Metaverse Awakening/C14 I will Wait for You in the Vermilion Bird College for Three Months!!
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Metaverse Awakening/C14 I will Wait for You in the Vermilion Bird College for Three Months!!
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C14 I will Wait for You in the Vermilion Bird College for Three Months!!

"Hello, Bai Le. Good to see you again."

"May I have a moment for a brief interview?"

Lan Yuran asked gently, her smile charming.


Bai Le, bathed in applause on stage, nodded in response.

Interviews didn't faze him; as long as the journalist didn't mind his brevity, he was game.

"Great, the martial examination results will be out in three days."

"As a leading contender for the highest score in Lanteglos province, do you have a preferred university in mind?"

This was a burning question for many.

Each year, universities vied fiercely for top talent in a veritable recruitment frenzy.

Recruiters from various schools were likely en route to Huthwaite City already, just waiting for scores to be released to approach Bai Le.

"Yes, I have one in mind: Vermilion Bird College at the University of Lanteglos."

Bai Le was forthright, not interested in playing coy.

His heart was set on Vermilion Bird College, and no other school's offer could sway him.

Lan Yuran's face brightened at his answer.

Vermilion Bird College, nestled in Aermagh City, meant she'd have ample opportunity to keep in touch with him.

"Senior Bai is aiming for Vermilion Bird College? That's the academy known for its high mortality rate in combat training!"

"True, but those who graduate from there are renowned!"

"To restore humanity's honor is our unshakable duty. Senior Bai's resolve is commendable!"

The audience murmured in admiration.

Vermilion Bird College was founded on the principle of 'driving out vicious beasts and reclaiming our lands'—a path fraught with peril.

Yet, Bai Le's true desire was to swiftly dispatch these beasts and enhance his Intent Blade.

"Bai Le, where's your blade? Call it forth for us to see."

"It's not just a one-time show of talent, is it?"

"If so, you're not worthy of Vermilion Bird College!"

Amidst the stirring sentiments for Bai Le's aspirations, a hostile voice cut through.

All eyes turned to Qi Dongsheng, who stood with a disdainful sneer.

"Who is this guy? Out of his mind?"

"Exactly, Senior Bai was clearly being considerate to the other seniors. Why summon his blade now?"

"His tone makes it sound like he owns Vermilion Bird College or something."

Students whispered among themselves, only to fall silent under Qi Dongsheng's intimidating gaze.

That presence... A Second Grade Martial Cultivator?

Bai Le glanced sideways at Qi Dongsheng, who had issued the challenge.

"Sir, my blade is a battle companion, not a circus act."

"You wish to see it? Then step up here."

To step on stage was to invite a duel.

First Grade Martial Cultivator or not, neither Murong Lianjie nor Wang Doukun could draw out the full potential of the Wind Breaking and Flame Separating technique.

It was time to test this Second Grade Martial Cultivator!

And Bai Le's Intent Blade, with its untested Thunderclap Bomb, was ready.

"Has Bai Le lost his mind? Challenging a Second Grade Martial Cultivator without even being a tyro?"

"Is this... a fight against a third-rank martial cultivator?"

"Great! Now we'll finally get to see Bai Le unsheathe his saber!"

"Bai Le is practically signing his own death warrant."

"Death warrant, my foot! It was clearly that guy who provoked Bai Le first! Since when can a second-grade martial artist just do as they please?"

"You got this, Senior Bai!"

Bai Le's statement sent shockwaves through the audience.

"That guy's a true peak second-grade martial artist, Bai Le. Don't be reckless."

Lan Yuran, who was just about to conduct an interview on stage, hurriedly cautioned him.

Despite her disdain for Qi Dongsheng,

She couldn't deny his formidable strength.

And his A-class combat talent, 'Lethal Bridge,' was downright fearsome!

Even among the prodigies at Vermilion Bird College, no one dared underestimate Qi Dongsheng.

Bai Le was likely no match for him at this point!

"No worries."

Bai Le simply flashed a smile at the well-intentioned Lan Yuran, offering no direct response.


"Bai Le, your naivety has significantly lowered my opinion of you."

Qi Dongsheng, momentarily taken aback by Bai Le's challenge, burst into laughter.

"I'd be happy to show you just how vast the gap between our realms is."

"Sadly, Vermilion Bird College strictly prohibits dueling and challenges off-campus!"

"As a student, I'm bound to follow the college's regulations."

"Otherwise... you'll deeply regret the words you've just spoken!"

By the end, Qi Dongsheng was seething with anger.

Lan Yuran's stance had already soured his view of Bai Le,

And he was itching to give Bai Le a taste of his power on stage.

But as he mentioned, the college's rules were stringent,

And he wouldn't dare defy them!

"Who knew this guy was from Vermilion Bird College..."

"No wonder he's so full of himself."

The murmuring among the crowd resumed.

"If you're too scared to step up, just admit it. Why all the runaround?"

"Do you really think you have the nerve to ask me to draw my sword?"

Bai Le let out a mocking laugh.

It didn't matter who you were or what realm you hailed from.

If you're too scared to face me, then beat it!


Qi Dongsheng was livid but managed to contain his rage.

With a chilling smile, he said, "Fine, Bai Le, you aspire to join Vermilion Bird College, don't you?"

"I enjoy dealing with arrogant juniors like you—it makes things all the more entertaining."

"Don't think you're all that impressive just because you strut around in some backwater town."

"Huthwaite is nothing but a minor, insignificant place."

"Bai Le! I'll be waiting for you at the college! I hope you'll bring the same bravado you have today!"

While Vermilion Bird College forbade external brawls, the culture of internal challenges thrived!

Each new cohort was sent to the front lines for a month of grueling military training before starting college.

The training was rumored to be more intense than that of military schools,

Aimed at forging the toughest of the tough.

Hence the nickname 'Ruthless Academy.'

"Bring it on."

"Just don't be surprised when, after I officially enroll, you turn out to be a nonentity to me!"

Once Bai Le's college entrance exam results are in, he'll secure the A-level achievement.

The rewards are bound to be substantial.

And with over two months until he officially starts, Bai Le's power is set to skyrocket—by then, he might not even consider a second-grade martial artist worth his time.

"Hahaha, you're adorably insane."

"I'll hold you to your words today. Vermilion Bird College, three months' time—let's not miss it!"

With those words, Qi Dongsheng shot a fierce glance at Lan Yuran, standing next to Bai Le.

Then, with a dramatic sweep of his sleeves, he departed.

What else could he do?

He couldn't make a move now. Should he stay and endure further ridicule from Bai Le and the onlookers?

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