Metaverse Awakening/C22 The School's Gift Bag, Fish Dragon, Seal, Firebrand!
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Metaverse Awakening/C22 The School's Gift Bag, Fish Dragon, Seal, Firebrand!
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C22 The School's Gift Bag, Fish Dragon, Seal, Firebrand!

Bai Le stepped out of the testing chamber, leaving everyone else still reeling from the shock. With only his Heaven's Top Acupuncture Point opened and his body yet untempered, he had achieved a staggering physical value of 239? What did that even mean? It was as if a Vicious Beast had been reborn; such a phenomenon was utterly unprecedented, completely outshining Lyu Faang.

"Unbelievable..." they murmured.

"It's no wonder Bai Le had the guts to challenge Qi Dongsheng. The guy's a beast!"

"Didn't Qi Dongsheng's last physical value test come in around 1400? There's still a huge gap."

"But is it fair to compare them? Bai Le's just a tyro, while Qi Dongsheng is nearing third grade status!"

The senior students exchanged glances and buzzed with speculation.

"Ha! Lyu Faang, feeling the sting of defeat?" Zhang Wanyu was quick to snap out of her astonishment, seizing the chance to rib Lyu Faang. It was a thrill to watch—Bai Le had proven with sheer might that Lyu Faang wasn't even in the same league!

Three Acupoints Body Tempering, a mere tyro with 209 points? It might sound impressive, but next to Bai Le, it was nothing. Lyu Faang's face turned beet red; he was blindsided by the outcome. Looking at Bai Le now sent shivers down his spine. The guy was an enigma.

"Going for the test?" Bai Le asked, paying no mind to Lyu Faang's flickering gaze, and turned to Zhang Wanyu instead. Frankly, he had never considered his peers as true competition. Unbeatable in his own realm, few were worthy of comparison.

"No need. I did mine yesterday," she replied with a giggle, her eyes admiring Bai Le. "You're quite something!"

"Well, let's go claim the new student gift pack then," Bai Le suggested. After the physical value test, it was time to see what rewards the academy had in store. Zhang Lia had hinted they wouldn't disappoint.

"Sure!" Zhang Wanyu crisply responded, leading Bai Le away from the testing area, leaving a crowd of new students with their emotions in turmoil. Lyu Faang was particularly distraught, unsure whether to stay or go, feeling the weight of everyone's mocking stares. He wanted to lash out, to regain some dignity, but Bai Le hadn't even given him a second glance. With a frustrated huff, he made an awkward exit.


At the heart of Vermilion Bird College, within the Central Building, Zhang Lia entered the Vice Dean's office to report.

"Dean Lee, you've probably heard about Bai Le's feat of taking down three rudimental cultivators," he began. "The boy is an undeniable genius."

"He's also got a solid character, humble and composed—definitely someone we should invest in." Zhang Lia was animated, almost pleading for the school's leadership to take notice.

"Relax, Old Zhang, I'm well aware," chuckled Dean Lee. "You've done a fine job bringing Bai Le here. Now go get some rest. And remember, don't go around singing his praises too much. A tall tree catches much wind. Let him lay low for a few years."

The current Vice Dean of Vermilion Bird College, the S-grade Awakened Lee Renjie, responded with a knowing smile.

"Alright, Dean Lee, I won't impose any further."

Zhang Lia bowed with clasped fists and exited the office.

Once he was gone...

Lee Renjie slowly rose and, hands clasped behind his back, made his way to the window.

The ever-spring beauty of Vermilion Bird College was endlessly captivating.

Lost in the view, Lee Renjie was brought back by the chime of a text message.

"Opened the Heavenly Peak Acupoint, not yet Body Tempered, with a Physique Value of 239?"

"This kid..."

Gazing up at the azure sky, Lee Renjie's face broke into a smile.

"Brother Bai Jue, Yanran, you'd be comforted in the heavens knowing this."


Zhang Wanyu and Bai Le approached the college's logistics office.

After presenting their IDs and college entrance exam scores,

the logistics officer gave Bai Le a meaningful glance.

