Mightiest Ruler Reincarnated/C5 The Mastermind Behind the Scenes.
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Mightiest Ruler Reincarnated/C5 The Mastermind Behind the Scenes.
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C5 The Mastermind Behind the Scenes.

"Ye Xuan, I underestimated you. But don't underestimate the Liu family. If it wasn't for the wrong information, I wouldn't have brought Ah Wu here today."

Liu Qiang said word by word as he felt the cold aura.

"Who sent you here for the second time?"

"Ye Xuan, don't go too far. Your mother and you are just unnecessary existences in the Liu family. If the Liu family wants to touch you, it will be as easy as flipping my hand! If you don't let me go, not only you, your father, and your mother will pay the price!"

Liu Qiang felt that the pressure in his heart was about to drive him crazy. His eyes were filled with a vicious cold light as he stared at Ye Xuan.

"For the last time, who sent you here?"

As Ye Xuan spoke, he placed one hand on Liu Qiang's throat and slowly used his strength.

Liu Qiang felt that his breathing was getting harder and harder. However, the man in front of him was calm. Liu Qiang could no longer bear it and shouted, "I said, I said it was Liu Mingdong!"

Liu Mingdong!

A chill came from Ye Xuan's body. The temperature around him seemed to have dropped by several degrees.

Who was Liu Mingdong?

Perhaps the most popular topic in the entire Divine Kingdom was Liu Mingdong.

He was only twenty-four years old, but he was already one of the top ten young entrepreneurs in the Divine Continent. Putting aside the assets of his family, he had even climbed up the world Forbes list this year.

Handsome, money, power, all of these halos shrouded this young man.

In his previous life, he might never have any interaction with an existence like Liu Mingdong.

As if he was worried that Ye Xuan would not believe him, Liu Qiang quickly explained, "Old Master is not in good health recently. He said that he misses your mother and you a lot. The young master is worried that you will split the family property when you go back, so..."

So that's how it is!

Just because of an unrealistic guess, Liu Mingdong wanted to kill his family. This Liu Mingdong was extremely vicious.

Looking at the unconscious A Wu and Liu Qiang in front of him, Ye Xuan had already thought of how to deal with them.

He slapped Liu Qiang's neck with one palm, and he also fainted.

Ye Xuan looked at Liu Qiang and A Wu expressionlessly. He pressed his hand on their hearts and a wave of Spiritual Qi slowly entered their bodies.

Now, this Spiritual Qi could cure the wounds just now, but five days later, it would be a deadly poison that would continuously damage their hearts.

At that time, even if they didn't die, they would only be paralyzed.

At that time, Ye Xuan and them would no longer have any interaction.


After leaving the cliff, Ye Xuan walked towards the uninhabited forest on the Heaven Gate Mountain. Ye Xuan no longer cared about Liu Qiang and A Wu.

However, Ye Xuan knew in his heart that Liu Qiang's last threat was not a lie.

Liu Mingdong was indeed a proud son of heaven. The halo around his body was incomparably dazzling. The person who came to deal with him was just a lackey, but he actually brought an A Wu who could not be compared to an ordinary person.

There must be hidden dragons and crouching tigers around him.

"If I were just an ordinary person, I would probably die if I were to face such a huge monster." Ye Xuan sighed in his heart.

Putting aside whether there were any hidden dangers on this earth, even if it was just now, if Ye Xuan did not have some time to devour some Spiritual Qi, he would probably end up as miserable as he did in his previous life.

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