Metaverse Awakening/C8 The Ascending Book and the Wind Breaking and Flame Separating Technique Had Reached a New Level!
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Metaverse Awakening/C8 The Ascending Book and the Wind Breaking and Flame Separating Technique Had Reached a New Level!
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C8 The Ascending Book and the Wind Breaking and Flame Separating Technique Had Reached a New Level!

Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, Bai Le and Zhuo Yunhang climbed into their car and headed home. Today's segment of the college entrance exam had wrapped up, but the process was far from over. The next two days would be dedicated to the written tests, covering subjects similar to those before the world's transformation, with the addition of a Vicious Beast subject. The day after that, non-combat Awakened individuals would face their comprehensive test. For Bai Le, however, the remaining exams were of little consequence; his stellar performance today had already caught the attention of top combat academies.

Bai Le's house was a short distance from the school, nestled within a densely populated community. Upon entering, he was greeted by the stark emptiness of the living room—void of any appliances save for the lights. The space was filled with fitness equipment: yoga mats, barbells, jump ropes, and punching bags. It resembled less of a home and more of a stark, silent gym.

Intent Blade (low order) (loaded)

Intent Value (53/100)

Extreme Intent: Soul Devouring Slash (1 layer / 3 layers), Thunderclap Bomb (1 layer / 3 layers).

Next level (0 beast spirit / 10,000 beast spirits)

Techniques: Hannya Technique (1st layer / 13 layers), Wind Breaking and Flame Separating (1st layer / 6 layers).

Merely on the return trip, the Intent Value had increased by three points. "Combat seems to be quite effective in raising my Intent Value," Bai Le mused. "Without it, the recovery of Intent Value is notably slower. Normally, it regenerates about 1-2 points per day, but after a fight, it can jump by 3-5 points." He deduced this based on the connection he felt with the Intent Blade.

Intent Value was the lifeblood of the Intent Blade. Should it fall to zero, the blade could not be summoned. The minimum cost to unleash a Soul Devouring Slash was 50 Intent Value, with no upper limit to potential consumption. This meant Bai Le could potentially execute a Soul Devouring Slash at a staggering 100 Intent Value—twice as powerful as today's. And while summoning the Intent Blade didn't always require a special move, it would still deplete Intent Value.

Another issue presented itself. Typically, an Awakened's talent strength would grow with their Martial Tao grade. However, the Intent Blade wasn't a talent. Its potency relied on the mastery of moves like Soul Devouring Slash and Thunderclap Bomb, as well as the upper limits of Intent Value.

"The real gems, though, have been the Hannya Technique and Wind Breaking and Flame Separating," Bai Le reflected. The Hannya Technique could instantly amplify a practitioner's strength. With it, Bai Le had torn apart a beast soldier-level Scarlet Fire Fox, crushed a Water Arrow Frog with a single punch, and even slain a Giant Tree Beast through its bark. Advancing it beyond the tenth layer promised the power to dominate all beings.

Wind Breaking and Flame Separating, a divine technique once wielded by the Third Prince Nezha to command his wind-fire rings, was equally impressive. These two techniques alone could make Bai Le invincible among his peers, even allowing him to punch above his weight class. Unfortunately, his current physical condition and lack of inner strength—still not a rudimental martial artist—meant he couldn't fully harness the first layer's potential of either technique.

"Ah, I've yet to utilize the Ascending Book..." Bai Le thought to himself. Even at their initial levels, the Hannya Technique and Wind Breaking and Flame Separating were proving to be incredibly formidable.

Bai Le eagerly anticipated the effects of the second layer of the Wind Breaking and Flame Separating technique. Unfortunately, there was only one Ascending Book available. Which martial skill to enhance first was the question. After a brief moment of deliberation, Bai Le opted for the Wind Breaking and Flame Separating technique. In comparison to the thirteenth layer of the Hannya Technique, this skill was only at the sixth layer, offering a higher cost-benefit ratio. Most crucially, the best strategy among the thirty-six stratagems was to retreat, making a movement technique that allowed one to both escape and attack timeless!

Ascending Book (Successfully Used)

Wind Breaking and Flame Separating (2nd layer/6th layer)

"Thump, thump, thump."

As Bai Le had just advanced the realm of his Wind Breaking and Flame Separating technique, a knock echoed at the door. Without a second thought, he knew it had to be Zhuo Yunhang. Bai Le rose to let him in.

"My man! You've really awakened your combat talent!"

"And it's such a powerful, badass talent at that!"

"Wuwuwu, we brothers are finally making our mark!"

As soon as Bai Le opened the door, Zhuo Yunhang threw his arms around him, tears and snot mingling in his embrace. His family lived just above Bai Le's apartment. Zhuo Yunhang had gone home briefly to collect himself, and only after confirming he wasn't dreaming did he come down to see Bai Le.

"Yeah, I awakened first."

"Yunhang, I have faith that you'll awaken too," Bai Le said, offering a gentle reassurance. He understood Zhuo Yunhang's excitement all too well. Had Zhuo Yunhang been the one to conquer the abyss-level secret realm today, Bai Le would have been even more thrilled. Such deep friendship needed no explanation—it was among the most genuine and heartfelt of bonds.

"I'm starting to think it's hopeless for me..."

"But it's okay, as long as my brother is killing it!"

"Come on, Bai, let's head upstairs for some food."

Zhuo Yunhang dried his tears, and Bai Le responded with an encouraging smile. He was a frequent guest at Zhuo Yunhang's place for meals, not out of impudence, but because Zhuo Yunhang's parents were very fond of him, often insisting he join them for dinner.

Upon reaching the upstairs apartment, they found Zhuo's mother busy in the kitchen. She too was an Awakened without any special talents, typically dedicating her days to homemaking and child-rearing. Zhuo's father, on the other hand, had awakened a D-level support and scouting talent and worked in law enforcement.

Bai Le and Zhuo Yunhang both offered to help in the kitchen.

"Little White, you should relax; today is a day for celebration. Yunhang and I can handle it," Zhuo's mother insisted, ushering Bai Le out of the kitchen.

"Auntie..." Bai Le began, noticing the redness around Zhuo's mother's eyes, a sign she had been crying. The TV in the living room was still showing the day's examination events. It clicked for him—Zhuo's mother had seen his performance and was moved to tears of joy.

A wave of emotion swept over Bai Le. In this world, he had no blood relatives, yet the Zhuo family had welcomed him as one of their own. From this day forward, he resolved to push the limits of his martial abilities, if only to safeguard them from the dangers of the vicious beasts that plagued the land.

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