Mightiest Ruler Reincarnated/C2 It Repeated Itself Again.
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Mightiest Ruler Reincarnated/C2 It Repeated Itself Again.
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C2 It Repeated Itself Again.

At that time, although he was not dead, Ye Xuan's entire body was paralyzed, and he could only spend the rest of his life in bed and wheelchair.

When his mother saw his miserable state, she no longer had the mood to run the company. She and her father spent all of their money on her, wanting to cure her.

In the end, because of her overworking, her mother finally could not hold on any longer and passed away three years later.

And her father also gradually became depressed.

He still remembered that year, when Ye Xuan was lying on the ground in front of his mother's memorial hall, he saw Liu Qiang, who had kicked him off the cliff, appear in the memorial hall.

The look in his eyes was as if he was looking at a dog.

Liu Qiang was like a victor. He told everything to him without any restraint, and he even threatened him that if he were to say it out loud, his father would beg for death.

He would never forget what Liu Qiang had said. He was just a person who did things. As for the person behind him, Ye Xuan didn't even deserve to know his name.

Multiple blows struck Ye Xuan, and he fainted in front of the memorial hall. When he woke up, he had already been taken away by Crazy Immortal.

Following Crazy Immortal's cultivation, Ye Xuan had killed all the geniuses of the Myriad Clans and destroyed all the forbidden areas, becoming a supreme Immortal Emperor who stood proudly in the starry sky.

However, even though he looked down on the world, he was unable to save everything that had happened. This also became a fatal devil in his heart.

"In this life, everything will change. Those who have stepped on me will have to pay the price."

Ye Xuan secretly swore in his heart. He would protect his loved ones and let the enemies who had forced his family to the brink of destruction get what they deserved.

Of course, there was also that girl, the girl who would fight side by side with him in the starry sky a hundred years later, the girl who would sacrifice her life for him.

Ye Xuan gathered his thoughts and was about to turn around when he noticed two men and a woman walking towards him.

Seeing these familiar faces, Ye Xuan couldn't help but be stunned.

This girl was dressed in bright and beautiful clothes, which made her seem full of youth and vitality. Coupled with her faint makeup, she was indeed worthy of the title of the prettiest girl in class three.

And she was Ye Xuan's girlfriend, Bai Yating.

Looking at the man beside him, Ye Xuan's mouth curled into a cold smile, "Although you are not the mastermind behind the scenes, you will be the first."

The aura that could not be seen by the naked eye slowly floated towards Ye Xuan's body. The originally lush and flourishing plants were now withering away, as if all their life force was declining.

The range of the aura kept expanding.

"Ye Xuan, let me introduce you. This is my friend, Liu Qiang."

When the three of them walked over, Bai Yating said to Ye Xuan. However, there was a hint of dodging in her eyes as she looked at Ye Xuan.


Ye Xuan sneered in his heart. Since when did friends become so intimate that they would hug each other's waist when they walked?

Although they had stopped their hands when they came up, Ye Xuan had already seen it clearly.

Liu Qiang looked gentle and refined, and he had a handsome appearance that was as bright as the sun. Coupled with his expensive clothes, he indeed looked like the dream lover of a girl.

When he saw Ye Xuan, he walked up to him with a smile and greeted him, "Hello, my name is Liu Qiang, and I'm Bai Yating's friend."

Ye Xuan didn't even look at him and asked Bai Yating calmly, "Why did you invite me here? Just say what you want to say. I'm not interested in dealing with people who don't know what's good for them."

Liu Qiang's hand stretched out awkwardly.

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