Mingyi Creating The World/C17 Five dream butterflies
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Mingyi Creating The World/C17 Five dream butterflies
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C17 Five dream butterflies

"Ugh!" That's the 'Five Illusionary Butterfly'! " Feng Yue shouted in shock.

Ming Yi's face was stiff and bloodless, his breath drifting in and out of his body. The most terrifying thing was his terrified eyes, which were devoid of focus and vitality, like an empty shell that had lost its soul. A quarter of an hour later, his pupils slowly dilated and a glimmer of life appeared in his eyes; a quarter of an hour later, the corner of his mouth twitched, and a tinge of blood appeared on his lips; an hour later, the muscles on his face stretched slightly, and a little life appeared on his face; two hours later, his body suddenly trembled, as if he had been possessed by a ghost. After a while, the youth's finger moved, and with great difficulty, he propped himself up from the table.

His face was drained of blood. His face was pale as if he had recovered from a long illness. His eyes were so dull that he didn't seem to know how to move them. Only after a long time did he slowly regain his senses.

"Little master!" Little master! You have to hold on! You're not going to break down that easily... "Which damned bastard would dare to be so ruthless …!" Feng Yue's impatient roar resounded in his soul.

"Feng Jiang, don't worry, I'm fine." Ming Yi's nose was sore and his eyes were red. He raised his head and tried his best not to cry. He felt an immense sense of grievance, but continued to cringe as he looked out of the window.

In an instant, he felt as if he had been struck by lightning. After staring blankly for a moment, he suddenly let out an inhuman scream. Then, he jumped up and quickly flew backwards like a bolt of lightning. He covered his face with his hands and hid in the corner of the wall in fear. Only after a long time did he dare to look towards the window through the gaps of his fingers. He only saw the beautiful butterfly fluttering about, waving its beautiful tail in the dim light, crisscrossing each other and forming 12 big words:

— — Many offenses

— — I'm very sorry

— — Wishing to Extract the Dream Fragrance

— — Please move forward

"Offended?!" Bullshit, sorry! Was human life a game? Why don't you go and die! " Ming Yi's eyes turned red as he cursed.

In the past few years, he had never been this excited. Now, he actually cursed out in such a harsh manner that he believed himself to be the most important. Even such a good-natured person was angered to this extent. It truly was not an easy matter. However, thinking about it carefully, just as he was about to die, he suddenly found himself in a horrible situation. If it wasn't for his firm mind and fragile heart, he would have long since had his mind and soul broken down. If this was the case, the light ones would be foolish, while the heavy ones would be dead. The danger involved was extremely terrifying.

"Young master, should we go or not?" Feng Yue asked, his voice tinged with the tone of grinding teeth.

Ming Yi bit his lips as cold sweat dripped down his body. He opened his mouth, but his throat was dry. His throat was surging, but he could not utter a single word. He avoided the butterfly with his timid gaze, only looking at the twelve large words in the air. The words were vigorous and powerful. They were as sharp as knives, and they cut at his pupils and nerves until his eyes began to emit ripples of watery light. His green throat moved slightly as he swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said in a dry and cracked voice, "Jing Tian … Such a big commotion... "Why didn't he come …" Amidst his shock, he thought of Tang Jingtian. He couldn't face this predicament alone, so he needed the help of his comrades.

"Well, he can't hear you. He can't even see you." Feng Luo sighed helplessly, "After all, this is the extremely rare 'Five Illusionary Butterfly'. Three Autumn Dreamy Butterfly, Autumn Annihilation Butterfly Meteor. Ordinary dream butterflies only lived for three autumns. After three years, they would die during the Winter Solstice and all living things would be born and perish from the heavens. It was hard to escape the laws of nature. This dream butterfly was different. It must have obtained a fortuitous encounter in order to break the rules and achieve its current achievements. The dream butterfly was of all colors. It was a dream butterfly that had cultivated for five hundred years. I'm afraid all the people in this courtyard have had their senses blocked by it. "

"Jing Tian!" Ming Yi was at a loss on what to do. He knew it was useless, but he still subconsciously shouted loudly.

Sure enough, after a long time, no one answered.

The next moment, he suddenly turned around and rushed out of the room. Creak creak creak. The corridor was quiet without a single person. Creak creak. All the rooms were empty and devoid of any life. Creak creak. He descended the stairs. There was no one in the lobby, no one in the Spring Bamboo Courtyard, no one in the Xia Lan Courtyard. There was no one in the Chrysanthemum and East Feverfew Courtyard. There was not even a single person in the entire street!

In the blink of an eye, it was as though the entire world had become empty.

The originally bustling and bustling city had now turned into a quiet empty city. He was left all alone. Fear swept over him like a tide, swallowing him without any effort at all. His eyes were dull as he stood in the middle of the street. The entire world had left him, as if he was in a silent space.

Wuu ~ ~ ~" Tears streamed down the youth's face. It was as if he had returned to the orphanage from his childhood and was isolated by the public for the first time. He's just a kid. A child who fears the cold and the dark and the solitude. He could pretend to be strong and brave and happy and mature, but in the end he was just a kid who was afraid to lose. He thought that he had grown up, matured, and that he was a completely different young man now. After days of continuous accidents, he had done his best, but the young man's endurance was limited.

The more he cried, the more sorrowful he became. The grievances of the past few years were chasing each other in his mind, grinding out countless hidden sorrows. Just like this, he cried for the rest of his life. Suddenly, the 'Enlightening Mind Seal' lit up, causing his entire body to feel refreshed, as if he was drinking nectar and jade dew. His crying stopped as he looked around in a daze. Everything around him was quiet and still, and nothing had changed because of the fear he was releasing.

