Metaverse Awakening/C23 Let's Go!!
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Metaverse Awakening/C23 Let's Go!!
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C23 Let's Go!!

After picking up his welcome package, Zhang Wanyu took Bai Le on a tour of the cafeteria, the cultivation center, and other campus spots. Vermilion Bird College was even more expansive than Bai Le had pictured, though it was a pity that many areas were still off-limits to newcomers.

Over the next three days, Bai Le dedicated himself to practicing the 'Left-hand Saber Sealing' technique with his Firebrand in the spacious dorm. The essence of the Left-hand Saber lay in the elements of risk and surprise, often complementing the right-hand saber to catch an opponent off guard. The saber manual emphasized grip and the art of drawing and sheathing the weapon—essentially, channeling internal strength and spirit energy into the left wrist. Mastering these saber skills meant Bai Le was well on his way to proficiency.

In his previous life, Bai Le had been a blade virtuoso, and these few days of practice had already borne fruit.

"Bai Le, Bai Le, are you ready? All the new students are assembled!"

"Come on, the square is buzzing!"

Zhang Wanyu's voice, urgent and excited, echoed from outside the door. Bai Le couldn't help but smile at her enthusiasm; she was a daily visitor, always making her presence known in her boisterous way. But today was different—today was significant. The new recruits of Vermilion Bird College were rallying, poised to depart for military training on the new continent's frontier.

Dressed in his black and teal rhinoceros vine armor with the Firebrand at his left hip, Bai Le cut a striking figure. A man's attire, much like a horse's saddle, could enhance his natural sharpness and vitality.

"Keep it down, I'm coming," Bai Le called out, opening the door and giving Wanyu a quick glance. In a world as hushed as this one, her lively spirit was a rarity.

"Wow!" Wanyu gasped, her eyes wide at the sight of Bai Le in full gear.

"Wow nothing, let's move," Bai Le chuckled, shaking his head at her reaction.

Together, they shouldered their packs and made their way to the academy's revered Holy Hall Square. This historic site, where humanity's saintly rulers and kings once convened to face down vicious beasts, was surrounded by statues of those legendary figures, including the likes of Eternal Night King Wey Wujian and Armor King Cao Lingfeng.

Now, the square teemed with life as 328 new students from across the nation mingled in excitement. The number was neither small nor large, considering that beyond combat, most Awakened talents were geared towards management, agriculture, and other life skills. With combat talents making up only about 15% of the Awakened, and military academies vying for over 70% of that pool, each year's intake was a collection of rare and elite individuals.

"Look, Bai Le!"

"The top new student! So cool!"

"Damn, Purple Rhino Vine Armor! I only got a green combat dress when I joined!"

"Is that the 'Last Knife' on Bai Le's waist?"

"No, you blind? It's on his right hip, clearly a secondary weapon."

"Check her out—she just got here and she's already got a beauty by her side... some people have all the luck, it's enough to make you jealous."

Bai Le had quickly become the center of attention upon his arrival.

Wherever he went, the other new students would instinctively clear a path for him.

It was clear that keeping a low profile was out of the question when you were in the spotlight.

Bai Le didn't try to be modest, either; he made his way unobstructed to the very front of the line of new students.

Lyu Faang, who was at the front, noticed Bai Le approaching.

He didn't really want to move, but after a moment's thought, he stepped back.

Who could blame him? He had just been embarrassingly outdone by Bai Le a few days earlier.

"Hey, Bai Le, we meet again!"

Lan Yuran was the reporter assigned to cover the Vermilion Bird College's military training mobilization assembly.

With her cameraman in tow, she enthusiastically snapped away at Bai Le.

"Miss Lan, that's probably enough..."

Bai Le winced under the relentless camera flashes.

Hadn't Lan Yuran gotten her fill of photos, following him from Huthwaite all the way to Aermagh?

"Hahaha, alright, alright. But you're just so photogenic!"

Lan Yuran said, giving Bai Le a few more longing glances before she and her cameraman moved on to photograph other subjects.

"I never expected you to be this popular. Even Lan Sen's daughter seems quite taken with you!"

"She's a real beauty, and with her father heading the Law Enforcement Bureau of Lanteglos, there's a whole line of guys from our school alone trying to win her over."

Zhang Wanyu marveled, though her words carried a hint of jealousy.

Bai Le found her girlish demeanor amusing.

This innocent, budding affection was somewhat naive, but undeniably heartwarming.

"Lin Yang is here too!"

"The top beauty from the Central Region! Rumor has it the school forum has already crowned her the new campus belle!"

"She's stunning!"

"Why is she just arriving now?"