Then he escorted Bai Le to the 'Armory.'

"Bai Le, as the martial examination's top scorer, the academy has authorized a top-tier welcome package for you."

"And there's more, hehe, Dean Lee has personally arranged some special items for you!"

"Zhang, no need to tag along!"

The logistics officer's smile had a sleazy edge to it, and he clearly recognized Zhang Wanyu.

Zhang Wanyu rolled her eyes in annoyance.

She whispered to Bai Le, "Don't be fooled by Old Wang's lack of seriousness."

"He's actually a sixth-grade Profound Rank warrior..."

Could a mere logistics officer at Vermilion Bird College be just an average Joe?

Wang Daoshu, an S-rank Awakened with the 'Ten Thousand Tribulations' ability, also known as Shadow Duke, is one of the college's elites!

A legend among humans, Wang Daoshu had been sidelined by a severe injury, not yet fully healed, and reserved his strength for critical moments.

"A sixth-grade Profound Rank warrior?"

Bai Le was taken aback.

He hadn't sensed the teacher's formidable presence...

Vermilion Bird College was indeed a den of hidden dragons and crouching tigers.

Bai Le followed Wang Daoshu into the armory alone.

Surrounded by an array of stunning equipment and martial arts techniques, Bai Le felt a bit overwhelmed.

Wang Daoshu presented the items he had prepared, laying them before Bai Le.

"Fish Dragon Cloth Combat Dress, a cultivation technique, your student card, dormitory key... and this saber!"

"Bai Le, check the items, make sure everything's there."

Wang Daoshu stroked his beard.

Parting with so many treasures, even he felt a twinge of loss.

The saber, in particular, was a prize.

"Understood, Teacher."

Bai Le turned his attention to the assortment before him.

The Fish Dragon Cloth Combat Dress, emblazoned with the Vermilion Bird emblem, was crafted from 'Three Water Rhino Pond Vine.'

Its purple quality earned it the moniker 'Purple Rhino Vine Armor.'

Martial skills and equipment for humanity were categorized into seven tiers: white, green, blue, purple, red, orange, and rainbow, with white being the most common and rainbow the most rare.

The Fish Dragon Cloth was a privilege usually reserved for third-grade warriors of the Enforcement Directorate and Military Department.

To think the academy would entrust such an item to a freshman.

It just goes to show, you can skimp on anything but education – the academy was indeed wealthy!

On another note, it was a testament to the academy's high regard for Bai Le.

Next was a purple-grade martial technique, more specifically, a saber manual.

[Sealing the Left-Hand Saber]

"Your innate talent lies with the right-hand saber," Wang Daoshu explained to Bai Le.

"The academy's blade masters have said that training with the left-hand saber could be immensely beneficial for you."

"Yes, I'll take that to heart," Bai Le acknowledged.

The academy had been thorough in considering his needs, tailoring a beginner martial technique that complemented his talents.

He moved on to the next items.

The student card and dormitory key were straightforward. The primary purpose of the student card was the credits it held, which were the academy's most valuable currency.

His dormitory was a single room, a special privilege awarded to the martial examination's top scholar.

The last item was a straight saber encased in a mechanical sheath, shorter and broader than the Intent Blade.

"This saber is named 'Firebrand,' a red-grade weapon. Its former owner perished in the Vicious Domain," Wang Daoshu said, his voice heavy with significance.

"Dean Gongsun retrieved it at the cost of his life. It holds great meaning for both the academy and myself."

"Had it not been for Dean Lee's intervention, I would not have entrusted you with this saber."

"I trust that you will honor the faith the academy has placed in you."

Wang Daoshu's gaze was tinged with nostalgia. Few were as fortunate as he to have survived and returned from the Vicious Domain to Aermagh.

"Rest assured, Teacher," Bai Le responded, lifting the Firebrand from its sheath. A mere three inches revealed a blade that glowed like fire, mirroring the young man's determined and steely gaze.

He spoke earnestly, "Perhaps one day, I will wield this saber to fulfill a fallen senior's legacy."

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