Meet Sentimental Female Boss/C10 Crazy sex
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Meet Sentimental Female Boss/C10 Crazy sex
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C10 Crazy sex

Many years later, I love to say: falling in love with you is a calamity, for this, I am doomed!

After the madness of the cars in the wilderness, she drove and played the music even louder. She whistled and swayed along with the music. The river road was long and she was happy. The roof of the car was lowered and our hair was blown everywhere by the wind.

"Ah!" she cried out suddenly, and she was laughing, and I was startled by her, but she cried out: "Happy?"

"Happy," I said.

"What?" Big Sis can't hear it! "

I said louder, "Happy!"

She turned her head to look at me, then turned her head and called out, "Want to go wandering with your sister?"

"Yes!" I said, with complete abandon, no doubt happy to be with her, but at the time I never knew what that happiness was, whether it came from not having to work, being able to enjoy myself to my heart's content, or what it was, I could not tell, I was a simple, naive child, perhaps it was.

"Ah, oh!" She drove very fast, as if she was racing. I felt a little dizzy, but at the same time, it was very exciting.

The car stopped in front of an old villa by the river. The scenery there was beautiful, I had been in the River City for four years, but I didn't know that there was such a beautiful place in the River City. The yard was covered with climbing tigers and some roses. There was a swimming pool, a pavilion, and a tennis court. The yard faced south, and the sun was shining brightly in every nook and cranny.

There were also two snow-white dogs, two or three servants, an old man pruning flowers and grass, and two old aunts drying blankets.

"Come down, here we are!" Sis Plum whistled naughtily, then the two dogs ran over. She squatted down to touch the two beautiful dogs with long fur and said: "Darling, hurry and call me big brother, oh, no, calling me uncle!"

I didn't know whether to laugh or cry from her teasing. She was quite capable to actually use her fingers to whistle.

I touched the dog and said, "It's beautiful!"

"So there was another one, but I didn't go to heaven. It was buried on a mountain in the distance, you see …" She pointed at a high ground in the distance as she said this, and it seemed that I really saw a tomb. Fuck, rich people, even the death of a dog required such luxury.

I nodded.

"Come in!"

When I went in, I was surprised to find a parking lot with more than a dozen sports cars parked in it. They were all different brands, so she was quite extravagant.

Passing a few pillars, she said to me, "See this one? It's from South Africa, and the freight alone is over a million dollars! "

I thought, Are you showing off to me? In any case, I don't care about these things. A few broken pillars would cost so much money. In my hometown, I can buy the houses of the entire village.

Seeing that Sis Plum had returned, the servants all came to greet her. Sis Plum called them Uncle and Auntie, but they did not speak.

I nodded and followed her into the room. The room was luxurious and quaint, decorated in a style that seemed to come from Southeast Asia. There was also a kind of incense, very nice, but a little too strong.

In a corner, there was a Bodhisattva. It was very clean and polished, and the sofa was also made of traditional carved mahogany and cotton. The staircase was also made of mahogany, and there were many patterns on it. It looked troublesome, and there was a huge crystal lamp in the middle of the hall. I thought if that thing fell off, it would take a person's life.

"Think of this place as your home from now on!" she said as she took a drink from a refrigerator and I drank it and looked around and said, "It's so beautiful!"

She plopped down on the couch, then slapped it and said, "Come and sit!"

I nodded. After I sat down, she looked around and said, "All of these are from Southeast Asia. They were shipped here!"

"Do you believe in Buddha?" I asked her.

"Not bad, not too bad, not too bad!" Saying that, she stood up, walked to the Buddha statue, inserted a stick of incense, and then called for me to come over and say: "Jia Liang, come over here, bye-bye, Aunt Guanyin!"

She laughed at me, and I walked over to her and reverently kowtowed.

She clapped her hands and said, "Okay, Auntie said you're a good kid. Let me take good care of you, OK!"

I smiled foolishly. "How come you have relatives with her?"

"Of course, we are one family, my surname is Guan too!" Saying this, she smiled and patted my head.

I think she is really a cheerful and funny person. I am very relaxed when I am with Sis Plum, at that time, before all the terrible things happened, we were like children in heaven, and forgot to go home.

The Sis Plum then took me upstairs to see which rooms were occupied, which items were of which origins and which colors she liked, and so on, she said a lot of things, there were a few rooms, but she didn't bring me in, she only threatened me and said, "These rooms can't go, it turned out to be my grandma's, my grandma died later on, she didn't like people entering her room!" I was so scared that my hair stood on end, and she laughed and flicked my head and said, "It's fine now!"

Anyway, I didn't go in, and then I followed her to her bedroom, which was the most important place. When I came in, she locked the door, lay down on the bed, and gasped, "Do you want to try again?"

I bit my lip and said, "Yes!"

Then the two of them kissed on the bed and turned it over and over and finally I held her on it and made the top of her bed rattle, and she seemed to be afraid that people outside might hear her, and she cried out so softly that even when she moaned, she didn't make a sound and just bit my shoulder so hard that I felt like I was bleeding.

During the day, we would go out in the car to shop. I was cleaned up by her and had very short, sunny hair, and looked very tough. In the afternoon, we would go to the river to fish, and if we didn't fish, we would play tennis together. At first, I didn't know much about it, but she taught me, and afterwards, I played very well.

When she loses, she would stomp her feet and say that I shouldn't have bullied her. Sometimes, she would even get tired and jump on my back, hitting me with her little fists. I am very happy and enjoy this feeling.

In the evening we sometimes went for walks, there was no one there, and I was not afraid of her, and sometimes we held her, and sometimes we fought like children, and we were really like lovers, and she looked so small and more alive than I did, and I really loved her, and I loved this woman, and neither of us said the word love, and really didn't say it.

I didn't ask much about her work. She said it a few times simply, in a fog, and I wasn't sure.

This kind of day made me very nostalgic. I was afraid of the passing of time, so I enjoyed it every day, until one day, when I came back from the outside alone, I saw a bastard that I would never forget.

He's the one who caused me to take drugs, and this person actually appeared in Sis Plum's courtyard. I wanted to jump on him and kill him.

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