"Come on, she's the daughter of Central Region's governor, Lin Yi! You think she wouldn't carry herself with a bit of grace?"

"The governor's daughter?"

"You mean you've never heard of Lin Yang from the Lin family, also known as Shisan? Have you been living under a rock?"

A woman clad in a white combat dress, with a sword at her waist, stepped into the square, causing an even greater stir than Bai Le had.

She was the runner-up in the new students' martial examination and an Awakened with an S-class combat talent known as 'Unparalleled.'

A figure unmatched in this world.

Her presence was like a slanting shadow cast by a jade palace, her admirer's gaze lingering as if seeing her for the first time;

Her hands, delicate as jade, her subtle makeup surpassing the finest silk.

Lin Yang's entrance captivated everyone!

Her background was equally impressive.

The daughter of one of the New Continent's three governors was studying in Eminao?

In ancient times, this would be akin to a prince or princess being sent to the capital as a pledge of allegiance.

Lyu Faang, standing just behind Bai Le, was completely awestruck.

A native of the Aermagh martial arts family, he was dressed in a red Ling Long Lion Barbarian Combat Dress, a massive halberd slung across his back, exuding an air of formidable strength.

His towering presence, coupled with his current dumbstruck expression, was almost comical.

Bai Le wouldn't have been surprised if he were the reincarnation of the legendary warrior Lu Bu.

"Wow... She's a million times more radiant in person than in any video!"

By comparison, Lan Yuran paled significantly.

Even as a woman, Zhang Wanyu felt her heart skip a beat in admiration!

But Bai Le's gaze remained cool and detached.

He glanced once and then returned his focus to the front.

"Check her out! Aren't you going to look, beauty?"

Upon seeing this, Zhang Wanyu quickly tugged at his sleeve and urged.

"I've looked. Don't get me involved in your daydreaming."

Bai Le remained utterly indifferent.

In his past life, he had been with women far more breathtaking than Lin Yang.

"Bai Le, be honest with me. Do you have a problem with your orientation?"

Zhang Wanyu asked earnestly.

"Damn it..."

Bai Le was sorely tempted to give her a noogie.

Before long, Lin Yang made her way to the front row, standing there with her arms folded.

Bai Le, Lin Yang, and Lyu Faang were unmistakably the standout trio among the new students.

"Ahem, ahem."

Lyu Faang cleared his throat, preparing to approach and strike up a conversation with Lin Yang.

Suddenly, a voice of commanding authority boomed across the square.


"Year 40 of the Metaverse! All 328 freshmen of Vermilion Bird College have assembled!"

"Dean Lee will now address the gathering!"

The voice resonated deeply, reverberating across the space.

The assembly was complete!

Dean Lee will now address the gathering!

All the freshmen were jolted by the announcement, their gazes turning to the high platform at the front of the square.

The seven senior members of the college were already present, including Wang Daoshu, the keeper of the college's armory.

"Ladies and gentlemen."

"Dean Gongsun is currently training on the new continent, so I, Lee Renjie, will preside over this military training kick-off speech."

Lee Renjie, merely a third-grade Common Rank, had not ascended to the position of Vice Dean through his martial prowess.

Lee Renjie stepped forward, surveying the 328 freshmen below him.

"Vermilion Bird College is not a place for idle chatter."

"I'll be brief. This year's military training will be the most brutal to date."

"The college has set the maximum allowable death rate at 20%!"

"That means up to 60 of you might not return."

"You have the power to choose. Anyone who steps back now will be deemed to have withdrawn from the college and will be excused from the training!"

His words hung in the air like a chilling breeze sweeping through the square.

A death rate as high as 20%?

What in the world was this training?

Some faces remained stoic, others were visibly shaken, beads of sweat forming.

Yet, out of all 328 students, not a single one stepped back!


After a three-minute pause, Lee Renjie nodded in satisfaction and raised his voice again.

"Vicious beasts are merciless. I can never forget the sight of countless compatriots being devoured and slaughtered when I was just ten."

"Wherever these beasts roam, they leave behind a trail of corpses and no survivors..."

"My young friends, I know you are still green and untested, but I also know that every year, these beasts threaten our frontlines and hunger for the flesh of our people!"

At this, Lee Renjie's eyes reddened slightly.

"Time is of the essence! The threat is upon us!"

"The fate of humanity hinges on each and every one of us!"

"Now more than ever, it's time for the youth to rise to the challenge!"

"Go forth! Harsh trials will hasten your growth!"

"Fight! Your fervent blood will fortify your indomitable spirit!"

"Students! My dear students!"

"Lift your heads high! We are the sovereigns of this land! Glory will be ours! It will belong to our homeland!"

"Students! Students!"


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