Metaverse Awakening/C1 Ninth Setting
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Metaverse Awakening/C1 Ninth Setting
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C1 Ninth Setting

In Eminao, within the province of Lanteglos, the city of Huthwaite had seen its bustling main streets fall silent. In place of the usual traffic, somber-faced law enforcement officers lined the roadsides.

"Time really does fly; it's the college entrance exams again."

"The presence of so many officers shows how seriously our nation is taking the selection of talent."

"Indeed, with vicious beasts on the loose and dark forces at play, one can only wonder when humanity will reclaim its former glory."

These were the murmurs exchanged by the swiftly moving commuters.

Forty years prior, a one-way portal had emerged between Blue Ocean Star and the Metaverse, ushering in an era of dramatic change. Fantastical elements once confined to the realms of anime, novels, and games cascaded into the reality of Blue Ocean Star through the Metaverse. To date, humans have identified nine such phenomena, labeled as Settings 0 through 8. The most significant among these for humanity are: Setting 0, 'Rejuvenation of Spirit Qi'; Setting 1, 'The Rise of Vicious Beasts'; and Setting 2, 'The Awakening of Talents'.

Approximately 90% of the world's population had awakened to a diverse array of over 4,000 talents. Regrettably, Bai Le belonged to the remaining 10%.

Outside the examination hall of Huthwaite High School, Bai Le's gaze shifted nervously to his right arm.


10 minutes 41 seconds...

10 minutes 40 seconds...

"Don't stress, Bai. We're just here to go through the motions today. After the martial exam, tomorrow's written test is where we'll really shine," Zhuo Yunhang reassured, noticing Bai Le's anxiety. Despite his words, he was even more on edge than Bai Le. Neither of them had awakened any talents, and they were known in class as the 'brothers in adversity'.

The prime years for talent awakening were between 15 and 18. The martial exam might represent their final opportunity, their last glimmer of hope. To awaken a talent amidst a simulation test, to confront and defeat a vicious beast—what a way to prove the doubters wrong! The odds were slim, but what if?

"Yeah, I get it. Let's give it our all, Yunhang," Bai Le said, offering a reassuring smile. His fear wasn't rooted in the upcoming martial exam or a lack of talent. His anxiety stemmed from the silver-white device on his arm, counting down for three years straight.

For three years since his arrival in this world, the timer that only he could see had been ticking down relentlessly. Now, only ten minutes remained. He had no idea what would happen when it reached zero—whether it would signal the end of the world or his own demise. All Bai Le could do was wait in silence.

"Tsk, tsk, a 'white board' with no awakened talents dares to take the martial exam?" The term 'white board' was a scornful nickname for those without any awakened talents.

"Ha! What a laugh. I'd rather stay home and hit the books than embarrass myself like that," sneered the students nearby, their mockery cutting through the air. Some people took pleasure in demeaning others, as if it elevated their own status.

"Pah! Just a bunch of trash talents. What's the point in pretending?" Zhuo Yunhang grumbled to Bai Le, his voice laced with frustration. "At least we still have the chance to awaken a high-level combat talent."

As he spoke, his gaze shifted enviously toward the two figures at the forefront.

Murong Lianjie.

A B-rank combatant with the command talent 'Expel,' an Awakened!

Wang Doukun.

A B-rank combatant with the offensive talent 'Power of Attack,' an Awakened!

These two were the top contenders for Huthwaite High School's martial examination.

This year's valedictorian for Huthwaite's martial examination could very well be one of them!

Bai Le was accustomed to the scorn of the uninformed.

His mature mindset meant he never let such things bother him.

Instead, he calmly awaited the countdown to what felt like a judgment by fate.

Before long, students began to file into the arena in groups, sorted by class, readying themselves for the martial examination.

Outside the examination hall, the large screen started to automatically live-stream the event in its entirety.

This wasn't a manually operated broadcast.

It was programmed to showcase six 'real-time battles.'

Most battle footage around the world would be broadcast automatically based on proximity and scale.

The higher the level of the battle, the broader the broadcast range.

At that moment, the countdown continued.

One minute and twelve seconds...

One minute and eleven seconds...

The final minute.

Bai Le and Zhuo Yunhang stood at the entrance, ready to step in, each handing their information to the proctor.

"No awakened talent?"

"Hmm... You can exit the virtual secret realm at any time."

"Don't push yourself too hard. You'll still feel pain in the virtual secret realm."

"Severe cases can impact your mental state, or worse, lead to brain death."

After reviewing their information, the proctor looked up and added a few more words of caution.

Though blunt, the advice was well-intentioned.

"Thank you, Teacher. We're aware," Bai Le responded with a smile.

For those without talent, the chance of passing the martial examination and getting into a combat-focused high school was nonexistent.

After all, the martial examination was essentially a test to assess one's awakened talent and the ability to control it.

So there really was no point in trying to last the full thirty minutes.

Just before stepping into the examination hall, Bai Le glanced at his right arm once more.





Was it over?

A flash of silver crossed Bai Le's vision.

Intent Blade (low order) (loaded)

Progress (1095 days / 1095 days)

Intent Value (100 / 100)

Extreme Intent: Soul Devouring Slash (1 layer / 3 layers), Thunderclap Bomb (1 layer / 3 layers).

Next level (0 beast spirits / 10,000 beast spirits)

Loading reward: Hannya Technique (first layer / thirteen layers), Wind Breaking and Flame Separating (first layer / sixth layer).

"Intent Blade?"

The sky remained a clear blue; there was no apocalypse, and Bai Le was very much alive.

In the palm of his right hand appeared a miniature long saber, resembling a 3D projection.

This was certainly not the awakening of some innate talent.

It felt more like a system had taken hold of him, or perhaps it was a kind of... 'setting.'

Yes, that was it—a setting.

Otherwise, why would he be awarded martial skills?

Terms like 'Intent Value' and 'Extreme Intent' were also part of the package.

Though their meanings were unclear at the moment,

One thing was certain: he now possessed a saber he could summon at will.

It was known as the 'Intent.'

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