Mingyi Creating The World/C19 Merciless lock
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Mingyi Creating The World/C19 Merciless lock
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C19 Merciless lock

When Qingxu heard the sound, she smiled coolly, put down the book in her hands, and began to walk out of the small courtyard. He slowly strolled past a courtyard and arrived at a stone formation not too far away from the flower garden. His expression was solemn as he stopped in his tracks. He formed a spell sign with his ten fingers and slowly closed his eyes. The purple seal on his forehead instantly glowed, and pieces of broken images appeared on the spirit altar. These scenes were too trivial and mostly boring and useless, but on the contrary, they were too numerous and unbearable.

Qing Xu's brow furrowed, and sweat broke out on his forehead. He was about to give up when a blurry image caught his attention. He abandoned all other images and focused only on the image. He tried his best to discern it, but he could only detect a familiar feeling.

However, this bit of familiarity was enough — the handsome blue-eyed youth was like a drawing, slowly appearing in his interior scene.

"Mingyi? How could it be him? "

Qing Xu's eyes snapped open, his gaze as cold as the heavens and the earth. Qing Xu lowered his head and a purple glow appeared between his eyebrows. After pondering for a while, he half closed his eyes and stretched out his right hand. Suddenly, his palm lit up with a green light and an ancient celestial sword flew out.

This Immortal Sword was ancient and leisurely. It was about four feet three inches long and four inches wide. It did not have many engravings, but it looked even more mysterious and heavenly, as if it was a legendary divine weapon wielded by a godly creator.

With a low grunt, Qingxu rose into the air, flying over the top of his sword. He circled around the City Lord's Mansion with his eyes closed, and did not stay there for long. Suddenly, his body turned into a ball of green light, and flew towards a direction in the sky.

"Cousin?!" When Qiuyan was reminded, she raised her head to look at the sky in surprise. Seeing the cyan light fly across the sky, she hurriedly leaped up and landed on the highest point of the City Lord's Mansion's dome. Qiu Yan frowned and thought for a moment. She chanted the incantation and formed a seal with her hand. Then, a maple leaf appeared in front of him.

Maple red like fire, dotted with golden light, miraculously floating in the night sky. Qiuyan pulled back her right hand, revealing another translucent brocade, floating lightly at her master's feet. With a dark expression on his face, Ji Hao then stepped on the brocade satin, which carried him towards the direction of Qing Xu.

The night was as cool as water, the moonlight was like the sea, and the bright night sky soared over the river city.

The whistling sound of the wind was in his ears. The cold moonlight scattered on his body, and the crystal clear wings on his back shone resplendently under the night sky. He had already gradually gotten used to flying, but at this moment, he still felt a lot of discomfort. It was all because he was carrying a youth slightly younger than him in his arms. When he was in the mortal world, although he had started his cultivation early, he had never felt that his strength was too great. He was only slightly stronger than ordinary mortals. The Qi Cultivation Technique recorded in the « Crossing Disaster Gold Book » was extremely profound. When absorbing and circulating Essence Qi, he would naturally temper his body and meridians, but the body strengthening effect was far greater than it actually was. It would not allow him to suddenly obtain heaven-shaking divine strength or unrivalled martial arts.

Mingyi had been flying with the boy for a long time, and it was strange that his arms didn't feel sore. However, he had too many secrets on him, and he had no intention of entangling himself with them. What he truly felt awkward about was that he was carrying someone in his arms.

Ming Yi was a conservative and slow person, because he was brought up and isolated by others. He was all alone when he was young. Naturally, he was not very good at being close to others, and he even tried his best to avoid being in close contact with them. Unfortunately, his fate allowed him to coincidentally meet Jing Tian, but Jing Tian was a rare type of open-minded person who had no scruples when doing things. He especially liked to 'display friendliness' towards others. He was trying hard to adapt to the situation. He didn't expect it to be so useful. Awkwardness and awkwardness were inevitable, but the feeling of discomfort was reduced a little. Perhaps in the near future, with that "sticky" living treasure for a long time, Mingyi might really be able to "under the influence" of the other party, not knowing if this is a good or bad habit.

However, everything was still unknown, and there were still two things he didn't want to say. He definitely wouldn't be able to adapt to it now.

Yun Xiaolou's rosy face was pale, her delicate fingers were like hoops as she nervously hugged her crotch and buried her head deep in his embrace, not daring to even glance down from the corner of her eyes. Since Yun Xiaolou's cultivation was not high enough, and he was unable to block out the astral winds, he naturally could not avoid being hit by them. Fortunately, it was already the early summer and the night winds were somewhat warm, but during the high-speed flight, they turned into bone-piercing cold winds. Even if Yun Xiaolou hugged her tighter, he would not be able to feel any more warmth from her embrace. He tightened his neck and pouted, feeling extremely dissatisfied. However, the moment he opened his mouth, his words became smooth and gentle, "Brother Ming, your body is stiff, and your hands are cold. Have you felt any discomfort recently?"

Mingshu's face was expressionless, and his body felt as if it had been cast from iron. When he heard Yun Xiaolou's words, the corner of his mouth couldn't help twitching. There was resentment in his blue eyes. After pondering for a long time, he sighed. "Yun Xiaolou, how old are you?"

