Matrilocal Groom's Revenge/C6 Ktv Little Power
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Matrilocal Groom's Revenge/C6 Ktv Little Power
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C6 Ktv Little Power

When Ling Xiaoxiao and Jimmy left, I was sure that they didn't take me seriously. I didn't directly return to the Ling family, but walked to my mother's hospital, and when I returned, I couldn't help but feel scared. I didn't know when it started, but I felt extremely disgusted with the hospital.

I walked to the door of my mother's ward and took a look at her. Her face was very pale and she looked very haggard. I couldn't help but cry.

I wiped the tears from my eyes and went into the room. My mother smiled when she saw me and called me over, and when I asked how my mother was doing here, she said she was fine, not bad, and I knew she must be lying. How could someone with cancer be okay, but I didn't say it was a lie that didn't need to be unraveled.

"Mom, this is my bank card. The password is the same one, with 100,000 yuan in it. If you don't have enough medical fees, you can take it from here. There's also an ATM downstairs, it's very convenient." I took out my card and said to my mother.

"A hundred thousand yuan? How could you have that much money?" the mother asked in surprise.

Don't worry, your son didn't steal nor rob. I got the money from my job, so I found a good job. Although it was tiring, it was still tolerable. I said to my mother, smiling.

"Really? College students are really different. The salary is actually this high? That's great! You have to work hard. You must not think twice about it." Mother told me.

I know, don't worry, but I may not have much time to accompany you in the future. I'm very busy at work, so I don't have much free time during the day.

"Mm, I know. Work well, I have nothing on my side, so you don't have to worry." Mother said with a pleased smile.

When I returned to the Ling family, it was already more than an hour later. To my surprise, the Ling family had already finished eating, and didn't have any intentions of waiting for me. When I walked in, they only glanced at me, not treating me as their family.

"Have you eaten yet, Dad?" I took out my phone and typed, then walked in front of Ling Yueqian, pretending to be polite. Although he treated me badly, he was still my father-in-law after all.

"Stupid mute, don't bother me!" Ling Yueqian waved and scolded me. He thought I could do whatever I wanted if I couldn't hear. Then he typed in a few words on his phone to tell me that they had eaten. There was still some leftovers in the kitchen, so he told me to go eat by myself.

I was so angry that I was actually told to eat leftovers. What did this mean? Am I a dog? Am I not even a human in their eyes?

It's like this again. In Ling Yueqian's eyes, all I saw was disdain, that kind of gaze doesn't even take me seriously. I'm his son-in-law, his family, but he actually treats me like this?

I wanted to throw his phone to the ground and stomp on it, but it was just my imagination. I knew that if I did that, I wouldn't be able to get a single cent. For the next 200,000 yuan, I had to endure it.

Although they told me that there was still leftover food in the kitchen, I didn't go to eat it. I wasn't a dog, so I didn't accept this kind of treatment and went straight back to my room.

At night, I was so hungry that I couldn't sleep, so I rolled around on the floor. Inadvertently, I found Ling Xiaoxiao also awake, sitting at the head of the bed, seemingly very angry. I heard Ling Xiaoxiao say, "Xiao Qiang, this guy is actually treating you like this, this is too much!"

I felt very strange in my heart. Who was Xiao Qiang and what was his relationship with Ling Xiaoxiao? In order to satisfy my curiosity, I followed Ling Xiaoxiao out. Ling Xiaoxiao drove out, and I also caught a taxi to follow her. Finally, we arrived at a KTV.

I wanted to go in, but when I reached the door, I was stopped by a waiter.

"Sir, please wait a moment. You cannot enter." the waiter said to me.

I looked around. There wasn't anyone who knew me nearby, so I didn't have any problems speaking. I said to the waiter, "Why can't I go in? Isn't this KTV? Don't you want to do business?"

"Apologies sir, we have rules here, it's fine if you want to go in, you can just set up a membership first." The waiter politely addressed me, but his tone was extremely cold.

"Do you want to start with a member? How much does it cost to open a member here?" I casually asked. If I didn't have a lot of money, I would have just asked for one. Otherwise, I wouldn't have known what Ling Xiaoxiao was doing in there.

"Very cheap sir, it only costs a thousand yuan." The waiter said with a smile.

"What? One thousand yuan? This is just a member. Is it really that expensive?" I was shocked. It was more expensive than I imagined. Although I knew people like Ling Xiaoxiao wouldn't go to low-level places, I didn't expect this place to be so high class.

"Sir, we are in a high-class location, and the members here are only ordinary members. There are at least ten thousand and a hundred thousand senior members. Which one do you want?" The waiter smiled at me, but I could see his disdain in his eyes. He was sure I wouldn't pay a membership fee.

Although it makes people angry, but I don't have enough money to pay the membership fees, so I can only stay outside.

"Sorry, I don't think I'll go in. It's a thousand yuan membership fee, you should just keep it to trick idiots." I said in disgust and walked out.

Not long after I walked out, I saw a person running out from the KTV. It turned out to be Ling Xiaoxiao. He was holding a broken bottle in his hand as if in a panic. Someone was chasing after her from behind.

Although she usually doesn't have a good attitude towards me, she is still my wife. I saw that there was a motorcycle beside me that didn't pull out its keys, so I went over to start it up. Then, I put on the motorcycle helmet, drove it in front of Ling Xiaoxiao and told her to get in the car.

Ling Xiaoxiao hesitated for a moment, probably not knowing who I am, because I'm wearing a helmet and she can't see my appearance at all, and she also can't hear my voice. While she was hesitating, the people behind her were already catching up.

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