Mingyi Creating The World/C15 Qingxu
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Mingyi Creating The World/C15 Qingxu
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C15 Qingxu

The two of them hung in the air as cultivators flew past from time to time. Tang Jingtian paused for a moment before licking his lips, "Yuan Xu is a rare genius. Back then, he was also a student of the Profound Sky Academy and could even be considered a senior of mine." It was a pity that he had died young, leaving behind a single, lonely Yun Xiaolou, who had been raised by his uncle Yun. Yun Xiao Lou had been very sensible ever since she was young. She had been going to Taihe Mountain to gather medicinal herbs since she was five or six years old. I heard that the formation protecting the secret palace of the Taihe disciples was discovered by this brat by accident. Yun Xiaolou's cultivation was not high, he did not dare to rush in recklessly at that time, so he had turned back the way he came. Because he had gone too deep into the forest, he encountered an attack from a demon beast on his way back, and was unfortunately heavily injured. Although he arrived home safely, he needed to recuperate. Unable to resist the temptation of the treasure, he went up the Taihe Mountains alone. Yun Che searched in the direction indicated by the small building and indeed, the Secret Palace of Heavenly Dipper was discovered by him. It was also the branch palace of the disciples of Supreme Peace Palace, and he had taken out many treasures from within. Taihe Mountain was the area of influence of the Lucky Tower. For some reason, when they heard the news, they sent people up the mountain to investigate, and they easily found the bodies of Yun family's uncles and nieces. Yun Zuiyue had always coveted pleasure, and had never been a person who could resist temptation. Therefore, she had placed most of her treasures at the Treasure Auction, which was held in the Jiang Dai City in the next few days. There were not many people who guarded the mountain, and the higher-ups of the Lucky Meeting Tower took this matter seriously. They then called Yun Zedong to serve as a guide and re-entered Tai He Mountain. "At the same time, the matter was leaked, and the world was shaken by it. This led to the current chaos in Taihe Mountain.

"Jing Tian, just as you said. If no new treasures appear, this magic robe should come from Yun Zi and be sold to the Lucky Tower through his hands." Ming Dong pondered for a moment and said: "It doesn't seem to be a complicated matter. If nothing goes wrong, then the person who poisoned us would either be Yun Zuiyue or one of the higher-ups of the Meeting Tower." With a thought, the Imperial Censor's talisman tray rose in height. He frowned slightly, instinctively feeling that things would not be so simple. It was as if they had overlooked something important, but were unable to grasp what it was.

"Almost everyone acts with one purpose in mind. "Since the powers in the tower are so great, it's very difficult to investigate. But now, we have two ways to go." Tang Jingtian smiled and confidently followed, "If you want to be simple, then we will do as you say and wait for that person to show up. If you don't want to be so passive, we can change our direction and start with the younger brother who sold the vestment." We've all been poisoned by perfume, how can he escape? He was just a common employee who was not involved with the core secrets. It was likely that he was still in the dark. As long as we tell him the truth, we can guarantee that he will honestly tell us the origin of that manager. "

"Then what if he was the one who poisoned it?" Mingyi looked worried.

"Wouldn't it be even easier if it really was him?" Tang Jingtian shrugged his shoulders, "He is just an ordinary cultivator. It is inevitable that he will have all sorts of troubles in his life." If he wanted anything, it was nothing more than money and money. Any problem that could be solved with money wasn't a big problem. If you don't believe him, we'll just wait for a while. No matter who poisoned him, I don't think he'll be able to hold it in for long before he comes out. "

"Mm, that's the only way. "Then let's not worry about it for now. We can talk about it in a few days." The next day, the two of them spoke in a low voice. It was more like a self-hypnosis.

Suddenly, a whirlwind appeared on the ground, sweeping towards Ming Yi like a sharp blade.


Ming Yi was shocked and terrified. He instinctively took a few steps and swiftly moved to the side. His steps were profound and complicated, and his body was graceful and nimble like a dancing godly bird. The technique he used was, surprisingly, the 'Fire Phoenix Rising Sun Dance'.

It turned out that Ming Yi was learning the Reincarnation of the Void while Tang Jingtian had taught him the Reincarnation of the Fire Essence. Although he had found the Fire Phoenix Zhaoyang to be too gentle and beautiful, he had still memorized all the moves. It was true that his memory was excellent, but it was impossible for him to remember such a profound and mysterious dance move by merely observing it once. Rather than saying that he had memorized the dance moves, it would be better to say that the Xuan steps were recalled by him. It was as if he had long since learned this external fire element cultivation technique, and now, he could only use it according to his instincts. This feeling was incredibly mysterious, but it didn't make him happy. It only made him question himself even more. But now, he had suffered such an inexplicable attack and didn't have the time to think about such things.

Everything happened too suddenly and ended too quickly.

The wind that rose from the ground missed its blow, attracting everyone's attention. However, it quietly disappeared, as if it had never appeared before. In fact, most of the people saw it, but they just avoided it. They did not see the mysterious whirlwind. The wind seemed to be alive, and did not disturb everyone except the people who were waiting for the next moment. However, the people in the middle of the incident had extraordinary cultivations and were very close to each other, so they naturally noticed something.

"Who are you? "Why did you sneak attack the next day?" Tang Jingtian stepped forward and stood in front of Ming Yi.

At this moment, Ming Yi had a confused look in his eyes as he stared at the teenager in cyan, unable to understand the reason behind the attack.