A silver light flashed in his eyes as he clenched his teeth and clenched his fists. With a resolute expression, he raised his head to look at the sky.

The Five Illusionary Butterfly wasn't far from him. It's colorful wings fluttered in the air, as if it was mocking his weakness.

Mingyi's eyes gradually became firm. He shouted loudly: "Take me to see your master!"

The five dream butterflies flew around in a circle, and after confirming that the teenager had made his decision, they flew towards the northeast.

The crystal sword's wings suddenly expanded as they clanged and interweaved with each other. Mingyi soared into the sky, resolutely following the Illusory Butterfly's tail of light.

"Little master, you've really grown up this time." Feng Yue said in a gratified tone, "This trip is very secretive and careful in all matters. Fortunately, you wrote down a few Imperial Golden Symbols just now. In times of crisis, it might have the ability to reverse the course of events. Thinking about it now, no matter what that person's goal is, you should be safe. "

"I know, it's easy for him to kill me." Ming Ying said coldly.

"No, that is not what I meant. What I wanted to say was that he seemed to have a request for you, so he would definitely not harm you." Feng Yue explained, "This matter is very strange. At that time, I was too angry so I didn't think too much about it. Now that I think about it, the Five Illusion Butterfly didn't mean any harm to you. At that time, the timing that you raised your head to look was too coincidental, and it just so happened that when the sun was shining golden, one of its five illusions, the Asura Illusion, appeared, which was why it almost caused you to fall into the illusion world of hell. "The dream butterfly's nature was kind. If it wasn't controlled, she wouldn't take the initiative to use an attack illusion technique on cultivators."

"You mean — that I was unlucky enough to run into a gun of my own?" Mingyi pursed his lips, feeling unsatisfied. His luck was bad, but to be bad to such a degree was still a bit hard for him to accept.

"So far, so good." Feng Yue answered honestly.

He said no more and did not look down. The more imposing the city, the deeper the emptiness. He looked forward and followed the five dream butterflies, flying towards an unknown destination.

This was a magnificent city. His flying speed was not slow, but after flying for a while, the five dream butterflies in front of him stopped. The dream butterfly flapped her wings as she floated in the air. She seemed to be waiting for him to catch up, but also seemed to be checking the area below.

Ming Yi looked down and saw a magnificent palace. "The palace had a spectacular scale and unique style. It was a mix of exotic styles. It was not a mix of East and Red, but it was magnificent.

"City Lord's Mansion?!" Mingyi was surprised. When he was in the floating cabin, Tang Jingtian had told him about this place. He had a deep impression of it, so of course he remembered it. At this time, he didn't have much time to think. The five dream butterflies had already flown down. The wings of Ming Ren's sword shook as he anxiously dove down. To his surprise, this place was not 'empty'. Instead, there were many guards and servants. He had already gotten used to the silence of the empty city when he suddenly saw the heads move again. He felt a sense of nervousness for no reason. The Five Illusory Butterfly stopped flying forward. It was guarded strictly, causing him to look flustered and tense up. He tried his best to suppress the sound of the sword wings breaking through the air as he carefully followed closely behind the Five Illusion Butterfly. Who knew that after entering the City Lord's Mansion, Cai Die's flying trajectory would be strange, sometimes left, sometimes right, sometimes up, sometimes down.

The five dream butterflies flew down, Ming Yi quickly withdrew and left.

This was the corner of a small courtyard. To the left was a huge flower garden with all sorts of strange flowers and flowers. In front of him were numerous rugged and rocky fake mountains.

After a while, a light footstep could be heard from the left and a familiar man's voice could be heard: "Cousin, you've been staying in your room the whole afternoon. Don't tell me that you've already successfully built 'Solitary World'?"

Mingyi was startled. He didn't need to think much before he remembered the owner of the voice. It was Qiuyan, who he had met once today at the Meeting Tower.

"Cousin must be joking. In such a short period of time, I would like to succeed, but I still need to ponder over it for a few more days." Another indifferent male voice. Mingyi shivered, took a deep breath, and almost cried out. It was because this person gave him too much pressure that he couldn't help but become nervous just by hearing her voice.

"How many days?" Qiuyan replied with surprise, "Uh, Cousin is truly a world-shocking genius. In order to create this' Solitary World ', I spent an entire month and a half. "Originally, I had high hopes for my cousin, but I only thought about it in my heart. No matter what, it would take me at least ten days to half a month. Now, it seems that I have really underestimated my cousin."

"I am only a preliminary estimate. It might take a few more days. It is still too early to say." Qingxu laughed softly.

The two of them had already passed the flower bed when Qing Xu suddenly sensed something and looked towards the corner behind the flower bed. He only saw emptiness in the shadows, nothing unusual. He frowned to himself. Because they had a close relationship, his spiritual sense was extremely sharp, and it was also because of this that he was able to live until now on his own. However, in just one day, he had experienced an abnormal feeling twice. He used the same secret technique to observe, but it was all to no avail — this was what was truly abnormal.

"Cousin, may I be so bold as to ask, what guests have come to visit you in the recent days?" Qingxu calmly asked. He had just arrived in Jiang Yanzhou three days ago, but that was no different. What he should know, what he shouldn't know, with his natural talents, more or less, he had some understanding of.

Qiu Yan's expression changed slightly. She chuckled dryly and shook her head. "Nope. It's just my cousin. I don't see any guests. My cousin is one of us."

Qingxu smiled coolly, her eyes profound. She said nothing more.

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