The Medicine God's Heir: Guardian of Secrets/C30 Even Your Big Brother Zhang Changsheng Could Not Save You!!
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The Medicine God's Heir: Guardian of Secrets/C30 Even Your Big Brother Zhang Changsheng Could Not Save You!!
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C30 Even Your Big Brother Zhang Changsheng Could Not Save You!!

"You dare to insult my wife? You're asking for trouble!"

Lin Chen's eyebrows shot up, a glint of ice flashing in his eyes.

"Ann Lan, that little tramp, is your wife?"

"Ha! Just wait. I'll have my fun with her, and I'll make sure it hurts."

"And I'll stream it live for all to see how I dominate your wife!"

With that, Zhang Changwen stepped back swiftly.

He then barked orders at the security guards behind him, "This troublemaker is causing a scene in the hospital."

"Get him! Break his legs!"

As his command echoed, these weren't just any security guards; they were more like bodyguards, seasoned in blood and battle, their aura reeking of violence.

"So, Lin Chen, you think you're a tough guy?"

"Here's a little secret for you. These guards are skilled fighters, personally recruited by the hospital owner for a hefty price."

"Today, it won't matter if you're an invincible hero; you're leaving here on your back!"

Zhang Changwen watched with glee as the bodyguards closed in on Lin Chen and Zhang Xiaoyu.

He could almost see the pitiful sight of Lin Chen's legs being shattered.

"Stay back! Don't come any closer!"

"This has nothing to do with Brother Lin."

"If you're looking for trouble, come at me!"

Zhang Xiaoyu, her face drained of color, stepped bravely in front of Lin Chen, confronting Zhang Changwen with fierce determination.

She knew she was the root of today's chaos and refused to let Lin Chen suffer for her sake.

"Zhang Tiesheng, your daughter is truly shameless."

"She knows I'm a married man, yet she shamelessly throws herself at me!"

Zhang Changwen sneered at Zhang Tiesheng, seeing Zhang Xiaoyu's protective stance.

Zhang Tiesheng shuddered, quickly nodding in agreement, "Yes, yes, Dr. Zhang is absolutely right."

"Once you've dealt with this punk, do whatever you please with my daughter."

"And if that's not enough for you, Dr. Zhang, let the whole crew have their turn with her."

For Zhang Tiesheng, his own safety was all that mattered; the fate of his daughter and wife was of no concern to him.

"Let everyone have a turn with your daughter?"

"That sounds like an excellent idea!"

Zhang Changwen's eyes sparkled at the suggestion.

After all, shared joy is double joy.

Imagine everyone having their way with Zhang Xiaoyu—Lin Chen would surely be driven to the brink of madness.

"Zhang Changwen, if you kneel and apologize to Xiaoyu now,"

"I might just let you off with your life."

"Otherwise, your death is certain today!"

Lin Chen's eyes narrowed as he delivered the ultimatum to Zhang Changwen without a trace of emotion.

"Kneel and apologize to that woman?"

"Lin Chen, have you lost your mind?"

Zhang Changwen shot back at Lin Chen without holding back, then signaled for the bodyguards to take him down.

He was eager to torment Zhang Xiaoyu right in front of Lin Chen.

"Xiaoyu, step back. I've got this."

Lin Chen gave Zhang Changwen a piercing look before pulling Zhang Xiaoyu to safety behind him.

As two bodyguards advanced with electric batons raised, a glint of icy resolve flashed in Lin Chen's eyes.

He stood his ground, unflinching as the batons struck him.


"Did these batons stop working?"

The two bodyguards were baffled, seeing Lin Chen utterly unfazed.

But before they could make sense of it, Lin Chen's hand shot out.

With two swift punches, he landed heavy blows to their chests.

"Thud, thud!"

The muffled impacts echoed as the bodyguards saw a blur before their eyes, then felt excruciating pain in their chests.

They were sent flying backward like kites without strings.

Lin Chen didn't spare them another glance as he shifted slightly, his presence as formidable as a tiger bursting from its cage, and charged into the throng.

"Thud, thud, thud!"

With each punch Lin Chen threw, another bodyguard was hurled through the air.

In a mere two minutes, every single bodyguard lay on the ground, groaning in agony.

Witnessing the scene, Zhang Tiesheng felt a sudden warmth in his pants, overwhelmed by fear to the point of wetting himself.

Zhang Changwen was in no better shape, his legs shaking, his face ashen, and his eyes wide with terror.