The azure-robed youth laughed coldly, "A sneak attack?" If I sneak attacked you, would he still be able to stand behind you? I just want to see him clearly, and see his [Enlightenment Will Seal]. " Pausing for a moment, he turned to Mingyi, saying coldly, "I am Qingyang Qingxu. Give me your name, and I will not kill nameless people."

"Qingxu?" Tang Jingtian suddenly remembered something important. This matter concerned the cause of the great disturbance 15 years ago. His face suddenly turned cold, "You are a Qing Clan disciple?" "Who is Qing Shuo to you?"

Qingxu's eyes were shining with an azure light, and her entire body was exuding an ice-cold aura. After a moment of silence, she said, word by word, "It's my father."

"You are Qingshuo's son?" "Qing Xu, I know you hold a grudge against the Ming family. This grudge may have already penetrated deep into your bones, but you only have one enemy — the long-lost Ming Tian and not the entire Haotian family. What is your Dao? To avenge his father and kill his enemies? Was it to destroy the entire Haotian family? Or go deal with that youth. "

"Young Master, that Qing Clan youth is not simple. Before you grow up, please try to stay away from him." Feng Yan said, "There are too many secrets on his body. The Qing Clan's innate technique is the 'Azure Sky Scar', but he inherited the mysterious' Green Hellish Pupil '. The purple mark on his forehead was not his Dharma Idol, but rather a high level manifestation of the hidden blood in the sky. The term 'true' was taken from the meaning of 'all things are true'. Cultivators who had this day's hidden blood could not only have photographic memories, but their cultivation speed was also extraordinary. Most of their techniques could connect to the origin, and they could even see through all illusions. Cultivators with true blood would show their 'true eyes' when they reached a certain level of cultivation. Most of the eyes were truly magical. They were created by the eye of a cultivator, which meant that they were hidden in a normal eye. However, he was different. Based on the current situation, he might be able to cultivate a 'third eye'. If that was the case, it was inevitable that he would be able to cultivate to a Heavenly Cultivator. However, these were not the most important things, he still had the most important treasure on him — the Suo Sword that he had mentioned before. The Suo Suo is a Primeval Heavenly Soldier that is even older than I am. "

"I don't care how talented he is or how many secrets he has hidden. I just want to know why he wants to kill me." Mingyi was silent for a while before he spoke in his mind.

"Because he is the son of Qing Shuo, and Qing Shuo was killed by Ming Ming Tian, so he hates all the people from the Haotian Ming Clan." The voice from the feudal fiefdom sounded far away.

"I'm always involved in all kinds of inexplicable dangers, and there are still too many unsolvable mysteries!" Mingyi's eyes were full of sadness. "Feng Jiang, you chose me, I don't know if it's right or wrong."

"Right and wrong, truth and falsehood, how could they be seen clearly in such a short period of time?" Feng Jing said, "Little master, you don't have to belittle yourself. Compared to that Qing Clan kid, your talent is definitely not inferior to his. "You're just starting out a bit later than him. As long as you focus on cultivating for ten years, this gap will quickly be bridged."

"Yes." Ming Yi felt warm in his heart and sighed. As his mood improved, he asked the question that was on his mind: "Seal the border. See the sky? What kind of person was he? How could Qing Shuo, such a respected big shot, kill that person? "

"Ming Guan Tian is a peerless genius, he has the same dao as Qing Shuo." "Qing Shuo went to that place before, and Ming Guan Tian also wanted to go to that place. Therefore, he needed to test his own abilities to see if he had the qualifications to go there. "In the end, he will still challenge Qingshuo, and he will have to go all out."

"This is the sorrow of a big shot." Ming Yi couldn't understand it, but he didn't want to think about it too much. He changed his mind and asked softly: "Feng Jiang, who was your previous master?"

Feng Yue was silent for a long time, and then, with a fleeting voice, he said: "Her name is Feng Hua, and she is an admirable, extraordinary woman." It had existed for too long and experienced too much, so the hidden pain that he did not want to mention became more profound. Ming Yi felt the grief of the border, and tactfully did not ask further.

When he walked out of the Lucky Strike Tower, the golden sun hung high in the sky, warm enough to touch people's hearts.

"Today's weather is really good." Mingyi squinted his eyes comfortably.

"Aiyaya, I almost forgot, we were hit by the Three Autumn Dreams." Tang Jingtian's wails came from behind him, "The heaven and earth are beautiful, the reality is cruel. We might as well go to the Spring Water Pavilion and eat wine and listen to music, and enjoy this precious time with the girls. "

"Ah, Jing Tian, what is the main point that you want to say?" Mingyi sighed softly.

"The main point is that time is extremely precious. We should enjoy ourselves at the right time." Tang Jingtian said as if it was a matter of course.

"You're right, time is precious, but Xing Le is free. Why don't we find an inn or an inn so that we can prepare for your Flamewing Dragon Lion homework?" Ming Yi said indifferently.

"Oh! "My Flamewing Dragon Lion!" Tang Jingtian's eyes lit up, he put his arm around Ming Yi and left, "Next time, let me think carefully, what you said makes a lot of sense. We should focus on proper business. There are a lot of inns in Jiangshen City, where do you think we should go? Was it a gorgeous palace? Or to Four Seasons Tavern? "

"It seems as if the heavens of the Haoyue Court are about to change." Ming Yi and Jing Tian were talking and laughing when they suddenly heard Feng Jiang sigh.

Ming Yi looked up at the clear sky and the bright sun. After a moment of hesitation, he smiled and went back to his conversation with the Tang Third Young Master.

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