Mastering Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber/C1 Great joy followed by great sorrow
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Mastering Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber/C1 Great joy followed by great sorrow
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C1 Great joy followed by great sorrow

Guo Yi, the top student in N University, could be said to be the hidden crush of many girls in the school. If he were to put all the love letters he had received from primary school together, he didn't even dare to imagine how much it would be. The main thing was, he had a rich dad, a super funny mom, plus he had a good temper, a handsome face, and a tall figure. But he still didn't have a girlfriend.

His biggest wish was to have an obedient son with his favorite girl and live a life similar to that of his parents.

"Yizi, hurry up. Otherwise, you'll be late. She'll be very angry, and the consequences will be very serious for you." Guo Yi's roommate and good friend, as well as his best friend, Huang Min Da, was rushing him to change clothes. Today was a big day for Guo Yi, because today was her birthday.

"Understood, Rice Yellow. I won't be late." Dressed in famous casual clothes, he had the same hairstyle and handsome face as before. He was definitely a female killer.

"Student, please don't call me Rice Yellow. I said X + 1 time, you can call me Min Min or Da Ge. Otherwise, I refuse to attend today's meeting. " Rice Yellow said in a serious tone.

Guo Yi made a vomiting expression and walked out: "Didn't you like Xiao Xiao? I might not be able to help you today."

"Sigh, look, Guo Yi is so handsome today!" A girl beside the road said to her friend.

"No, no, man, don't you see I'm joking? Hehe, who are we? Aren't you the one chasing me? Aren't you the one chasing me? " The rice was anxious.

"Sigh!" I was wondering why he didn't have a girlfriend, it's the original PL, I'm so sad. " the girl cried.

Guo Yi and Rice Yellow looked at each other.

"Yi Zi, you've been here for four years, but I've never seen you wearing anything like this before. When are you going to let me wear it? Give me a little girl." "Heh heh." A smirk appeared on Rice Cracker's face.

"Sure." Guo Yi casually replied, as he was very nervous right now.

"Yi Zi, I just don't understand why a girl like you wouldn't be easily taken care of. Why do you like Deng Sini? " The rice was very puzzled.

"Sh-don't you realize that although there are many beauties in the school, she is the most similar to me? He is so quiet, graceful, and … "Hey, why would I tell you this?"

"You've been poisoned."

"That's right. I've been poisoned for ten years. Whether or not I can cure the poison depends on what happens today."

Yu Long Garden was not just a garden, but a place for the wealthy to stay. Right now, Guo Yi and the rest were headed there.

"Ah, Yu Long Garden, motherf * cker, so many houses. Hey, Yi Zi, is your family beautiful?" Rice yellow stared at the house that looked like a painting of a courtyard, its eyes twinkling.

Guo Yi laughed and ignored the still sleepwalking Rice Huang as he walked towards the building in the center.

"Hey, Guo Yi, Rice Yellow, you're here. Come quickly." As soon as he entered, a cute girl waved at him.

"Hey, Xiao Xiao, why are you here? Why aren't you accompanying Sini?" Guo Yi walked towards the girl.

"She's changing. You dressed so well today, oh! It's time to confess. I support you. You have to work hard, those who are chasing Sini can form even stronger companies. " Xiao Xiao, Guo Yi's good friend from a young age, was like a brother and sister. They basically did not have any secrets. Anthracene? "Rice yellow, what are you doing?"

Ah, the weather is so sunny, so sunny!" "AHH!" "Ahh!

"What is this?" Xiao Xiao was very unhappy.

"Hello, Uncle Deng." Guo Yi greeted Deng Sini's father.

"Little Yi, you came really fast, haha." "Come, come, come." Father Deng waved his hands towards Guo Yi, beckoning him over, and said in a low voice: "Yi Zi, if you want to get along with Sini, I have no objections, but she is the treasure of us two, she agreed, hehe." Father Deng and the rows of Guo Yi's shoulders moved.

"Yi Zi, what did Uncle Deng say to you? Look, a lot of people have come today, and there seems to be a lot of people who are interested in Sini. The yellow rice approached Guo Yi and giggled.

"It should be mine, it will be mine in the end." Guo Yi smiled and found a seat to sit on.

After a while, a young girl slowly walked down the stairs. She had a faint smile on her angelic face, a graceful figure, and a black dress. "Thank you for coming."

"Sini." Guo Yi moaned softly with a smile on his face.

"Hey, what gift have you prepared? Quickly send it over. Have you heard that it's better to make the first move?" Look, those, those, which one of them didn't follow Sini? " Rice yellow pointed at the young people giving them gifts, "If there isn't one, I have one here." Yellow rice pointed at himself.

"No, thanks." Guo Yi smiled as he stood up and walked towards Deng Sini, "Happy birthday!"

"Thank you!" Sini habitually received the gift, "Anthracene? "Not walking away again? How annoying." Sini was extremely disgusted with them because they were all very annoyed.

"Is there something else …" "Hah!" She swallowed the one behind her. In front of her was a pretty, smiling face. Happy Birthday! " Guo Yi smiled and turned back to his seat.

