Meet Sentimental Female Boss/C16 Sister plum's past(1)
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Meet Sentimental Female Boss/C16 Sister plum's past(1)
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C16 Sister plum's past(1)

She murmured, "At that time, our family was very poor, and we lived by the river, and the three of us lived in a hut. Grandfather went fishing in the river every day on a small wooden boat, and then he sold fish at the market. Grandmother made up some bamboo baskets at home, and because Grandmother's legs were not convenient and she was sick all year round, I sold the baskets Grandmother made up when I could remember. To tell you the truth, I didn't even go to school for a few days when I was in my teens, my grandfather couldn't earn much money from fishing, and most of the money was saved up to treat Grandma. I remember one winter when Grandma made me a few pairs of cotton shoes to sell on the street, I walked a long way and went there before dawn, but I didn't sell them out either. I remember that I was starving from morning to night, so I went to a restaurant to order food, and one of the customers asked if I could sing, so he gave me something to eat.

She said, and then she smiled and said, "Actually, at that time, my dream was to be a singer, and when people heard me singing well, they gave me food to eat, and when I left, the boss gave me some money, and I felt very happy, so I often secretly went to sing to them, but one day, my grandfather didn't know how to know, he was selling fish on the street, so he beat me up from the restaurant all the way to home with a fishnet. As he fought, he swore at me, 'I'm dead poor, and I don't want to starve to death.'"

She suddenly stopped. Didn't she say her surname was Guan?

She seemed to realize something, then paused and said, "My grandpa thought it was something that sold sex appeal, and I started crying, and then I didn't cry, and I knew what it meant without money, and since then I've changed, I don't talk much every day, and my grandma loves me, and when she saw me she started crying, and she said it would be great if my parents were there, and I don't know where they are now, and my grandma never told me in detail, and my grandma secretly told me that my father had been drinking and gambling, and she often beat my mother, and my father secretly ran away to Guangdong, and my father never came back, and my grandma always said that her son was hurt."

I want to cry, too, and I don't know why, but I want to cry, too, because I don't know how I started to cry, but I don't want to cry, I don't want to cry, I don't want to cry, I don't want to cry, I don't want to cry, I don't want to cry, but I don't want to cry, I don't want to cry, I don't want to cry, I don't want

I used my hands to wipe away her tears, then hugged her tighter. I felt that she was very pitiful.

She turned around and suddenly curled up in my arms. "When I was sixteen, I was already a girl, and my grandpa was getting sick, and my family was running out of money, and my grandpa was getting worse and worse, and the fish in the river was getting less and less, and I couldn't earn any money, and at that time, I couldn't afford to buy toilet paper, and I couldn't even afford to have my period, so I used those banana leaves to dry, and I used them. At that time, I was going out with my little friends, but my grandpa didn't let me, he didn't want me to leave. When I came back from digging wild vegetables and saw that the shed was surrounded by a lot of people, I didn't know what was wrong, I just felt like something terrible, but it was so small, I didn't know anything, so I just ran around with the basket in my hands, and I heard my grandma crying more and more, and some of the neighbors who lived far away were all around, and my heart started to panic, and I knew something was wrong, and when I fell on the ground and got up and ran home, and rushed into the crowd, my grandma was lying on a wooden board crying to death, and there was a person lying on top, my grandpa was covered with the bed sheets at home, and my grandpa was lying there motionless, and my grandpa was crying with my grandma.

At this point, the Sis Plum's tears flowed unceasingly. She did not make a sound, and tears did not stop.

I also cried so much that I hugged her and touched her face and said, "Be good and stop talking. Be obedient and don't cry!"

She finally cried, and then she hugged me tightly, and they cried together. I kept comforting her, and her body kept on shaking in my embrace, and after a long time, we finally stopped crying. She wiped away her tears and laughed, "Jia Liang, big sis is fine, it's fine!"

My head was rumbling, I never would have thought that the Sis Plum had such a background. It was like a tragic story from an old society, but it happened to this woman who was a little over ten years old, so far away, and so close.

I think that because of the story from that day, I will never betray the Sis Plum. No matter what she did, I will forgive her, right?

Who was the fault of a child who had grown up in such an environment?

It's fate, it's environment, it's unfair. It's hard to say, maybe all the morals, all the laws, all the rules would be lost here, and if God could see her at that time, it would definitely forgive Sis Plum.

She stopped crying and began to talk, as if she were going to tell me everything that day.

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