Meet Sentimental Female Boss/C7 Sexy plum sis
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Meet Sentimental Female Boss/C7 Sexy plum sis
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C7 Sexy plum sis

That afternoon, we did not do that. She was not the kind of woman who did not understand anything, the Sis Plum contacted the detoxification center, and she made a few phone calls. It seemed that she knew a lot of people, and had a good relationship with them.

When I went to get the clothes that had yet to be washed, she pulled me back and said, "Jia Liang, don't take them, sister will buy you new clothes!" I shook my head and said, "No, these clothes, I'm used to wearing them!" She said, "Fine, then I'll help you clean up!" As she packed my clothes and folded them in a neat manner, she said, "Jia Liang, when I get to detoxification center, I will probably suffer a lot from the unimaginable hardships, but if you want to come back, I will have to buy some clothes for you.

I nodded. I didn't know why she knew so much, so I asked, "Sis, can you tell me what you do?" You seem to know a lot about all this! "

She was stunned for a moment, then turned around and smiled, "Idiot, this sister does business. I've been out for so many years, I know everything!"

I nodded.

When I came out, she helped me carry my bag. I wanted to carry it myself. She said it wasn't heavy and insisted on carrying it for me.

I was thinking about it, I wanted to start over, to go back to myself, when the addiction didn't work, and my mind told me how good it would have been to go back to that time, to be physically and emotionally happy, to be able to cry every day no matter how tired I was, and to be rid of this horrible demon, I really hated drugs.

When I got out of the car, I saw that she had changed her car, which she had driven that night. I didn't know her name, it was all in English and very fashionable. She was driving a silver Mercedes that afternoon, and I knew that sign.

It was only then that I realized she must be rich. After getting in the car, she pulled the door shut, then rubbed my hair with her hand and smiled. "Don't be upset. Be happy!"

It was hard to understand. She was furious when she started to know I was a drug addict, but it didn't take long for her to understand again. She even felt normal.

First, she pulled me into a shopping mall and bought me a few sets of summer clothes, a few T-shirts and some jeans, all very expensive. At the time, she bought me some food from a supermarket, and when she bought some, she said, "If the professor says it's okay to eat, then you eat it, you can't eat it, so don't eat it, you have to listen to him, don't eat whatever he wants!"

It was the first time I felt that someone who wasn't a relative cared so much about me, and it was even a woman. It was also the first time that I felt that something was different. It was a woman who gave it to me.

When I came out of the mall, she was carrying bags and bags. I was like a child, and her meticulous care and warmth made me close my eyes and feel the pain of despair.

When we arrived at detoxification center, she had someone come out to pick me up. She seemed to know the people inside, and after she greeted some people, she let me go through the registration formalities. It was very troublesome, and they asked me a lot of questions, such as when I smoked, how I got infected, where the drug came from, whether I was involved in drug trafficking, etc.

When she asked me this question, Sis Plum was not by my side. When she came out, she asked if I was alright. After everything was done, she was about to leave. When she left, she pulled a friend aside to say a few words, then came over and said to me: "Jia Liang, be good, be obedient inside, be strong, don't disappoint me. In a month or two, Big Sis will want to see the you again, okay?"

I nodded. I don't know why, but all of a sudden, I felt like crying.

She seemed to notice and quietly held my hand. Then, she looked back at the overseer and softly said, "When you've recovered, everything's done. Whatever you want, I'll give it to you. Believe me, I'll make you as happy as you were that night. Happy every day, okay?"

I actually smiled embarrassedly. I nodded my head and she pinched my face before taking a deep breath and saying, "Alright, let's go inside. Big sister will be leaving now!"

I nodded. I saw that she knew, and I really wanted to hug her, but I turned my head away after that. I walked very far away from the school, and suddenly, she called out to me from afar: "Jia Liang!"

I turned my head abruptly, and there she looked at me with a little sadness and said, "If there's anything, ask the Sister Zhang to call me!", the person who brought me in was probably surnamed Zhang, she knows him.

I said yes, she said again: "Remember, do not let Sis down, remember what Sis said!"

I nodded again, and I thought I saw her cry. She put her hand to her mouth and frowned.

I wanted to cry too, but there were no tears, I saw her looking at me, for a long, long time, until I was brought into the room, and I saw her still standing there, like a poor little grieving woman waiting for a man to come back from a distance, and she was sad, and she was serious, and I didn't know why she was doing this to me, a woman, a woman who seemed very coquettish, very casual, but why was she doing this to me, why?

I still don't understand why women treat you well, perhaps for no reason, why love is like this, why love is love, no one can tell me this, this is what Sis Plum told me later.

Every time I bid farewell to Sis Plum, I would never expect to see her again, but every time, I was unable to avoid her palm. Her ability is too powerful, it makes me feel mysterious.

I don't even remember when I felt that I really loved the Sis Plum. I don't know. Perhaps my soul had been touched that day when we parted.

From then on!

But all the strange things that happened afterwards, I could not even dream of.

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