Mightiest Ruler Reincarnated/C11 The Godly Doctor Came.
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Mightiest Ruler Reincarnated/C11 The Godly Doctor Came.
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C11 The Godly Doctor Came.

Ye Xuan felt a headache coming on, so he said to himself, "The wound on the right knee is deep. If it hadn't been for the guidance of a master and the internal energy to protect it, I'm afraid this leg would have been crippled."

"But now, the wound is getting worse. If I don't treat it now, my legs will be crippled in a week, and my tendons will gradually decay. I will definitely die."

"Little brother, what you said is a bit too much!"

No matter how good the temper of the Soldier King Li Tong was, when he heard Ye Xuan's words, he immediately frowned. Old Master Ouyang was not only his master, but also a role model that he had always admired since he was young.

He took a step forward and was about to make a move.

However, when he wanted to make a move, he realized that Ye Xuan was just standing there casually, but he actually had the illusion that he couldn't do anything.

An expert!

The Soldier King Li Tong retreated instead of advancing. He quickly stood in front of the old master. An expert had actually come in front of the old master. If he wanted to do something, it would be bad.

Ouyang Yunlong looked at Li Tong's actions in surprise. He also felt that something was amiss. He waved his hand to signal Li Tong to relax, and then he said, "Little friend Ye Xuan, what you said is right. Just now, I was too impetuous."

Facing the sudden change in Ouyang Yunlong's attitude, Ye Xuan only chuckled and did not take it to heart.

He had eaten Ouyang Chan's ginseng and only wanted to help her treat his grandfather.

"Ye Xuan, quickly take a look at my grandfather. Is there any way to cure him? You promised me." Ouyang Chan, who was at the side, was both happy and anxious at the same time.

She could not care less about the people around her. She just hugged Ye Xuan's arm and said anxiously.

"Little Sister Chan, don't be fooled by some ignorant person!"

Just as Ye Xuan was about to explain the situation to her, a slightly sarcastic voice came from outside the door. Soon after, a thin man and an old man slowly walked out.

The man had a feminine and handsome appearance. If he walked into the entertainment industry, he would definitely be a young star.

The person who spoke just now was indeed Ye Xuan. The moment he entered the room, he looked at Ye Xuan with disdain and said coldly, "Old Master is a hero. Everyone in the Creatvale knows about his glorious deeds. If someone wants to con him, they can ask him."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Ouyang Chan's arm that was hugging Ye Xuan's arm. A trace of unnoticeable malice flashed in his eyes.

"Master, I have told you about your illness. Master came back from the medical summit in the United States." The man looked at Ye Xuan arrogantly as he spoke.

"Little Chen, is this Divine Doctor Hua, who is known as the Godly Doctor Hua?" Ouyang Yunlong looked at the person who came and actually stood up from the sofa and said politely, "Godly Doctor Hua, why didn't you notify me beforehand when you came to Egludgan? I would have made preparations."

"Heh, General Ouyang is too polite. I am just an ordinary person, how could I dare to trouble you?" Divine Doctor Hua glanced at Ye Xuan and said to Ouyang Yunlong.

Ye Xuan saw that this old man seemed to have some ability, so he was too lazy to say anything. He just stood quietly at the side.

However, Ouyang Chan muttered unhappily, "If it wasn't for the treatment of Grandfather, I really don't want him to enter the door."

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