese government or the other martial institutions that received the news first thing in the world, all of them were extremely shocked. One must know that the discovery of the mysterious ancient ruins not only had a far-reaching impact on the entire world, but since that day, the entire human world also became more and more strange.

In these three years that were neither too long nor too short, although China didn't have much of a change on the surface, the government had secretly put in all their effort to pull out all of the elite people, day and night cracking the bone book that was brought back from the ancient ruins. From the bone books he had deciphered, not only did he learn a lot of ancient mysteries, he had also organized some ancient cultivation techniques that were suitable for humans to cultivate through repeated argument and practice. He had also selected a suitable person from the army to practice with, and he had already made some important achievements.

Not only did it take away the lives of all the archaeologists, even the soldiers and laborers who were responsible for cleaning the ruins were not spared. All of them were suddenly struck by a thunderous fury and died within the ancient ruins. This made many people feel a strong interest towards him, although they were not at the scene of the incident, the entire archaeological excavation was being monitored, and every now and then the latest information would be sent out to let them know what was happening in the ancient ruins, and the terrifying change that happened that day, according to the investigation team's analysis, no one would be alive today.

Late at night, South Sky City was still brightly lit. The city was noisy as streams of light shuttled back and forth.

Outside of South Sky City's northeastern suburbs, in a mountain range filled with dense forest, was one of the five biggest military regions in China, the southern military sector's secret army. At this time, in a brightly lit meeting room within the hollowed out mountain, the five highest ranking generals of the Southern Army Region, dressed in green military uniforms, were already sitting in front of a large conference table in the middle of the meeting room. They had various expressions on their faces as they watched the projection screen opposite them.

"This is amazing!" What the hell! This person is Zhang Fan? This brat could actually survive such a great change! "That's impossible, right?" The five high-ranking officers of the southern military region of China looked like they were only forty years old. However, looking at their temples and the faint extraordinary aura they emitted, it was clear that they were not ordinary people. As the screen froze the moment Zhang Fan walked into Lingnan University, he was seated on the extreme right with a square face with short hair, thick eyebrows and a big nose. The tall and sturdy Wu Zhongtian touched his chin with his left hand as he spoke with an astonished expression.

"Hmm, we've investigated that place before. Theoretically, there shouldn't be anyone alive here!" Sitting on the second seat on the left, Yang Ying, who had a sickly complexion and short gray hair, was sitting on the second seat on the left. He tapped the table with his pen, and a bright glint flashed across his greyish eyes.

Do you mean to say that you suspect this Zhang Fan of being a fake?" "Sitting to the left was Wang Sanqian, who had a round face and thin eyebrows, ears, and strong build. He was drinking tea with a large cup. He put down his teacup and looked at the others with a frown.

"Doubts are necessary! Logically speaking, no one should be able to survive in this cursed land! " The second one on the right was the handsome, short-haired man with a cold expression, Shen Wansan. He spoke coldly as he looked away from the screen.

"Since that incident, there have been a lot of weird and evil things happening! The reappearance of someone who had originally thought he had been dead for three years was truly bizarre! Should we capture him and bring him back? " Yang Ying said as he turned his pen in his right hand.

"I've also seen Zhang Fan a few years ago. Other than the fact that his clothes were a bit tattered, the image just now really looked like him!" Wang Sanqian had a look of reminiscence on his face as he spoke.

"There have been a lot of evil beings in the past few years! It could also be a transformation of the monster! " Wu Zhongtian shook his head and looked at the silent Zhang Wushi who was sitting in the middle, "Commander Zhang, do you have any thoughts on this?"

"After the opening of the mysterious ancient ruin, the entire world changed! "Not only are there sects that are said to cultivate immortality, there are also fiendish demons causing trouble!" With his arms folded across his chest, the tall and sturdy Zhang Wushang, who looked completely ordinary, continued, "There's no need for us to capture him for the time being!" Zhang Fan is a member of our army! When we were excavating the ruins, in order to make it easier for him to command the army to excavate, we gave him a rank of major! Since he has appeared, it doesn't matter whether it is him or not. Let's observe for a while first! Call him back when necessary! "

"Hm!" That's right, let's observe for a while and see what his motive is. I believe that many powers will not be able to hold back and make the first move! " Wang Qianqian nodded.

"It would be fine if it was Zhang Fan!" If Yao Xie or someone else wants to achieve a certain goal, it wouldn't be bad for them to let other forces investigate for us first. However, we have to open the Heaven's Eyes twenty-four hours a day to take control of his movements. If necessary, we can save or kill them! " Shen Wanjun added coldly.

"That's right!" When everyone heard this, they nodded their heads and finally settled the matter.

Not long after the appearance of the ancient mystery's ruins, many evil and positive cultivation sects appeared in China, all of them possessing unimaginable strength, trying to disturb China, which had not even been established for a hundred years, trying to make the entire country listen to their orders and take possession of the ancient mystery's treasures. This made the people at that time extremely angry, but they had no other choice, all they could do was to stabilize the sudden emergence of these forces, while searching for the origins of these forces.

According to the investigation conducted by the relevant departments, regardless of whether it was good or bad, there were dozens of them. Some were hidden in the people, some were hidden in the mountains, and some were from the dynasties that had existed in the history of China for thousands of years. This caused the people in power to be shocked, but they were also furious.

Now that the ancient ruins had appeared, these powers were all staring at them like tigers stalking their prey. They had evil intentions in their hearts and wanted to split the benefits among the people. Of course, with the strength of the country at that time, it was impossible to fight against those terrifying factions that had concealed themselves for a thousand years. In the end, they had no choice but to hand over some things.

Of course, what made the higher-ups of China pleased was that not all the cultivation sects and powers cared about their own personal interests and wanted to steal the secret from the ancient ruins. They bravely stood out to protect the national interest and to fight against those forces, ultimately maintaining a delicate balance between both sides.

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