Meet Sentimental Female Boss/C9 I want her so badly
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Meet Sentimental Female Boss/C9 I want her so badly
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C9 I want her so badly

Get her out of here!

"I thought I wouldn't be able to see you anymore!" I was so relaxed, so uninhibited, that I took the drink from her car, opened it, and drank it.

"What if I can't see it?" She tilted her head and looked at me.

"I don't know either. If I can't see you, I think I'll find a job and work hard. After many years of prosperity, you'll see me again. By then, I'll be able to open my own factory."

"What else?" she continued.

I pursed my lips and said, "And what's more —" I looked back at her, and she looked like a little girl, anxious for an answer.

I shook my head. "I really can't remember!"

She smiled, turned her head and looked ahead, "This time, I almost didn't see you again, but, oh god, tell me, I promised a little guy that I would come and see him, so everything is fine …"

I looked at her and thought she was lying again. She liked to tease me like I was a child.

I didn't know what to say, because I didn't know anything about her work, back then.

She suddenly started the car. As she drove, she accompanied the music from the car, singing Deng Lijun's < < I only care about you > >, and then sing < Honey >.'s songs were all in the car, her singing was very nice, as though she liked Deng Lijun very much.

"You like her songs very much?"

"Yes, I'm afraid you don't understand. In 1995, when I stayed in Thailand, she went to Thailand and finally left a hotel in Chiang Mai. After that, many of us voluntarily went to the Mebin Hotel to mourn her, and every time we hear her song, we feel the urge to cry! In the past, whenever she held a concert, I would buy a plane ticket no matter where I was! "

I nodded. I don't think I've ever worshipped any celebrities since I was a kid. It's hard to understand.

She looked at me and suddenly smiled. She scratched my head and said, "Hey, why did I say you were sad? It's alright. Big sister will be happy to see you!"

I nodded.

She drove all the way to the edge of the River City River, which was a deserted area. She stopped the car, stopped it, and let me sit up straight. After the chair was put down, it looked like a bed.

I seemed to understand what she meant. She was really bad.

When she was done, she smiled and said, "Lie down!"

After that, everything went according to plan …

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