Metaverse Awakening/C20 Arriving at the Academy, He Prepared to Test His Physical Value.!
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Metaverse Awakening/C20 Arriving at the Academy, He Prepared to Test His Physical Value.!
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C20 Arriving at the Academy, He Prepared to Test His Physical Value.!

The following day, at noon, as they said their goodbyes,

Zhuo Yunhang walked Bai Le down to the building's entrance.

"Yunhang, don't lose hope. I'm confident you'll awaken your abilities too."

"Look after yourself and your folks for me, and reach out the moment you need anything."

Before climbing into the car, Bai Le turned and embraced his close friend Zhuo Yunhang with a firm hug.

Across his past and present lives, Yunhang was the first friend Bai Le truly valued.

Like Bai Le, he was not yet eighteen and still harbored hopes of an awakening.

The emergence of such talents was unpredictable.

Just like Bai Le had experienced the day before, awakening could happen when least expected.

"Absolutely, I'll catch up to you in no time!" Yunhang replied with a laugh, returning the embrace with equal fervor.

He felt a pang of sadness and his eyes welled up, but he held back the tears.

After all, his buddy was off to broaden his horizons and pursue further education—a joyous occasion.

No tears allowed! At least not in front of Bai Le!

"Ha, deal! I'll be waiting for you in Aermagh!" Bai Le chuckled.

"Deal it is! Bai, go get 'em!"


On the train to Aermagh,

Zhang Lia occasionally glanced at the serene Bai Le beside him.

He took the opportunity to really look at the young man for the first time.

Bai Le's profile alone was striking—straight nose, sharp lips, deep-set eyes, and angular brows.

Above all, he possessed a poise seldom seen in the youth.

"Teacher Zhang?" Bai Le, feeling uneasy under the scrutiny, turned to address him.

"Hahaha, no worries, no worries," Zhang Lia chuckled, a bit embarrassed.

"Oh, by the way, Bai Le, my daughter is in your year."

"She's quite the character, grew up on the campus of Wanghai University. If you're ever unsure about anything, feel free to ask her."

After speaking, he immediately regretted it, feeling as though he was peddling his daughter.


Bai Le responded calmly and returned his gaze to the window.

Four hours later, they arrived in Aermagh, the capital of Lanteglos province.

In his former life, Bai Le, a top assassin, had seen more than his share of glittering cities and amassed a fortune.

Thus, even Aermagh's grandeur, several times that of Huthwaite, failed to impress him.

"Bai Le, have you ever been to Aermagh before?" Zhang Lia asked.

He had welcomed many students from other regions to Aermagh, but none as composed as Bai Le.


Bai Le wasn't keen on chatting with Zhang Lia, sensing something off about the man...

Zhang Lia, caught between laughter and dismay, realized there had been a misunderstanding. He was simply admiring Bai Le from a mentor's perspective, nothing more.


Exiting the station, they were greeted by a cheerful, bell-like voice.

A girl in a black and red combat dress darted into Zhang Lia's arms.

"Wanyu, settle down."

"Bai Le, this is my daughter, Zhang Wanyu."

Zhang Lia introduced her, slightly sheepish.

His daughter was a year older than Bai Le but still loved to dote on her father.

Looking at Bai Le...

"You're Bai Le, the top scholar of the year? You're even more handsome in person than in the videos!"

Zhang Wanyu greeted Bai Le with a beaming smile, her eyes curving into adorable crescents.

Bai Le's sword-drawing video had nearly hit twenty million views online, and of course, she was among the viewers.

"Wanyu, don't be so flippant. You might be classmates in the future. Introduce yourself properly."

Zhang Lia, aware of Bai Le's preference for quiet, was concerned his daughter's exuberance might not sit well with him.

"Why so serious?"

Zhang Wanyu pouted, yet she dutifully reintroduced herself.

