Mastering Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber/C10 Minimotor
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Mastering Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber/C10 Minimotor
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C10 Minimotor

"I don't know any children." Maki Zin did not understand who it was that wanted to see him.

"You probably don't remember. Go take a look." Ji Ya patted Maki Zin's head and laughed.

"Yes!" Maki Zin jumped down from his seat and clapped his hands as he walked out the door. Sai Han turned around and followed closely behind, the Prince Kang laughed and took a bite, then walked with Ji Ya towards the main entrance.

Outside the door, was the siblings who had stopped Zhama Du from finding trouble with Maki Zin during the banquet. The boy was standing straight and motionlessly outside the door, looking at the people who usually received military training.

"Brother, don't you think that the little guy didn't know that he was given such a big slap by the Prince Kang? Could it be that he won't be able to get out of bed now?" the girl asked, playing with her hair.

"He does not have the dignity of a royal family, it is only right for Master Prince Kang to hit him. If it wasn't for the fact that he is still young, I would not even spare him." The boy seemed very dissatisfied with what Maki Zin had said after, and said those words angrily.

"Hmph, what is this, it's obviously Zhama Du's fault. Ba Gen helped his master to stick his neck out, he's a good guy, he shouldn't be punished." The girl said angrily, "You are just like father, always a little …"

"Sister, like us, life is the people of the imperial family, death is the ghost of the imperial family, and we are destined to live our lives for the imperial family. The imperial family is everything I don't have." The boy said sternly.

"The royal family, the royal family, the royal family, they are always the royal family. Do you still remember mother? It's because Father was born for the war. He was by our side when we were born, and even after Mother died, he never came back. I hate royalty. I hate them. " The girl said excitedly.

"Min Min, you can't let others hear these words, otherwise, it will be troublesome." The boy walked to her side and said, "That's why, Min Min, we must help father level his rebellion as soon as possible and return peace to our royal family. Everything will be fine then."

"It's you guys?" The moment Maki Zin came out, he saw the siblings. It was the siblings who had stopped him at the banquet with the so-called Zhama Du.

"Do you still remember us? Your memory is very good." The girl suddenly jumped out and patted Maki Zin's shoulders. She should be stronger than Second Sister right? Maki Zin instantly thought of her clan's "adorable" Second Sister.

"Is there something you need from me?" Maki Zin asked this cute girl who had the bearing of a big sister a little.

"Oh, I brought some medicine for you. The reason why Zhama Du hit you that night was because Big Bro and I praised you so much, he was not convinced. In that case, I am very responsible for this matter, so I came with Big Bro to deliver the medicine." The girl blinked her eyes and said. Maki Zin was completely confused, but he finally understood why the young girl in front of him would want to beat him up so badly. It was because of a single compliment from the beautiful little girl in front of him.

What was going on? Maki Zin laughed bitterly in his heart.

"Originally, my brother and I were planning to come the day before yesterday, but something came up and we were delayed."

"Whose child is this?" Prince Kang pointed at the girl and asked.

"You, you've even been to her birth, how many girls like her are there? Beautiful and lovely and lively. " Ji Ya said while smiling.

"When she grows up, she will probably fight with us, who are so rare, for sure. Her temper seems to be even worse than Gao Yun's … She is the daughter of the Prince Ruyang. " Prince Kang smacked his head and laughed.

"Kukuttmore (Min Min Temur) pays her respects to the Prince and Princess." When Prince Kang and Ji Ya came out, the siblings immediately bowed.

"Get up, quickly get up. Min Min, come over here, let me see." Ji Ya seemed to like little girls a lot.

Min Min Temur? Kukutmur? Then wouldn't these two children be the mini version of Zhao Min, Wang Baobao? Heavens, they had finally met the protagonist yet again. Even Sect Leader Zhang's' Seven Injury Fists' had been practiced to an unknown degree? Maki Zin was very curious.

"Right." Little Zhao Min obediently walked into the arms of the wangfei.

, Wang Baobao and the others went to visit the half crippled Ba Gen. They said that they would go together to play when he was better.

In the morning, Prince Kang left home because he had something to attend to. Zhao Min would play with Ji Ya for a while, then play with Maki Zin and the others. Ji Ya would also tease them from time to time.

After eating lunch, Zhao Min went for a stroll. Han Yan and Maki Zin, both of them were condescending towards the young prefecture lord, so she had no choice but to go. When they left, Ji Ya had warned them a thousand times to come back and play again, so they naturally agreed.

When Zhao Min left, she gave Ji Ya a deep look. It was the look a daughter would give her when she looked at her mother...

Three years after the banquet, Maki Zin was still in front of his "trash" Young Prince and was convinced by the Prince Kang to become the crown prince's woman. Su De, on the other hand, came to look for Maki Zin occasionally, as he had the title of master and disciple after all.

Today, Maki Zin had received the invitation of Grand Princess Shao Min to go and practice archery.

Early in the morning, Maki Zin woke up and prepared to act like this. Ba Gen was extremely busy, and grumbled.

"Young Prince, can you ride a horse? "Don't accidentally fall down." Ba Gen didn't care about Maki Zin's feelings at all, his ruthless words struck him hard.

