Matrilocal Groom's Revenge/C1 Newlywed Night
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Matrilocal Groom's Revenge/C1 Newlywed Night
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C1 Newlywed Night

Today is my wedding night, I am fully dressed and sitting in my bridal chamber, but I am not happy at all. It is the happiest thing in my life, and although I have married a very beautiful wife, I am not happy at all because I am sitting here as the son-in-law of someone else.

I was a rural person and finally went to three universities. However, I couldn't find a job after I graduated from university. Without money or a background, it would be hard to walk even a single inch in the city.

Originally, I wanted to find a job that didn't involve any profession, and I was willing to do anything for the money. However, at this time, news came from my hometown that my mother, who was in the countryside, had cancer and needed a lot of money to treat it.

I was really desperate and didn't have much money on me. Not to mention sending it back to my mother for treatment, even basic living conditions were problematic. Thus, I desperately searched for a job, hoping to find one with a high salary.

I don't know if it was the heavens who pitied me, but when I was looking for a job, I suddenly saw an advertisement. It said that a family used 300 thousand to recruit a son-in-law, and it even mentioned a few conditions.

At first, I thought I had spent so much money and even mentioned deaf people, but this woman should also be a disabled person. I didn't expect to find out that this woman was not only not a disabled person, but also a beauty. Her figure, face, and temperament were all comparable to those of celebrities.

The family looked me over and said that I was all right, in appearance, height, and so on, except for some defects in my mutes, but that this was exactly what they wanted me to be, and I was so happy that I went into marriage, but what awaited me was not a happy life.

The sound of the door pulled me out of my memories and pulled me back to reality. The door opened and a tall and beautiful lady walked in. This was my wife, Ling Xiaoxiao. However, when she saw me, she revealed a look of disdain.

When I asked her what was wrong, she typed back at me and said I couldn't sit on the bed, which made me even more confused, so I went on typing, Aren't we husband and wife, why can't I sit on the bed?

Unexpectedly, she had just been slapped by Ling Xiaoxiao. She typed on the tablet, "You are just a dog our family has spent money to buy. Who do you think you are? You aren't even my husband, much less worthy to sit on this bed. To be able to stand in my room is already a great kindness to you!"

I was so angry that I rolled over and tried to hit her, but the thought of the three hundred thousand they'd promised me was only one hundred thousand, and the remaining two hundred thousand to be paid in half a year, I resisted. After all, my mother's cancer needed another hundred thousand dollars to cure, and I couldn't afford to lose it on impulse.

After Ling Xiaoxiao had finished beating me up, she turned over in the corner looking for something. After a while, she brought me a bowl of something to drink. I asked her what it was, but she slapped me instead, forcing me to drink.

She put the bowl on the table and typed to me, "If you don't drink this bowl, you won't get a single cent. If you cooperate with me, maybe you can get the money a little earlier. Be sensible!"

I didn't dare to drink it, I was short on spirit, I could only listen to her for the time being, but the bowl was dark and I didn't know what it was, I was a little afraid that she would poison it, so I told her on the surface that I would, and then, while she wasn't paying attention, I poured it out and pretended to drink it.

After drinking it, Ling Xiaoxiao was very happy as she said to herself, "Drink this and you can just sleep obediently. Do you still want to have an bridal ceremony with me?" "Pfft, it's so beautiful!"

She didn't know that I was pretending to be deaf, so she thought I couldn't hear her. I felt a little strange, why did she make me faint? Could it be that she had some kind of shameful secret?

After I pretended to be asleep, the room was very quiet at first, without any movement. Ling Xiaoxiao didn't know what she was doing, but after a while, I heard footsteps, and it seemed that Ling Xiaoxiao was walking towards me.

I was wondering what she wanted to do when I suddenly felt a pain in my butt. This fellow, Ling Xiaoxiao, actually kicked me. I think it was to test if I really fell asleep.

I opened my eyes a crack and observed Ling Xiaoxiao from the corner of my eye. Ling Xiaoxiao happily walked to a cabinet beside the bed and opened it. Unexpectedly, there was a person hidden inside.

On the wedding night between husband and wife, the husband fell asleep while the wife opened the wardrobe. Surprisingly, there was a person hidden inside. What kind of situation was this? What secrets did Ling Xiaoxiao have? Is this her boyfriend?

What secret did the Ling family hide from me? I recalled the advertisement from before, which stated that the deaf and mute takes precedence, so why did they have to be deaf and mute? I never understood, generally speaking, when looking for a son-in-law, they have to be healthy, but this Ling family actually wants to be deaf and mute.

I gradually began to understand that this Ling Xiaoxiao definitely had someone outside, but her parents probably didn't like her, which was why they took the initiative to look for their son-in-law and arranged the marriage for their daughter.

But what's wrong with her target? She would make them choose a deaf mute from the countryside to be their son-in-law. Although it was a bit helpless, but from this society's perspective, I was indeed one of those people with poor conditions.

I don't have a high education, I studied in three universities, I don't have any work experience, and my future is even more uncertain. Could it be that the condition of that man is worse than mine?

The person in the closet was a skinny man with skin that seemed to be pretty good. It was rare to see a man who knew how to take care of himself. He came out, looked at me, and then kicked me.

What was the relationship between this man and a vicious woman like Ling Xiaoxiao? This man had appeared in my room on my wedding night, and he was so close to my wife that I couldn't help but clench my fists.

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