C12 Acne

"Big brother Maki Zin, are you sure you don't want to drink the blood wine later?" Zhao Min seemed to be extremely passionate about the blood wine.

"I told you, don't mention the blood wine anymore. You're a girl, what are you thinking about?" Maki Zin was very interested in Zhao Min Jr.

"I was just thinking that we're sworn siblings. The predecessors all wanted to drink when they became sworn brothers. How could we not do that?"


"Big brother Maki Zin, we're siblings only if we drink blood and alcohol." Zhao Min had such an expression.

"Good! "When we go back, we'll make a blood feud and become the king of the mountain." Maki Zin cried for his pitiful fingers in his heart.

"Ah!" "Sigh!" Zhao Min laughed while clapping her small hands on her horse. Other than smiling bitterly, Maki Zin shook her head.

Zhao Min was very lively on the road, talking from the south to the north, and then from west to east. Maki Zin admired her knowledge, understanding so much when she was just eight years old, no wonder he would cause such a ruckus in the martial arts forest in the future.

"Min Min, do you think that you will ever regret the things that you have done for me?" Maki Zin sighed as he asked Zhao Min seriously.

"Why should I regret it?" Zhao Min tilted her cute little head and looked at Maki Zin with suspicion.

"I'm saying, just in case, just in case all your efforts end up in vain, you …"

"I don't regret it. I, Zhao Min, will never regret for anything I've done, even if it's empty at the end." Zhao Min stuck out her chest and unhesitatingly interrupted Maki Zin's reply, allowing him to truly get to know this "little demon girl", would she be together with Zhang Wuji in the future? What kind of spark would she create with Zhou Zhiruo? Would they go to the fate that Kim had arranged for them?

Not knowing why, Maki Zin felt that someone was staring at him. That was an extremely unfriendly gaze, it was …

"Min Min!" Zhao Min only heard Maki Zin calling out his name, and before he could react, he saw a person rushing towards him, and immediately, two miserable wails sounded out at the same time.

"Hey, why doesn't it hurt? It's so soft, so comfortable." Zhao Min shook her waist and chuckled.

"You are very comfortable, but I am very uncomfortable." Maki Zin's pained voice came out from underneath his body.

"Ah, Big Brother Maki Zin, how did you get below my feet? Ah, you want to push me off my horse? " Maki Zin ignored her and pointed behind Zhao Min. Zhao Min turned around to look, only to see his flipped on her horse with only Zhao Min's mount with an arrow stuck in his back. She understood, they had encountered the legendary assassination.

"Sha sha sha …" All around him were the panicked voices that made people panic. Zhao Min held onto the dishevelled Maki Zin and slowly stood up.

"Bang!" "Bang!" Maki Zin and Zhao Min watched as one person after another emerged from the ground, their hearts gradually turning cold. Zhao Min regretted bringing along one soldier after another to race against Maki Zin.

"You all …" Just as Maki Zin wanted to speak, he seemed to remember something and swallowed his words.

"Kill!" One of them said in a deep voice.

"Wait!" Maki Zin shouted.

"Do you have any last words, little one?" the man who had given the order asked.

"The one you guys want to kill is me, let her go." Maki Zin pointed to Zhao Min.

"No." The leader coldly refused.

"Hmph, who wants you to release it?" Zhao Min wrinkled her cute nose, and then used her wings to jump to the side of an assassin and grabbed the blade from his right hand, breaking his neck in a single move. Before the assassin even realized what happened, he had already fallen onto the ground.

Zhao Min did not let the matter rest, she knew that the other party was determined to kill the two of them, and if she killed one more, she and Maki Zin would have one more chance to escape. She then turned around and slashed a person at the waist with his saber.

Zhao Min completed all of these in the blink of an eye. She couldn't help but want to assassinate the leader. Her eyes shone with a murderous light. She had originally thought that it would be easy for him to bring twenty brothers to kill these two children.