"Hello, I'm Zhang Wanyu, a rudimental Awakened with an A-grade combat control-type talent called 'Starlight Screen'."

"It's a pleasure to be your fellow student."

She then reached out her hand to Bai Le.

"Hello, Bai Le, an S-grade battle-type Summoner with the 'Countdown' talent."

Bai Le shook her hand gently.

The 'Countdown' talent was documented by the Talent Administration and available for lookup online.

The S-grade was provisional, subject to change with Bai Le's combat performance.

Bai Le was notably surprised to learn that Zhang Wanyu had already achieved rudimental status.

Clearly, the resources of a large city were unmatched by smaller locales.

Consider that in all nine middle schools of Huthwaite City, not one student had reached the rudimental stage!

What Bai Le didn't realize was that even in Aermagh, Zhang Wanyu was a prodigy among prodigies.

Her martial examination score was an impressive 688!


Wanghai University, the nation's second-ranked comprehensive super university and the top in the south.

Annually, it welcomes tens of thousands of new students.

To house talents from across the country, the university has expanded thrice, now encompassing the entire eastern suburbs of Aermagh.

Though termed a university, it's akin to a county in size.

Vermilion Bird College is perched at the southern edge of Wanghai University, separated from other colleges by a range of mountains.

Nestled amidst the spirit vein hills of the Divine Flame Valley, it boasts abundant spiritual energy and a distinctive charm.

Bai Le arrived at the college with the father-daughter duo.

It was here he truly appreciated the grandeur of the four great battle academies.

Martial cultivators were everywhere; any passerby could be a region's pride.

Upperclassmen, clad in combat dress and armed, paid no heed to Bai Le and company.

"The semester's ending, and everyone's bustling about."

"In a couple of days, most of the upperclassmen will have left the campus," Zhang Lia informed Bai Le.

"Teacher Zhang, what's next on the agenda?"

Bai Le was indifferent to the others.

He was eager to get settled and resume his cultivation.

"There are two steps for new students' induction."

"First is the 'physical value' test, and second is receiving the 'welcome gift bag'."

"Bai Le, I'll take you for the physical value test. Meanwhile, my dad can attend to his duties."

Zhang Wanyu spoke on behalf of her father.

Physical value?

Bai Le's interest was piqued.

"Great, thanks. I've been looking forward to testing it."

A warrior's physical strength and Qi Sea size are measured by the 'physical value'.

The unit of measurement is a horse.

A healthy adult male typically has a physical value ranging from 60 to 70 horses.

Physical value is related to one's martial arts realm, but the correlation isn't absolute.

In general, one must reach a certain physical value to be considered for advancement to a specific realm.

However, realm determination isn't solely based on physical value.

Take the rudimental realm, for instance, which requires a minimum physical value of 180 horses.

After successfully completing the Body Tempering of three acupoints, the physical value usually falls between 190 and 200 horses.

Does this mean that all martial artists reach the rudimental realm after three acupoint Body Tempering?

Not necessarily.

The defining feature of the rudimental realm is the formation of a 'Qi Sea'!

The 'Qi Sea' is the wellspring of internal strength and is also considered part of the physical value.

A few individuals may still be unable to form a Qi Sea even after the three acupoint Body Tempering.

This isn't a setback; in fact, it's an incredible opportunity!

It indicates the potential to open three apertures and even two meridians!

For those with exceptional talent, opening three acupoints and apertures followed by a second Body Tempering can result in a physical value between 280 and 330 horses.

For the truly extraordinary, who successfully temper three acupoints, apertures, and two meridians, the physical value can soar to between 400 and 500 horses!

A martial artist who can only form a Qi Sea after opening three acupoints, apertures, and two meridians, and undergoing three rounds of Body Tempering, is as rare as a phoenix feather or a qilin horn!

Bai Le, having merged with the Blood Crystal and opened the Heavenly Acupoint last night, has the perfect opportunity to test his current bodily strength with the physical value assessment.

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