Just one man had taken down all the high-priced bodyguards his boss had hired.

Was this guy even human?

No, he couldn't be!

Otherwise, why was there no reaction when the electric batons hit him?

"Don't... don't come any closer!"

"Let me tell you, my big brother is the general manager of Ann's Group."

"If you lay a finger on me, my big brother won't let you off the hook!"

As Lin Chen advanced towards him, Zhang Changwen's legs gave out, and he collapsed to the ground in fright.

"Your big brother, Zhang Changsheng?"

"If you hadn't mentioned it, I might have completely forgotten!"

Lin Chen halted and got straight to the point. Pulling out his phone, he dialed Zhang Changsheng.

"Hey Zhang, you've got a younger brother named Zhang Changwen, don't you?"

"He's already targeted my mother-in-law at the hospital, and now he's after my secretary's mother."

"What do you think I should do about this?"

Lin Chen made the call on speakerphone.

Zhang Changwen thought he could intimidate him with Zhang Changsheng's name?

Well, today he would make sure Zhang Changwen's demise was crystal clear!

"Lin Chen, cut the act."

"My big brother isn't just the general manager of Ann's Group; he's also connected to Director Sun of Prosperous Group."

"If I'm harmed, both my big brother and Director Sun will make you pay dearly!"

Hearing Lin Chen's call, Zhang Changwen instinctively assumed Lin Chen was bluffing, using someone to impersonate his big brother just to frighten him.

"Zhang Changwen?"

"Lin, he's nothing but a bastard child from my father's second marriage, completely unrelated to me!"

Over the phone, Zhang Changsheng felt a shiver run down his spine as he heard his worthless brother using his name to threaten Lin Chen.

He quickly disowned any connection to him.

After a brief pause, without waiting for Lin Chen to respond, Zhang Changsheng added, "Lin, for such heinous acts, Zhang Changwen deserves to die a thousand deaths!"

"If Master Lin is amenable, I can arrange for someone to discreetly eliminate him right now!"

Zhang Changwen's eyes bulged in shock as Zhang Changsheng's words fell. He recognized the voice instantly—it was his elder brother, Zhang Changsheng!

But why would his own brother advocate for Lin Chen?

It made no sense, absolutely none!

"You're going to wait for someone to come and kill him?"

"I'm not that patient!"

Lin Chen, without hanging up, simply passed the phone to Zhang Xiaoyu.

"Zhang Changwen, weren't you the one who vowed to break my 'dog's legs'?"

"Do you have any cards left to play now?"

Lin Chen approached Zhang Changwen with a taunting smirk.


Zhang Changwen stammered, his eyes brimming with terror.

If even his big brother showed such deference to Lin Chen, what chance did he, a mere doctor, stand?

"Brother Lin, no, Grandpa Lin, I beg you, spare my life."

"I was blind to your stature, I should never have crossed you or insulted Miss Zhang and Director Ann."

"If you spare me, Grandpa Lin, all of my savings are yours."

Desperate, Zhang Changwen pleaded, repeatedly bowing his head to Lin Chen in apology.

Watching this, Lin Chen was reminded of how Zhang Changsheng had groveled before him in a similar fashion.

Indeed, they were brothers.

Sadly, Zhang Changsheng had some value to Lin Chen, so he might be spared.

Zhang Changwen, on the other hand, was worthless.


Lin Chen kicked Zhang Changwen to the ground, then pressed his foot onto his neck.

"Any last words?"

Lin Chen asked, his tone detached.

Despite his master's warning not to kill lightly, Zhang Changwen had crossed the line too many times. Keeping him alive might endanger others in the future.

For such a person, the only solution was a swift end.

"You... You can't kill me."

"If you do, the police won't let it slide, nor will the head of this hospital!"

Feeling the icy, merciless gaze of Lin Chen, Zhang Changwen realized that this was no joke.

"Master Lin, if you're set on killing him—"

"The Police Division won't be an issue, but the hospital's boss could pose some problems," Zhang Changsheng cautioned Lin Chen over the phone, after a brief hesitation.

They were in this together now, bound to share in each other's fortunes and misfortunes.

As such, he instinctively didn't want Lin Chen to make more enemies.


"If I were the type to shy away from trouble, I never would've left the mountains in the first place!"

With those words, Lin Chen's foot shot out, striking Zhang Changwen squarely in the chest.

The kick didn't kill Zhang Changwen instantly, but it left his internal organs in pieces, ensuring he'd endure agony for the foreseeable future.

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