The Medicine God's Heir: Guardian of Secrets/C63 The Mysterious Guest of the Sun Family!
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The Medicine God's Heir: Guardian of Secrets/C63 The Mysterious Guest of the Sun Family!
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C63 The Mysterious Guest of the Sun Family!

Ten minutes later, outside the hospital room.

"The power backing Old Man Xia is targeting the Ann family?"

Lin Chen's face was etched with a torrent of murderous intent as he finished watching the video Huang had recorded.

Huang let out a wry smile; he hadn't anticipated the truth to be so twisted.

A masterstroke of using a borrowed knife to incite hostility between the Huang and Ann families—utterly ingenious!

Yet, he harbored some confusion.

He was well aware of the Ann family's standing—merely a third-tier clan in A City.

What could the force behind Godly Doctor Xia possibly be scheming, after going to such lengths to orchestrate this?

"Irrespective of their motives," Lin Chen said, his voice icy with resolve, "anyone who dares harm my wife and children will pay dearly—in blood!"

"In a few days, once I've fully recovered, I'll settle matters with the Huang family."

"Perhaps then, my wayward offspring might even prove somewhat useful."

Huang nodded at Lin Chen, his tone steady.

Lin Chen was his lifesaver; he would rise to the occasion for both the Ann family and Lin Chen, whatever the need.

"By the way, Big Brother, Godly Doctor Xia expressed deep admiration for your medical expertise," Huang mentioned, shifting the conversation. "He's keen on becoming your apprentice."

Both men knew that without identifying the mysterious force behind Godly Doctor Xia, further talk was pointless.

"Take him as my apprentice?" Lin Chen mused. "The old fellow's likely just scared of retribution back in the capital."

"Well, let him stay with you for now. If he shows any treachery, eliminate him."

After a moment's thought, Lin Chen instructed Huang.

He then cautioned Huang to keep this matter from the Ann family for now, to spare Ann Lan and his mother-in-law unnecessary worry.

Meanwhile, in the Sun family estate.

Old Master Sun sat on the bed, gazing at the barely alive Sun Xiangnan, his visage tinged with melancholy.

The birthday celebration was meant to flaunt the Sun family's might, but an unexpected grandson-in-law had thrown them into disarray, severely injuring his most cherished son.

"Old Master Sun, have you come to a decision on how to handle the Ann family?"

In the room, a man shrouded in a black robe asked with a raspy voice.

"The Ann family?"

"Lin Chen's power is immeasurable, and now he's backed by the Liu and Zhang families, as well as the Su and Chung families from the capital."

"What can our Sun family possibly do to oppose him?"

Old Master Sun's body quivered slightly.

No outsider knew the extent of what happened when Lin Chen struck him yesterday.

But he was acutely aware; a single blow had severely damaged his vital organs. With such strength, the Sun family could exhaust all resources and still fall short of defeating Lin Chen!

"Remember, Old Master Sun, our fight isn't just with Lin Chen."

"It's with the entire Ann family!"

The man in the black robe paused, his crimson eyes briefly scanning Sun Xiangnan on the bed.

"If you agree to our terms, we'll not only heal your injuries," he spoke calmly, "but we can also ensure your son continues to live on in another form."

At these words, a flush of life returned to Old Master Sun's pallid cheeks.

He could disregard his own wounds, but the life of his son was not something he could overlook.

"Who are you, exactly?"

"Why are you targeting the Ann family?"

"And Lin Chen... I want him to pay for Sun Xiangnan's life!"

Old Master Sun's fists clenched, his face contorted with fury.

"I serve as a priest in the Shrine."

"As for Lin Chen, once the Ann family falls, we will help you get your revenge," the man in the black robe declared, his tone steady.

Upon hearing this, Old Master Sun's rage cooled, replaced by a look of utter astonishment in his clouded eyes.

The Shrine was a notorious top-tier organization abroad, brimming with formidable individuals and an innumerable array of talents.

For such an elite group to target a minor family like the Anns in A City, there had to be a larger scheme at play. He wouldn't believe otherwise, even if it cost him his life!

"Unless you reveal your true intentions, I assure you, the Sun family will not get involved," Old Master Sun finally responded, his voice firm, after a long moment of deliberation.

He had lived the better part of his life, so naturally, he was no fool.

The offer was enticing, but one misstep could put the entire Sun family at risk of being sacrificed!

"Old Master Sun, your caution is commendable, far exceeding that of the average person."

The black-robed man's chuckle was laced with derision and scorn.

For the head of the Sun family to be so meticulous in handling the Ann family, it was almost cowardly.

"Old Master Sun, our confrontation with the Ann family is merely to coax Old Master Ann into the open."

"Our research indicates your animosity towards the Ann family stems from Tranquil East Sea, correct?"

At these words, Old Master Sun shook as if he had been scorched by the sun.

His eyes reddened with shock, "He's alive?"

"Who is Tranquil East Sea?"

"He was the most trusted lieutenant of that prominent figure from the past!"

"If his demise had been so simple, would the Shrine have gone to such lengths?"

The black-robed man's impatience was palpable.

"Old Master Sun, you're now privy to both what you should and shouldn't know."

"Your next task is to drive the Ann family into a corner."

"We'll handle the rest."

With that, he flicked his wrist, revealing a golden pill.

Old Master Sun broke out in a cold sweat at the sight.

This was no longer a request; it was a command!

Should he refuse, the Shrine might very well target his family!

"By the way, your daughter's hospital has a Godly Doctor Xia from the capital."

"In due time, have someone dispose of that waste."

"Consider it the first course of our collaboration."

Without waiting for a response, the black-robed man set the golden pill on the table, seized Sun Xiangnan, and vanished from the room in moments.

Old Master Sun, left staring at the empty space and the golden pill, turned ashen.

His eyes betrayed a mix of emotions.

He was uncertain if allying with the Shrine was wise, but he was out of options.

After a considerable wait, Old Master Sun finally picked up the golden pill and, with trembling hands, placed it into his mouth. A warm sensation flowed down his throat, spreading to every limb and bone, rapidly healing the severe injuries Lin Chen had inflicted on him the day before.

Half an hour later, feeling reinvigorated with strength coursing through his body, Old Master Sun slowly exhaled a breath of stale air. His once-cloudy eyes now held a glint of resolve.

With no other options left, he was resolved to see his chosen path through to the end.

The blame for the Sun family's plight could only be laid at the feet of An Donghai and Lin Chen. Without their interference, the Sun family would never have found themselves in such dire straits.

"Laosan, you mentioned last night that Ann's Group was teetering on the brink of bankruptcy due to the board's machinations," he recalled.

"Wasn't there a director named Qian Zhongguo who turned coat at the last minute? Instead of pulling his investment, he's actually planning to increase it?"

Old Master Sun summoned his third son into the room, his voice grave as he posed the question.

Sun Xiangfeng, who typically managed the Sun family's business affairs, was intimately familiar with the intricacies of Ann's Group.

Though puzzled by his father's sudden interest in the matter, he nodded in confirmation.

"Round up some men and take care of Chairman Qian," Old Master Sun instructed, his tone measured and deliberate.

"Without this investor, Ann's Group's collapse is merely a matter of time."

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