"It's him." Sini smiled as she put the small piece of cloth that Guo Yi had given him into her pocket.

"Hey, didn't you say you were going to confess? Why are you back? " The yellow rice pulled at Guo Yi and asked.

"I gave it to her." He smiled and took a sip of water.

"You gave her, what did you give her?" Xiao Xiao was very curious.

"My love."

In Sini's room, there was a painting in her hand. There, a boy gave a big bunch of white roses to a girl. Sini's face reddened, and a smile came from the bottom of her heart: "This idiot, ten years have you still not spoken, do you really need me to? However, you are indeed compatible with me, and you are also the only one. "

"Damn, Guo Yi, you want me to go deeper than you, right? What's going on?" Rice yellow grabbed Guo Yi's neck and roared. Just then, Sini walked towards them.

"Do you still remember March 13, nine years ago?" "I remember." "That's good." Sini smiled and left.

"What, what does she mean?" Xiao Xiao rubbed her head.

"She agreed." Guo Yi said with a profound smile.

On the second day, Guo Yi woke up early and finished washing up. He headed to the Heart's Heart Restaurant happily.

Nine years ago, on the thirteenth of March, Sini's eleventh birthday, she had said that he had grown up. If she were to bring up that day again, she would have had to confess her feelings to him in the Heart Restaurant and she would vaguely tell him that she really liked being with him. However, that day was too young and she did not take it seriously.

Now, Sini had naturally agreed to it.

At the window seat of Heart's Restaurant, Sini was in a daze while holding onto her chin with both of her hands, with a sweet smile on her face.

To be honest, there really aren't many people who come to Lovesick Flower Shop. It's just sending flowers, why are you thinking so much about it. But now, a customer has come.

"Boss, pack 999 white roses for me." Guo Yi was surprised. He returned to his car and waited.

"What do we do, boss? Are we surrounded?" A group of surrounded robbers were running in circles.

"Take the hostage and run away in that car." The leader of the robbers pointed to a large truck.

"Seriously, they're still not here even at this late hour." Sini held her mouth in a depressed and extremely cute expression that was rarely seen.

Just at this time, a white car slowly stopped, and Guo Yi, who was wearing a white suit, walked down from the car and smiled at Sini, who was sitting by the window. The place was full of onlookers, and because the car was full of white roses, everyone was waiting to see a classic courtship.

Sini stood up, rolled back the hair on her chest and walked towards Guo Yi.

"Sini, do you like it?" Guo Yi shouted to Sini.

"I …"

"Bang, bang …" A big truck suddenly rushed over from the opposite side, directly sending Guo Yi and the rest flying. Due to an air error, the truck flipped and landed not far behind the car, with a group of police cars following closely behind.

"I, I like it." Lying in the midst of the blood-stained white rose, Guo Yi saw a pair of despairing eyes and a beautiful yet heartbroken face.

Can't you stay with her? Why? "Why is this happening?"

Sini slowly walked towards Guo Yi, suddenly hugged him and cried loudly. That helplessness, that despair.

"Hey, Little Boot, why are you crying? My name is Guo Yi, what about you?" My name is Dunsany. "I don't have a mother, but they do." You're so pitiful! "

Hey, Guo Yi, it's my birthday. You said you were going to give me a present. Where's the present?" "Hungry, I do have a gift, but you can't get angry." "Why should I be angry over giving me a present?" "Bo!" "What are you doing?" That's what my dad did when I saw my mom's birthday.

Ahh …" The ambulance arrived and lifted Guo Yi onto the ambulance, still holding on to Sirius, who was crying so hard that he couldn't even stand up.

"I want to be with you forever." "Alright, if I bring up today again, I'll go to Heart's Restaurant and date you!"

"Sirius, tell me, when are you going to mention your eleventh birthday?" What eleven years old, why can't I remember! Guo Yi, are you sick? "

"Si Ni, forget it. If he's dead, we can't revive him." A brittle looking Deng's father, lined up on her shoulder, consoled her.

Dad, I'm so regretful. I'm so regretful. Why didn't I agree earlier? He's been waiting for me, wuu …." If, if I had promised this day, it would not have happened.

"Si Ni, forget it. This is heaven's will!" At this moment, a middle-aged couple walked in, dust all over their bodies. The beautiful woman was already sobbing …

Endless darkness, extreme tranquility, and a lifeless space. What could it bring to others? Despair, fear, and endless loneliness.

I can't die. I can't even die. He didn't know if this place was a paradise in the legends, or a region. Perhaps these people had imagined that this was the place.

What else did he have that caused him to feel great sorrow after being overjoyed? Why, why was it like this?

He could only be accompanied by darkness. He hated it so much, he hated it so much, why didn't he want to die? If only he had lost his soul, who knows how long it would have been, one day, one year, ten years, a hundred years.

What would be waiting for him? Perhaps it was due to him continuing to stay in the boundless darkness, or perhaps it was the Heavy Metamorphose Dragon. Who knows?

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