Meet Sentimental Female Boss/C3 She is too terrifying
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Meet Sentimental Female Boss/C3 She is too terrifying
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C3 She is too terrifying

She's too scary

I don't know why I met her, and I don't know why I met her in my life. I don't know why, but I'm a child who walked out of the mountains, simple as I am, and everything should have been real, and why I have to do with the drugs of the legends, and how this thing used to be a million miles away from me, and how I can't imagine it.

Closing my eyes, it wasn't sex that was driving me anymore. It was that I wanted her to give me some money, that's all. Today, I'm in the limelight, and when I think about it, I don't feel embarrassed at all. It was because people were noble and noble, and cleanliness was just for others to see.

"Hey, let's go, Jia Liang, it's fine!" She took out a jacket from the car and put it on, this way it could cover his unbuttoned shirt.

I walked up to her, and as I walked beside her, she didn't turn around and say, "In this world, only when you raise your head will there be people who respect you!"

I nodded and lifted my head. Just as I was about to reach the door, a waiter let me in, and she smiled and said thank you. She looked so polite.

I was afraid that others would see me, I even felt that if someone saw me, they would definitely laugh at me. I was just a pushover, and indeed, I am, can I refute it? No.

We got in the elevator, and when we got in she smiled at me as if she were very happy and said, "One day I saw you in the bar and you brought me a drink and I was about to tip you and you left, remember?"

I really don't remember, I was introverted at that time, I never looked at the guests too much, it was just as I said.

I shook my head. "I don't remember!"

"Sister, is it ugly?" Saying that, she suddenly kissed my face with a smile and immediately left, maintaining her original position with her hands in front of her chest and wrapping them around herself with her coat.

I smiled a second time.

At this point the elevator arrived and the door opened and I followed her down the hallway, feeling so lost that I thought I'd be like a girl my age for the first time, a sister or something, but instead I went with a woman who was a lot older than me.

When she reached a room, she took out her card and opened the door. It was a very luxurious suite, wide and bright with soft lights. The bed was high and large, and it seemed to be exceptionally elastic, not to mention sleeping on it.

She threw her bag on the bed and threw her high heels on the floor. Then she came up and hugged me, and when she took off her heels she was a little shorter than I was, and when she put them on she was not much shorter than I was at 178.

She put her arms around my waist, then looked up at me and said, "You don't want me, I'll call the police, you —" I was shocked, and I froze, then held her tightly, and then pushed her down on the bed. For a virgin, it might have been animal instinct to press a woman down on the bed as soon as she got up.

I pressed her down on the bed, and she was happy. She smiled and said, "Come like a man!"

I think she must have had some kind of mental shock, she was so terrible, I didn't know what she was talking about then, maybe I should have said it then, but now that I think about it, she did have a mental shock and a shadow in her heart.

I tore off her clothes, and she undid her bra herself. Her skin was so white, so tender, so straight, and her breasts were so big. I think I bit her, and she put her arms around my head and touched me and said, "Oh, kid, you'll bite me until I bleed!"

I hurriedly stopped, but she anxiously pressed my head down and said, "Darling, don't stop!"

When I felt that I needed something, I stopped. She lay there excitedly looking at me and said, "Come on, baby, don't worry, let go, do what you want, the world is yours, don't be depressed, it doesn't matter if you lose your job, you should have a woman, this is the age you should be happy about!"

I looked at her and then I looked down to take off my pants. It wasn't beautiful at all.

When I looked up again, she had thrown her * * aside, and I saw her there, and I was stunned, and I didn't know what to do.

She suddenly got up from the bed, then kneeled on the edge of the bed, holding onto me with her hand.

I'm finished, I can't control myself, FUCK. She smiled, frowned, took everything in, and then patted my thigh with her hand. Then she got up and ran to the bathroom and vomited, and when she came out, she hugged me from behind.

I was mad, and this time I was long, long, until she laughed and took me in her arms and stroked my head and said, "Good boy, good boy!"

I was called so strange, hmph, little one.

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