Matrilocal Groom's Revenge/C11 Jiang Muqing
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Matrilocal Groom's Revenge/C11 Jiang Muqing
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C11 Jiang Muqing

When I woke up the next morning, I saw an unfamiliar woman. She was sitting in the living room and had called Ling Yueqian master, which made me very curious in my heart. Who was this woman, and why she seemed to have a close relationship with Ling Yueqian.

"Who is she? She seems to have a pretty good relationship with dad. Is she dad's friend?" Ling Xiaoxiao looked at me as if she was annoyed, but she told me her identity. She was Ling Yueqian's second wife, and her name was Jiang Muqing. She had just returned from a trip overseas.

"The one I hate the most is her. This woman is vicious to death. She came to my house to fight with me for my family property. No matter what she says to you, just ignore her. Otherwise, you're dead for sure!" From these words, it could be seen that she really loathed this woman named Jiang Muqing.

"Yo, this should be our Young Master. I heard that he is deaf and mute, so it seems like he won't be able to hear my words. I originally wanted to chat with him, but I can't communicate with deaf and mute at all." Jiang Muqing said with a smile. His tone was full of ridicule, making me a little angry.

"Just say whatever you want to say. There's no need to beat around the bush. I know you want to laugh at me, so I can't be bothered with you!" Ling Xiaoxiao said coldly.

Xiao Xiao, what are you saying? How could I laugh at you, we are family, no matter who you marry, I will not laugh at you, but I heard that this young master is a deaf mute, if the children he gives birth to are also deaf mute, then that would be troublesome. Our Ling family has such a large business, how can a deaf mute take care of it. Jiang Muqing said with a smile.

"What are you talking about? Hmph, being deaf and mute is better than not being able to be born!" Ling Xiaoxiao retorted.

"Xiaoxiao, watch your words. Don't go too far!" When Ling Xiaoxiao said this, Ling Yueqian's face immediately darkened. It seemed like he still knew that she was mocking them both.

I saw that this Jiang Muqing was only about 28 years old, about the same age as Ling Xiaoxiao, and couldn't have children at such a young age. I saw that this Jiang Muqing was only about 28 years old, about the same age as Ling Xiaoxiao, and couldn't have children at such a young age.

"Humph!" Ling Xiaoxiao snorted coldly, turned around and was about to leave, but was stopped by Ling Yueqian.

"Ling Xiaoxiao, where are you going?!" Ling Yueqian called out loudly. Sure enough, Ling Xiaoxiao had stopped moving.

"I want to go out for a walk, stroll around, buy some clothes or something. What, you can't even do that?" Ling Xiaoxiao turned her head and said.

"Shopping for clothes, stop lying to me, do you really think I'm old and stupid? You must be going to see Jimmy again, right? Let me tell you, if you see Jimmy again, I'll find someone to break her legs and turn her into a cripple. Let's see if you like her!" Ling Yueqian said fiercely. What a ruthless character, no wonder he could become a billionaire from nothing.

"You dare? If you really do that, then I'll break off all relations between father and daughter. I won't admit that I have a father like you anymore!" Ling Xiaoxiao's eyes were slightly red. She was obviously frightened, and even I felt a bit of heartache when I looked at her. After all, she was my wife. It was really pitiful to be scared like this.

I, Ling Yueqian, have been working hard for so many years, from a silly kid with nothing to a big boss, do you think I can't even do such a little thing? If you don't believe me, you can go and find that bitch, I promise I'll make her a cripple the next day! Ling Yueqian said mercilessly.

"Alright, old master. Xiao Xiao knows that she was wrong. Don't worry, Xiao Xiao will definitely listen to you and not go find that woman anymore. Am I right, Xiao Xiao?" At this time, Jiang Muqing interrupted, although on the surface she seems to be helping Ling Xiaoxiao, but I have a feeling that she has other motives.

"I don't need you to speak up for me, I won't go. Ling Yueqian, let me warn you, if you really do touch Jimmy, I will never forgive you in this life. You will definitely lose this daughter of yours!" Ling Xiaoxiao said as she ran to her room. Initially, I wanted to follow her, but after some thought, I felt that it would be better if I stayed and watched her develop.

"Hmph, I've really raised this daughter for nothing. If I knew earlier that I would have adopted her, I wouldn't have been as rebellious as my biological parents. They truly infuriated me!" Ling Yueqian slammed the table in anger.

"Master, don't worry, don't be so angry, otherwise, no amount of money can make up for it. Xiaoxiao is still young and doesn't understand, otherwise, she wouldn't do such a rebellious thing. You can rest easy, when the time comes she will naturally change her mind, and she will definitely know her wrongs." Jiang Muqing said.

"Hmph, a change of heart. She's already over 20, but she's still young. I don't think she'll change her mind even when she's 40. I don't want this daughter anymore. As long as she gives me a grandson, I don't want to care about anything else!" Ling Yueqian said coldly.

"Oh right, go tell that mute to come to my study room." Ling Yueqian drank a cup of tea and said to Jiang Muqing.

"Understood, Master." Jiang Muqing nodded and walked in front of me. She typed out what Ling Yueqian had said. Although she was very angry about Ling Yueqian calling me a mute, I still nodded.

Ling Yueqian walked over first, and then I followed her to the study room. She took out a tablet computer, typed a few lines on it, and showed it to me: "You did well yesterday, and I admire you very much, as expected of my son-in-law. In the future, you will help me keep an eye on Ling Xiaoxiao, and don't let her do whatever she wants.

This Ling Yueqian is the same as his daughter, acting calm and collected on the surface. She clearly doesn't look down on me at all, but now she's talking about how much she values me, and I'm still pretending to be mute. Otherwise, I would really be kept in the dark and think that he really treats me well.

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