Mastering Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber/C15 Sick to the point of death
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Mastering Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber/C15 Sick to the point of death
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C15 Sick to the point of death

No pain, no feeling, eh? Isn't that Min Min? Why is she crying? What's wrong with me? Why am I so dizzy? Also, where am I now? I don't know, I don't know! Why?

Inside Prince Kang's residence, Ji Ya's eyes were red and swollen as he leaned into Prince Kang's embrace. Prince Kang also had a face full of pain as he tightly hugged his own wife, Ji Ya, and listened to the royal physician's analysis — Maki Zin's disease was innately lurking in his body, and it was just that it appeared ten years late. It might have been better if it flared up early in the morning, but now, he could be said to be hopeless …

Prince Kang supported the crying Ji Ya to her room to rest, then headed to Maki Zin's room.

"Brother, how did you end up like this? "You're still so young!" When the Prince Kang arrived at the door, he heard Sihan's slightly tearful voice coming out from the room, "You can't do this, you have matters to attend to, Royal Father, Empress Mother, what do you want to do, what do you want to do about your two sisters?"

"Royal Father, you're here!" When the Prince Kang opened the door, Sihan carried Maki Zin and asked the Prince Kang.

"Sai Han, you are tired too. You can go rest. Maki Zin has me watching over him. " Prince Kang really wanted to be alone with his son for a while.

"Yes!" He wiped his eyes and backed out the door, closing it behind him.

The Prince Kang watched as Sai Han left and slowly walked to Maki Zin's bed to sit down. He looked at him with a face full of affection, then used his rough right hand to pull out the hair on Maki Zin's face and caress it.

"Maki Zin, my child." "I have never been able to take good care of you, but you are my child, how could I look down on you?"

"I, I know!" Prince Kang was in the middle of speaking, but he heard Maki Zin's reply. To him, the weak voice was like a heavenly music to him.

"Maki Zin, you're awake! That's great!" Prince Kang laughed as tears streamed down his cheeks.

"What's wrong with me, Royal Father, why are you crying?" Maki Zin used his weak little hand to wipe Prince Kang's tears.

"Oh? Did I cry, when had I, the Prince Kang Lord, cried before? "Hahaha!" Prince Kang hurriedly wiped his eyes and said with a smile. But that smile was filled with bitterness.

"Royal Father, am I going to die?" Maki Zin's question caused Prince Kang to pause, and his heart felt as though it was being slashed by a knife. Yes, Maki Zin, my child, my only son, is he going to die?

"No, you just feel a little uncomfortable. You'll be fine after a while, ah!" Prince Kang coaxed Maki Zin.

"Royal Father, you don't have to lie to me, I already know that. Mother came here and cried for a long time, and elder sister also came to the bedside and cried for a long time, they said, the royal doctors have already determined that I won't be able to live past this month." Maki Zin swallowed his breath, and said weakly, "Since I was young, my body was weak.

"Maki Zin, don't be afraid. Even if Royal Father has to search for all the famous doctors in the world, he must still cure your illness." The Prince Kang said this resolutely, as if he was giving himself a military order.

"There's no need for that, Royal Father!" Maki Zin sighed, maybe because he had talked too much, his face became even paler.

"Maki Zin, stop talking, Royal Father just wants to see you. Don't worry, there are countless famous doctors in the world, I don't believe that none of them can cure you. Rest well, okay!" Prince Kang turned and left as he looked at the Maki Zin who was about to fall asleep.

"Cough, cough!" Maki Zin watched as Prince Kang left, and coughed out some turbid blood as he laughed bitterly, "Could it be that you are an evil person that has lived for countless generations? God will do this to me. 'I wonder if my parents in my previous life were all right; how is she? '

who had just woken up from his deep slumber felt that he was very thirsty, and used all of his strength to extend his teapot, which was not far from his hand. No, why, why couldn't he get hold of him?

"Young Master, what's wrong?" Hearing the noise, Han Yan rushed in to help Maki Zin up. Maki Zin pointed at his own mouth and swallowed his saliva.

"Oh, are you thirsty?" Han Yan helped Maki Zin up to the bedside and quickly poured him a cup of water. Maki Zin drank about half a cup, before fainting once again.

Once the Prince Kang was out of Maki Zin's room, he immediately headed towards the study room and issued an order: Find the world's most skilled doctor, if anyone can treat the Prince of Changping, reward them with ten thousand gold, and obtain the protection of the Prince Kang Palace for eternity. As long as the person doesn't endanger me during my lifetime, I will do anything I want.

"Your Highness, if I use my power to support Young Prince's situation, it should be able to last for an additional month." When the order was passed down from the Prince Kang, only the Prince Kang, Alslen and Alslen remained in the study room as they bowed towards the Prince Kang.

"Alslen, didn't you say that your cultivation was at a bottleneck, and you're about to break through? Can you still treat Maki Zin's injuries?" Prince Kang asked as he looked at him.

"For the sake of Young Prince, my powers are nothing. I, Prince Kang, am overthinking it." Alslen bowed towards Prince Kang.

"Good!" "Alright!" Prince Kang walked down, patted Alslen's shoulders and said while nodding, "Your brother died for me, so you can only give it to me. Alslen, whether or not Maki Zin can save you, you are no longer a servant of the Prince Kang Palace, but a friend. "

Maki Zin didn't know how long he had slept, but he woke up in a daze. Looking at the soundly asleep Han Yan beside the bed, the corner of his mouth curled into a smile.

Zhang Wuji, I wonder if you have been hit by the Spirit Demon Palm? We have a companion! Your Xiao Zhao still hasn't been found, but I have a Han Yan! She just didn't know if she could be as safe as him.

If he could, he would have gone and practiced the Nine Yang Divine Technique, but he only knew that it was in the belly of a white ape, under a cliff. Oh god, who knew where it was. That Sect Leader Zhang was depressed, as it was not a matter of concern to him. One day, he would be his enemy.

Just as Prince Kang was worrying about the disease of the herdsman, the servant came to report. A genius doctor asked his disciple to deliver the medicine to Maki Zin.

The Prince Kang was overjoyed. He threw down the heavy book in his hands and ran out the door. He wanted to personally greet this genius doctor.

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