The Medicine God's Heir: Guardian of Secrets/C18 The King of Hell Was Easy to Deal with but the Little Ghost Was Hard to Deal with
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The Medicine God's Heir: Guardian of Secrets/C18 The King of Hell Was Easy to Deal with but the Little Ghost Was Hard to Deal with
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C18 The King of Hell Was Easy to Deal with but the Little Ghost Was Hard to Deal with

"Mr. Zhao, Zhang Changsheng exploited his status to coerce Xiao Yu into becoming his plaything," someone reported.

"My boss gave him a thrashing, but Chairman Lee rushed in and had my boss's legs broken without any justification."

"If you doubt my word, feel free to review the surveillance footage."

While Zhao Feng was still weighing his options, Qian Duoduo stepped forward and clarified the situation for all to hear.

Zhao Feng's complexion turned a shade of steely green upon hearing this. Qian Duoduo's willingness to reference the surveillance footage all but confirmed he wasn't deceiving him.

By this logic, Chairman Lee's recent actions amounted to nothing more than manipulation, using him as a pawn.

"Patriarch Zhao, please don't fall for this youngster's fabrications!"

"He's deliberately inciting strife between us!"

Chairman Lee, noticing Zhao Feng's sour expression, felt a shiver of fear and blurted out in a fluster.

"Instigating discord?"

Zhao Feng glanced at Lin Chen, who remained nonchalant, and let out a cold laugh.

"Xue'er, break his legs!"

"Let it be known that anyone who trifles with the Zhao family will face consequences!"

Zhao Xue'er, despite her imposing presence, wasn't the mindless brute Lin Chen had made her out to be.

Chairman Lee's frantic demeanor clearly indicated that Qian Duoduo's words had struck a chord.

"Chairman Lee, my apologies."

Zhao Xue'er approached him, her leg raised high before it came crashing down mercilessly on Chairman Lee's legs.

With a "crack," the sound of bones snapping echoed twice, and Chairman Lee's legs erupted in excruciating pain.

He collapsed to the ground, his cries of agony filling the air.

"Xue'er, notify all companies under the Zhao family banner."

"Henceforth, we sever all ties and terminate any collaboration with Chairman Lee!"

Zhao Feng's gaze on Chairman Lee was devoid of any sympathy.

Disregarding the fact that the old man had tried to use him as a scapegoat, Lin Chen's enigmatic medical expertise alone warranted Chairman Lee's forfeiture of his legs.

Ann Lan and Sun Lili, upon hearing Zhao Feng's decree, were visibly taken aback.

Their eyes involuntarily drifted towards Lin Chen.

How had he managed this?

The esteemed head of the Zhao family was actually heeding his advice?

In that moment, even Qian Duoduo was taken aback. His earlier explanations were merely intended to bring the truth to Zhao Feng's attention.

His boss wasn't going after the Zhao family, but rather Chairman Lee's reprehensible behavior.

Yet, he hadn't anticipated that Zhao Feng would actually go so far as to cripple Chairman Lee's legs.

"Little brother, I've taken care of Chairman Lee's legs."

"See for yourself?"

After giving instructions to his daughter, Zhao Feng hurried over to Lin Chen and asked with caution.

From the earlier exchange, it was clear to him that Lin Chen appeared approachable.

But he also knew that provoking him would be a mistake, as even the mightiest would find no favor in his eyes.

"Brother Zhao, your daughter has a truly kind heart."

"Despite Chairman Lee playing you both for fools, she still left him a chance for redemption."

Zhao Xue'er's eyes widened in surprise at Lin Chen's observation.

Indeed, she had held back somewhat when crippling Chairman Lee, allowing for the possibility of recovery with prompt medical attention.

Yet, she couldn't fathom how Lin Chen, even behind a blindfold, had discerned this detail.

"Anyway, I've accomplished what I set out to do."

While Zhao Xue'er was fretting over whether Lin Chen would consent to treat her grandfather, Lin Chen removed his blindfold and let out a sigh.

He then had Zhang Xiaoyu fetch paper and a pen, and swiftly wrote out a prescription for Zhao Feng.

"Follow this prescription for half a month."

"After that, come back and see me."

Lin Chen spoke with a nonchalant tone.

Zhao Feng examined the simple prescription with a hint of doubt, but with his father's life hanging in the balance, he clung to this glimmer of hope and decided to give it a try.

"Thank you, my friend. We'll take our leave now."

With that, Zhao Feng and Zhao Xue'er got into their car and drove away.

"Lili, get an ambulance for Chairman Lee and take him to the hospital!"

"Qian Duoduo, release Zhang Changsheng."

Ann Lan breathed a sigh of relief once Zhao Feng and his daughter had departed, then turned to give her instructions to Sun Lili and Qian Duoduo.

"Um... Director Ann, the boss didn't give the go-ahead, so... I'm afraid we can't do anything with Zhang Changsheng or Chairman Lee."