"Pah!" "Pah!" Zhao Min looked towards the direction of the voice, only to see the Assassin Chief clapping his hands, "Okay, okay, I didn't think that there would be a child like you amongst the Tarantula, especially a little girl."

Zhao Min did not pay attention to him, as she used her Golden Dragon steps out of the cave and thrusted towards the leader. The leader merely retreated, dodging to the left and right without retaliating, but Zhao Min saw that he easily avoided the attack.

"Is that all?" the man in black asked sarcastically, waving his hand. "Kill that boy."

"Ya!" Zhao Min rushed forward again and slashed horizontally at the leader. The leader grasped Zhao Min's hand to the left and slapped away the blade in her hand, pulling her over …

Maki Zin looked at the group of assassins charging towards him, and suddenly had a headache. Looking at the big blade that was coming at him, he felt like he was going to fall down and roll on top of it.

"Ai ai! Stop! I have something to say. " Maki Zin sat on the ground and shouted to the man who had already turned around.

"What is it? Speak! " The Assassin put his hand on his shoulder and waved his hand, asking Maki Zin to speak.

"Actually …" Maki Zin said softly. That person wanted to hear it clearly, so he leaned his head close to Maki Zin.

"Actually, I'm an expert." Maki Zin suddenly said loudly, causing the man to be stunned, Maki Zin used his speed to kick him, causing his face to instantly flush red, then green, then white.

Maki Zin immediately following that, his index finger opened up with his middle finger and poked into his eyes, causing him to let out an extremely miserable cry. "Yiya!" Maki Zin stood up and used his right leg to kick the big sized guy in the chin and knocked him out.

"I said, I, am, tall, hand!" Maki Zin said shamelessly, "Aiya! "It hurts like hell!" He didn't last very long before hugging his right foot and shouting loudly.

"Hahahaha, little fellow, you've done enough, right? If it's over then go die." An assassin raised his blade and chopped down at Maki Zin's head.

The leader grabbed Zhao Min by the neck and did not give up. With a sneer on his lips, he used his foot to step on the handle of his blade and used his strength to send the tip of the blade flying towards the leader behind Zhao Min. The leader was shocked and his killing intent surged, "This girl is so agile, we cannot let her live."

"Little girl, you will die quite happily." The leader raised his right hand behind her and was about to fall towards Zhao Min, but the corner of Zhao Min's mouth remained smiling as a cold light flashed past his eyes.

"Ah, you?" The leader wanted to slash her palm down, but discovered that she had a knife embedded in her chest that was one foot long. Originally, Zhao Min had let her guard down just as the leader was about to attack, with one movement of her Heaven and Earth, she took out his blade and turned to stab the leader.

On the other side, when Maki Zin saw that the blade was flying towards him, blocking his attack and then snatching the blade away with his bare hands, Maki Zin immediately felt lucky in his heart.

Maki Zin used his back to block the attack. He wanted to throw him over his shoulder, but he was unable to do so. He looked up and saw a large group of people rushing towards him.

"Little princess, you're very scheming. What a great move!" The leader pulled out an arrow from his chest and walked towards Zhao Min. Zhao Min had already used all her strength and could not resist anymore.

Just as Maki Zin and Zhao Min thought that they were dead, the leader suddenly fell to the ground and died. Everyone froze for a moment, only to see that the leader had an arrow behind him, and behind him was an ordinary Mongolian warrior holding an ordinary longbow.

After pausing for a moment, the assassins slashed towards Maki Zin again, "Ah!" "Ah!" "Ahh!" … The warrior kept on releasing buzzing sounds from his bow, they were all three arrows or five arrows shot at the same time, without any miss, in a moment, ten more corpses appeared on the ground, other than the two that Zhao Min had killed and the one that Maki Zin had knocked out.

Just when Maki Zin and Zhao Min were happy that they were alright, the person who was knocked out by Maki Zin got up on the ground and stabbed himself through his chest with a blade.

Only now did Maki Zin realize that killing people was not as scary as he thought it was.

When Zhao Min saw that she was safe, he walked towards the warrior, but no one knew what she was talking about.

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