Mastering Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber/C7 Encounter
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Mastering Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber/C7 Encounter
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C7 Encounter

On the morning of the eighth day since Maki Zin entered the study, the study rooms had been opened. He, whose head was filled with filth that could be mixed with the Beggar's gang as a spy, had finally come out. The servants in the house had long prepared baths and sent them all to his room after changing their clothes.

"Ahh, I just realized that bathing is such a comfortable thing to do!" Maki Zin said as he stuck his head full of wet hair out of the water.

"Maki Zin!" Well, Mother, I'm not well yet, what's the matter? Wait a minute. Mother, why did you come in! " Maki Zin awkwardly pulled his body back into the water and he couldn't help but laugh when he saw Maki Zin's appearance. "I see that your clothes are a bit tattered, so I made a new one for you." "Oh."

Ji Ya placed the clothes on the clothes rack, folded the clothes, and laughed: "You, not only do you look like a Chinese, but also like a Chinese. You look so shy when you see your own mother, and there are a few other males in the clan who would make their own rooms look like yours, proving that they are clean and colorful." "Hehe!"

"Alright, let's not talk about you anymore. After taking a shower and eating, let's see how hungry you are." Ji Ya patted his head and left.

"Tomorrow, I'm going to wander around the world." During dinner, Maki Zin ate a few mouthfuls of food and said to his parents who were in the middle of eating.

"What?" "Pfft!" Ji Ya and Prince Kang looked at Maki Zin strangely, and Prince Kang even more so, wasted a mouthful of food that he had worked so hard for. Prince Kang looked at Maki Zin, "Go shopping?"

"Yes, I'll go alone. Don't ask anyone to follow me." Maki Zin said with determination.

"Are you Maki Zin?" The Prince Kang waved his hand in front of Maki Zin, and slapped him down.

Most of them were in the imperial capital of the imperial capital, and the streets were bustling with activity. However, there was one more person today, a little kid who came to do business.

In his previous life, Guo Yi had a hobby that even he himself found difficult to describe — he liked to go shopping. Since he might not be able to go back now, then he might as well go to Yuandao City. When he arrived at the Yuan Dynasty, if he didn't go there, he would be in the right place, and if he was in the wrong place, he would be in the wrong place!

In the afternoon, Maki Zin was tired of playing, he could be considered to have truly seen some of the ancient techniques, and they seemed pretty good. Oh my god, breaking boulders and stepping on steel are all real things, it makes little Maki Zin's heart feel cold.

He even went to eat some snacks, bought a few skulls, and played with them on his head. He went to the Spring Pavilion, which was one of the most popular places in martial arts novels.

Just as Maki Zin wanted to return, he heard the faint sound of a little girl crying, and could not help but walk towards the area surrounded by people.

There was a little girl surrounded by the wall. Beside the little girl was a middle-aged man who was already dead, and on his body was a sign that read "Selling body to bury one's father." The little girl knelt on the ground, her eyes red and swollen, and her face pale, showing that she hadn't eaten for a long time.

"Hey, how about buying him to be your silly son's daughter-in-law?" It does seem to be pretty good, hehe! "

"Look, this girl must be a beauty when she grows up. I'll take it."

"None of you need to think about it. She's still so young, so it proves that she's cute. I like things like this, so none of you should be strong!"


Maki Zin heard the words of these people in the crowd and frowned. Was this the "tragedy of the feudal system" that the books mentioned? It seems like even in novels, things like this would end up in a mess! Forget it, he was so pitiful, why was he still thinking about this? It would be a waste if he was taken away by those animals! Maki Zin reached his hand into his waist to grab his money bag. The purse was gone.

"Okay, I'll help you. Hehe, little lady, you're mine now." A big, black man with two missing front teeth and a full beard was talking to the little girl while handing her some coins.

"Wait!" Maki Zin could not bear it any longer and stopped his.

"Kid, you are so young, is that alright …" Get lost! " Maki Zin pushed the big black guy over, walked to the little girl and pulled out a jade tablet from his chest, then placed it in her hands, "My money has been stolen, I only have this much jade on me, I can give it to you, sell it and I'll bury your father well."

"Kid, who knows if your jade is real or not. It's a fake that you came here to play with! "Hahaha!"

"Whether mine is a fake or not, how would someone as blind as you know about it?"

"Little girl, think carefully. If what he gave you was fake, don't mention how your father couldn't be buried, but when you go, you will still be scolded and beaten up. Moreover, it's so troublesome. If I give you money, come with me, I'll treat you like my own daughter. " Beside her, the girl who wanted to buy her as a daughter-in-law jeered as she pitifully looked at Maki Zin.

"Humph!" "Who is willing to buy my jade, I only want ten taels." Maki Zin shouted from the crowd.

"Such a big piece is only 10 taels, it must be fake." That's right, just which family would give birth to such a son? To be able to make such a great jade for fun? "

"Who wants this Fast Jade? Ten taels." Maki Zin ignored their shouts.

"Who would want it?" "Do you think other people are fools, little brother?"

"I want it!" "A clear girl's voice silenced all the discussions." "Thank you!" Maki Zin took the ten taels of silver from her hands, placed the jade in her palm, and turned towards the girl who was selling herself. He gave all the silver to her, and planned to leave.

"Young master, wait!" "Hrm?" Maki Zin suspiciously looked at the girl who was kneeling beside him.

"Is Young Master planning to leave?" The girl who bought the jade walked over to Maki Zin and asked.

"Yeah." Maki Zin looked at the girl who was talking to him. She must be very beautiful when she grows up, Maki Zin thought.

"What about her?" She pointed to the little girl.

"Go bury my father!" "And then?" "In the future …"

That's right, now that he had helped her, what about her in the future? Maki Zin smacked his head with a headache, he helped the little girl up and asked: "You, are willing to come with me, but I'm afraid you'll have to be my mother's servant. If you agree to it, just nod your head, if not, you'll just shake your head." The little girl quickly nodded her head. Maki Zin had been here for a long time, so he knew some of the rules here.

"What's your name?" Maki Zin asked the little girl who bought the jade.

"My name is …" Xiao Zhao, we should go. " The old lady behind the girl shouted and pulled her away. She turned around and smiled as she waved goodbye to Maki Zin.

Xiao Zhao? She is Xiao Zhao! Then, wasn't that old woman just now – Granny … Maki Zin felt a chill down his spine. Although this woman looked ugly on the surface, her heart was …

Young master, young master!" "AHH!" "What is it?" "What are you thinking about?" Nothing, what's your name? "I can't possibly not know your name forever." "My name is Han Yan." Oh. Let's get someone to bury your father first! " "Right.

"Brother, who was that prodigal son just now?" After Maki Zin and Han Yan left, the crowd dispersed, and among them, a four or five-year-old little girl asked like a ten-year-old boy.

"He is the Young Prince Changping among the majority of the people who have only heard of him before." The boy came back smiling.

"Oh!" He is that 'trash' Young Prince, the son of the Fourth Prince. Brother, you said that the man just now had offended some unknown person and would be killed. Oh! "Hey, bro, look, a candied fruit, I want it." The girl held the boy's hand and ran towards a candied fruits seller. The boy could only smile helplessly.

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