"Isn't it just riding? You weren't even born when I was riding." He wasn't exaggerating. In his previous life, he loved to ride. His ability to ride a horse could match these races. Although his current body wasn't very strong, he could still fight against ordinary Chinese people. Riding a horse was not a small matter.

"I'm older than you, you rode my horse before I was born. Young Prince, how did you do it?" Maki Zin gave him a helpless glance, ignoring him and walking out of the room. It was time to eat breakfast.

"Maki Zin, you came late!" Just as Maki Zin entered the training grounds, Zhao Min jumped in front of him and started questioning him.

"Hehe!" Mother wanted me to eat more, so I ate more. Look, I even brought some. " Maki Zin patted the strange bag on his back. To Zhao Min and Ba Gen, this bag was really strange, there were two straps on both sides of the bag, and now that the two straps were on Maki Zin's shoulders, needless to say, Maki Zin made a bag for them.

Speaking of which, Maki Zin really wasn't a successful teleporter, he wouldn't * *, if he had this thing, he also had the ability to cause destruction … But he didn't bring a gun or a rocket car, or something like that, he just had to show off. He didn't go to the Shaolin Temple Sect in his previous life to see the < Classics of Tendon Changing or the < Supreme Yin Scripture > >, and it was also good for him to practice in this martial arts world.

In short, Guo Yi was not prepared to be reincarnated yet!

"Is that so? When I get hungry, I'll eat, hur hur. " Zhao Min took off the backpack that Maki Zin was carrying, she casually gave it to a soldier and pulled him into the training grounds.

"Father, brother, Maki Zin is here, haha!" Zhao Min shouted at the Prince Ruyang and Wang Baobao from far away.

"Greetings Young Prince." Prince Ruyang and Wang Baobao bowed at the same time.

Min Min asked me to come here to train with the arrows. Speaking of which, I still have to listen to you guys. Maki Zin supported them as he laughed and spoke, but he was no longer able to describe what he felt in his heart. The two of them were historical experts, they had an inconceivable feeling that he had to actually bow when they saw him.

In the training ground, Maki Zin sat steadily on his horse as he struggled the hardest against the bow in his hand. No matter how hard Maki Zin tried to pull on the bow, he could not bring it back, and the number of arrows on the target in front of him was zero.

"Phew!" On the other side, Zhao Min was madly galloping his horse as she pierced the target with her arrow. The arrow quiver at the back was empty, without a single miss, he flipped down his horse and walked towards Maki Zin.

"Hehe, Maki Zin, your horse is riding very well. But your arrows are not good enough!" Zhao Min smiled at Maki Zin.

"That's right, that's right. This thing looks very easy to pull, why would you waste your time with me the moment I get my hands on it?" Maki Zin threw away the big bow in his hand, and spurred his horse to Zhao Min's side.

With a "hu" sound, Zhao Min somersaulted in the air and grabbed the bow and arrow of a soldier beside him and dropped them on her horse.

"Maki Zin, didn't you say that you can ride a horse well?" Zhao Min pointed to the right with the whip in her hand and spurred her horse to turn around, "That is the imperial hunting grounds, who will be the first to arrive?"

"Sure." Maki Zin urged his horse to move towards the direction Zhao Min pointed.

"Ku Ku Te Mu, what do you think of the Young Prince Changping?" Just as Maki Zin and Zhao Min left, the Prince Ruyang asked Wang Baobao.

"Other than riding a horse, there's nothing good about swordsmanship and archery."

"Really?" Prince Ruyang looked at his own army and asked himself absent-mindedly.

"Go!" Ride! Ride! Maki Zin, you're not bad, you're actually not slower than me. " Zhao Min said while laughing. Maki Zin who was walking side by side with him.

"Not bad, not good at all. You, after using your lighthearted skill, of course you're fast." Maki Zin said snappily.

"Hehe!" You saw it. "Phew!" Zhao Min stopped her horse, and Maki Zin also stopped at the side.

"Sigh!" Maki Zin, everyone says that you are trash, but I say — You are not. " Zhao Min turned and said to Maki Zin.


"Because you give me a different feeling than they do."



"It feels unreliable."

"But I believe in my feelings." Zhao Min said as she shot her bow backwards, "Wu, ha ha ha..." A wild goose fell not far behind Maki Zin.

"That's the feeling." Zhao Min placed the bow on the horse and jumped down with a flip of her hand and a whip.

"You, feel that it's right." Maki Zin followed suit.

"Maki Zin, no matter how I feel when I'm with you, I don't seem like a child anymore.

"I guess we're all kids, so we're not kids anymore."

"Maki Zin, I have my dreams. I want you to help me."

"What can I help you with?" "What did I …" You can. " Zhao Min quickly interrupted Maki Zin and answered in his place.

What does he want me to do? Help her destroy Gelatin and the six big sects? Mother, I'm afraid I can't even get my fingers into this. What did she want him to help her with?

"We are outsiders to begin with. After entering the Central Plains, we have always been excluded by the Han Chinese. Now, we have Ming Religion and the six big sects to make us enemies. I want to return peace to the Sky Court."

"That Min Min, have you ever heard of the Eternal Empire?" Maki Zin asked very seriously.

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