Yun Xiaolou was startled, he didn't expect the other party to ask him a question instead of answering him. However, he was extremely smart. In the blink of an eye, his smile returned to normal as he responded, "Brother Ming looks to be about fifteen years old. I am about the same age as Brother Ming."

Mingyi frowned slightly, gradually becoming angry. He had never liked people who were fickle and tactful. He didn't want to talk to them anymore, but he was still a teenager after all. He couldn't hide his anger as he said in a deep voice: "I wonder what kind of relationship is this?"

Yun Xiao Lou's eyes moved, as if he had understood something, he said: "It was my mistake to make Brother Ming laugh, I did not consider it properly, and have not introduced my origins. I'm thirteen years old, and I live in Leisurely Cloud Village at the foot of Taihe Mountain. I still have an uncle in my family. I grew up with my uncle and depend on each other, usually on the Taihe mountain to pick herbs for a living. Although his family life was poor, his life was relatively peaceful. I didn't expect that because of my relationship a few days ago, my uncle would be involved in the matter of the Supreme Mai Palace's Tiangang Secret Palace. To most cultivators, this might be a good thing, but to us two, compared to luck, this is more of a problem. Although his uncle had received some benefits, in the end, he was still unable to extricate himself from this crisis. "Because I am my uncle's only living relative, I have become my uncle's best method of restraining him."

He paused for a moment, and said with a helpless tone: "There is a manager in the Lucky Tower called Zhang Suiliang, and he was the first to contact my uncle. This man was suspicious, decisive, and used to block his opponent's retreat. After he found out about my existence, he did not spend too much effort to 'invite' me over. Zhang Suiliang is the Head Supervisor of the city. His relationship with Mayor Qiu was not ordinary, and he placed me under house arrest. Brother Ming, you should know that the Qiu Family's primordial spirit is Heartless Lock, which is the best way to keep people as guests. "

Mingyi flapped his small crystal sword behind his back, and the small sword flew back. The River Dai City beneath his feet was brightly lit. Many tall buildings flew past him, the majestic Nightless City exuded an enchanting aura in the dark night.

Mingyi listened quietly as Yun Xiaofeng explained everything that happened. He had told him many important things that were similar to the information Tang Jingtian had, but it did not lessen the doubts in his heart. However, when he heard it the best, he suddenly felt relieved. There was at least one thing that he was quite confident of. He seriously replied, "So you really don't know me."

"I'm very sorry. Brother Ming, you've never met me in your entire life, but you've gotten involved in this mess because of me." Yun Xiao Lou said apologetically, "Brother Ming's Tai Ping Heaven Transforming Dharma Armor was originally given to you by Uncle. It did indeed originate from the Taihe Mountain's Heavenly Dipper Pavilion. I have to let Brother Ming know that my uncle has a lot of money in the Tiangang Secret Mansion. Compared to the other treasures that I had to sell in the Lucky Tower, this magic robe is nothing. Before we reached an agreement with the City Lord's Mansion, Zhang Suliang told me to stay in the Lucky Tower for a few days. At that time, he treated me as a guest on the surface, and Minli did not restrict my freedom. At that time, I met a steward from the Lucky Tower and spent a few days with him. "No business people do not like to seek profit. The forces inside the tower are all over the place, and there are actually a lot of management gaps. I promised him half of the benefits and gave this cloak to him to help me sell."

His voice was distant and seemed to come from beyond the heavens, "It is as Brother Ming knows, before handing the vestment to the overseer, I let Xiao Hei sprinkle some butterfly powder on it. It is also known as the 'Three Autumn Dreamy Butterfly Fragrance' … Here, I must apologize once again. After all, it was the cause of Brother Ming's poisoning, but it … This is also the possibility for Brother Ming to help me escape the City Lord's Mansion. I understand Brother Ming's feelings, the anger and anxiety he felt when he learned that he had been poisoned and that he had been unlucky. I don't ask Brother Ming to forgive me, I just want you to understand me. My cultivation base is too low, after all, and I haven't transcended the tribulation yet. Master only taught me illusions and not other techniques. I really don't have any other methods. Six years ago, he swam to the Taihe Mountains. At that time, I was on the mountain to gather herbs, which was why there was this short period of fate between master and disciple. Master went back to the ocean three years ago, so I didn't have the chance to practice other techniques. When I said that Xiao Hei was my companion and not like most cultivators, it was only a way of describing one's spiritual object. It was truly just my friend. Xiao Hei's master is my master. Master said that I will have quite a few calamities in the future, so he left Xiao Hei to guard me. In the future, when I have crossed the fire element tribulation, I will return Little Black to him. "

Mingyi listened carefully, his face softening. Later, he suddenly felt that the other person was similar to him, and he felt a kind of shared sorrow. He listened in silence, then said, "To be honest, I was afraid and angry before I saw you, but after I saw you, I had a feeling that you had your own difficulties, so I didn't really anger you. In all honesty, I understand a little bit. If I were in your shoes, I would probably do the same. "

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