Matrilocal Groom's Revenge/C12 Stratagem
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Matrilocal Groom's Revenge/C12 Stratagem
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C12 Stratagem

Although I knew that Ling Yueqian actually looked down on me in her heart, on the surface, he still did a good job, so I could only nod in agreement.

Ling Yueqian typed on the tablet again, and after a while showed it to me, surprising me.

The main reason I called you over was to have you and Xiaoxiao give birth to a child as soon as possible, but with Xiaoxiao's current state, it's impossible for them to cooperate, so I'll help you drug tonight. After that, you can handle the rest of the matters on your own.

Since I was able to get in touch with Ling Xiaoxiao and also get the money, of course I wouldn't refuse to kill two birds with one stone, so I quickly nodded. Ling Yueqian smiled in satisfaction and said, "This stinky mute is pretty smart, he's good for himself, so I nodded quickly."

Ling Yueqian thought that I couldn't hear her, so she started speaking ill of me in front of me. What right did he have to speak ill of me, this plan was originally something he came up with himself, and now she still had the face to speak ill of me. If I didn't need his money, I would punch him right now and smash his fake face.

"You can go now. Don't forget that you still have work to do tonight. Rest up and you can only succeed and not fail tonight. Do you understand?" Ling Yueqian typed.

"I understand, I will do my best, thank you father-in-law." I quickly typed and flattered him. This kind of guy likes to listen to flattery. For now, I'll just flatter him a little. When the time is ripe, I might not even let him go.

At first, I wanted to go back to my room to rest, because there was a big battle with Ling Xiaoxiao tonight, so I had to be in good spirits. However, I didn't know if Jiang Muqing was taking the wrong medicine or was just trying to tempt me, but she was only wearing an undergarment as she walked around the house.

"Young Master, aren't you going out for a walk? It's so stifling staying at home all day." Jiang Muqing suddenly walked to my side, sat on the sofa beside me, and then used his cell phone to type a few lines for me to see.

"I don't have much to do now, so I might as well stay at home." I didn't know what to say.

"Really? What a pity." She sat very close to me, and when I looked down, I could only see her legs were all white. In the end, I couldn't hold it in any longer and had no choice but to go back to my room to take a peek at Ling Xiaoxiao's underwear.

After dinner, he told me to go for a walk by myself. I knew that he was going to drug Ling Xiaoxiao, so I went out for a walk nearby, and after about half an hour, Ling Yueqian texted me that it was okay. I immediately ran back, and when I saw that Ling Xiaoxiao had indeed fallen asleep, I immediately carried her into the room.

After putting Ling Xiaoxiao on the bed, I first took off her skirt, and then took off her stockings. Then I untied her blouse and reached out my hand to touch those two plump, snow-white beauties.

Just as I was about to rub her, Ling Xiaoxiao suddenly opened her eyes, startling me. Didn't Ling Yueqian already drugged her? How could she wake up?

What made me even more shocked was her following actions. I don't know where she pulled out an electric shock rod and touched me. I felt my neck go numb and my consciousness immediately became blurry.

"Stinky mute, do you really think you can lay your hands on me? I wouldn't go to bed with a cripple like you. I already know about that damned old man's scheme!" The next second, I lost all consciousness.

When I woke up again, I found that I was actually tied up to the bed, completely naked, and even my underwear had been taken off. Ling Xiaoxiao was standing right in front of me, holding a belt in her hand, like it was my belt. When I saw her, I felt scared.

"You stinky mute, how dare you join hands with my dad to harm me, I'll beat you to death!" As Ling Xiaoxiao spoke, she viciously slapped me a few times. I was in so much pain that I didn't dare to cry out, afraid that I would accidentally reveal myself.

I hurriedly shook my head. I couldn't deny it, so I could only desperately shake my head, hoping that she would forgive me. But Ling Xiaoxiao was not the type of person who would sympathize with others.

"Do you think I can let you go just because you shake your head? Don't think too much. You want to get on my nerves? Let's see if you dare!"

Ling Xiaoxiao still used the belt to hit me, causing my body to feel a burning pain, but I didn't dare to cry out. I was afraid that I would accidentally curse, which would be terrible for me.

At the same time, I thought of a question: How did Ling Xiaoxiao manage to escape from Ling Yueqian's medicine? Why was Ling Xiaoxiao on guard, she must have known that Ling Yueqian and I were going to drug her from the beginning, but how did she know? I thought about it, only Jiang Muqing was present that day, she must have told Ling Xiaoxiao, but why did she do that?

Maybe she was afraid that if Ling Xiaoxiao gave birth to a child, it would threaten her position in the future and might even split most of her wealth. That's why she did this, because she didn't want Ling Xiaoxiao to have a child. Therefore, she must have told Ling Xiaoxiao.

Ling Xiaoxiao had hit me quite a few times. This stinking woman was really merciless, making me regret saving her twice. If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have saved her. I would have let her know the taste of being humiliated. At this point, he could only grit his teeth. Fortunately, at this time, Ling Xiaoxiao's cell phone suddenly rang. She put down her belt and went to pick up the phone, looking a little happy.

"Hey, are you in the coffee shop? Okay, wait for me, I'll be there right away!" Ling Xiaoxiao said happily into the phone. I think this call is definitely from Jimmy, otherwise Ling Xiaoxiao would not be so happy.

"Hmph, you dumb bastard, consider yourself lucky. I'll deal with you when I get back!" After that, Ling Xiaoxiao left, but she didn't untie me. I struggled for a while, trying to escape at this time, but to no avail. The rope that Ling Xiaoxiao tied to me was very tight, and I was unable to break free.

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