Qian Duoduo offered a sheepish smile and a tentative response to Ann Lan.

He knew better than to question Lin Chen's capabilities after witnessing his boss take on Chairman Lee's bodyguards with such skill. Qian Duoduo was well aware that his boss was a formidable master.

With the lucrative profits from selling Spring Pills, he was more inclined to cross Ann Lan than to curry favor with Lin Chen.

"Lin Chen hasn't spoken up, so I'm not allowed to deal with Zhang Changsheng and Chairman Lee?"

Ann Lan clenched her teeth and let out a cold laugh.

In that moment, her feelings toward Lin Chen were a mix of anger and fury.

The guy had barely been on the job for a few hours, and yet a rich heir like Qian Duoduo was already looking out for him.

If things kept going this way, would Ann's Group eventually only listen to Lin Chen's word?

"Cough... Director Ann, in theory, yes."

"But right now, I've got to go buy fruit for the boss, so you two chat..."

With that, Qian Duoduo beat a hasty retreat.

All he needed to do was demonstrate his loyalty to Lin Chen; the rest was none of his concern.

Still, the thought of Director Ann's unborn child belonging to his boss brought a wave of melancholy over him.

"Lin Chen!"

After Qian Duoduo took off, Ann Lan fixed her gaze on Lin Chen.

"Crazy lady, don't say I didn't warn you."

"If you release these two lowlifes today, they're bound to seek revenge."

"When that happens, I can just walk away if I can't handle it, but you? You might not be so lucky."

Lin Chen offered a half-hearted smile as he earnestly cautioned Ann Lan.

As the proverb goes, it's easier to meet the King of Hell than to fend off troublesome spirits.

To Lin Chen, Zhang Changsheng and Chairman Lee were mere ants.

But ants can become a nuisance if not squashed the first time around. Lin Chen might be able to handle them later, but what about Ann Lan?

"Ann's Group isn't yours to command!"

"Lili, follow my orders!"

Ann Lan shot Lin Chen a fierce look and directed Sun Lili accordingly.

Seeing Ann Lan's resolve, Sun Lili held her tongue.

Half an hour later, having dealt with Zhang Changsheng and Chairman Lee, Ann Lan couldn't even be bothered to speak to Lin Chen. She simply took Sun Lili and returned to the CEO's office.

"This woman is not only insane, she's also brainless."

"She doesn't understand the simple truth that if you don't eradicate the problem at its root, it will just come back with the spring breeze."

Lin Chen cast a sidelong glance at Ann Lan's retreating figure and muttered to himself before turning his attention to Zhang Xiaoyu behind him.

"Xiaoyu, don't ever emulate that crazy woman with more brawn than brain."

"When facing an enemy, you've got to be ruthless. If not, once they regain their composure, they'll surely come back to bite us hard."

Zhang Xiaoyu's cheeks flushed crimson upon hearing Lin Chen's words.

Not emulate Director Ann's brawn over brain?

Was the boss insinuating she was all brawn, no brain, too?

Meanwhile, at A City's No.1 People's Hospital.

After being released, Zhang Changsheng accompanied Chairman Lee to the hospital.

He paced anxiously outside the operating room for over an hour until Chairman Lee's surgery was complete.

"Chairman Lee, are you feeling okay?"

In the hospital room, Zhang Changsheng glanced at Chairman Lee's legs, his face etched with regret.

"I'm so sorry, Chairman Lee. If it hadn't been for me today, you wouldn't have been humiliated by that punk."

"But rest assured, I'll seek vengeance for you when I return, even if it costs me my life!"

Chairman Lee, feeling the sharp pain in his legs, glared with eyes reddened by rage.

He clenched his fists tightly and growled, "I will have that brat torn to shreds!"

"And not just him—I won't spare Qian Duoduo, Ann Lan, Sun Lili, or that girl either!"

Chairman Lee's fury sparked a gleam in Zhang Changsheng's eyes.

His relationship with Chairman Lee had been limited to providing the chairman with beautiful women in the past.

Even today's favor was meant to be a simple act of goodwill towards Zhang Changsheng, not expecting to run afoul of someone as tough as Lin Chen.

Zhang Changsheng was well aware of the nature of their relationship, so he knew he had to be cunning to persuade Chairman Lee to seek revenge.

"Chairman Lee, I've got a plan that might just take out that security guard and Ann Lan!"

Chairman Lee, consumed by anger, didn't hesitate to press for details.

"My plan is straightforward. Doesn't a skilled martial artist, a senior brother, always accompany you?"

"Why not have him set up some kind of formation at the new factory Ann Lan is building?"

"Next, I'll instruct my people to lure that junior security guard and Ann Lan, along with the others, to the factory under the pretense that customers have suffered disfigurement from our cosmetics."

"When the time comes, once the formation is activated, no one will make it out alive!"

Zhang Changsheng's eyes narrowed as he ominously conveyed his plan to Chairman Lee.

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