Mingyi Creating The World/C6 Anarchic taming
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Mingyi Creating The World/C6 Anarchic taming
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C6 Anarchic taming

Feng Ya didn't reply in time. After a while, he said in a low voice, "There are only two main reasons why the people of the Hao Ting Sect cultivate: one is to absorb the Yuan Power of heaven and earth for their own use, and the other is to perfect the 'Soul Wheel' in their soul. "Cultivators use the Qi Refining Technique to absorb the Yuan power of Heaven and Earth into their body, circulating it through their bodies to temper their soul and accumulating it into the Qi Sea in their bodies, thus gaining a strong cultivation base and a long lifespan." Pausing, Feng Yue's voice became brighter, "Yesterday, Feng Yue told you about Hao Ting's creation, but she did not tell you about the birth of Tian Ren. As Feng Yue had said, the Eight Gods Maker had only used less than a quarter of an hour, but they had spent a whole one hundred and eight days thinking about this quarter of an hour. They were thinking about a problem. Hmm, little master, do you know what they are thinking? "

"Feng Jiang, don't make things difficult for me. They are the world's greatest creation gods. How would I know what they are thinking?" Mingyi shook his head and smiled bitterly.

"How was the Upper Realm destroyed?" Frontier did not want to give up, so he asked a new question.

"Feng Yue once said that it was because of the war between heaven and earth." Ming Ying said with confidence, "At that time, the power of the heavens was too strong, and the war lasted for too long. The entire upper realm had reached the limit of what it could bear, and then it collapsed."

"How many characteristics did Heaven have before the apocalypse?" Feng Yue asked a new question.

Ah!" That's right! " After thinking for a while, he came up with a bold idea. "There are three types of people in the Upper Realm before the end of the world, and the powers they possess are too powerful. However, the creators of the Eight Gods need to use them as a reference, and taking into account all kinds of intuitive and objective factors, they want to find a balance among these traits?

"Balance?" That's a good word! " "The Eight Gods have created a realm with rules. They need creatures that cannot break the laws of the world, not people who can live a long life with earth-shattering divine abilities." After pausing for a moment, he continued, "Perhaps you will find it amazing, but for the Eight Gods, gathering shattered fragments of heaven and earth in the vast upper realm and smelting them into a new world is already an extremely boring and tedious thing to do. Although the Eight Gods had successfully cultivated the Immortal God Physique, allowing them to survive the Apocalypse, they were still people with seven emotions and six desires. They were definitely not the harmonious and uncontested people from the legends. Most of the people who truly had no desires or desires fell in disaster. After all, the law of survival of the fittest was the law of the jungle. Amongst the Eight Gods, Clear Sky Divine Art was the strongest and was innately the charisma of a leader who could shake the four directions. Although no words were spoken, he had secretly assumed the position of being the leader of the Eight Gods. Each of the Eight Gods were powerful, which one of them was not once a tyrant of the Four Directions? Who would be truly convinced? Under the vast, endless skies, the three mighty gods of the Nuwa Alliance, the Azure Dragon, and the Azure Sun were comparable in power. Emperor Nuwa was the only goddess amongst them. Her heart was as clear as jade, and she had long ago understood the true meaning of being able to single-handedly help others. Naturally, she had long ago put herself out of the picture. Cang Long and Qingyang are both competitive individuals, and originally, no one would ever agree to cooperate with each other. However, that was indeed a golden opportunity, one that is hard to come by. "

"Seal the border! Why did you make the Eight Gods sound like a tyrant in a chaotic world?! It's very different from what Feng Yue said. " Mingyi couldn't help but mutter. Growing up in the mortal world, he had only listened to the Eight Gods Legends as stories. His grumbling emotions weren't strong at all, and he instead felt that Feng Yue's story was truly interesting.

"You're right!" They are indeed the tyrants of chaotic times! " Feng Yue has a stance that she needs to maintain, and I don't have these restrictions, you can understand that in the future. When I mentioned a good opportunity just now, the key point was above that of creating a human. Haotian was a true creator, and he was truly immersed in the pleasures of creation. In that instant, a thought appeared in his mind: To create a unique life form — a celestial being that could completely fuse with the souls of the heavens and the earth of the Three Realms. This idea is only one in a million, but he is not intoxicated by it. "

"Hey!" Frontier! No matter what, I'm just talking about Clear Sky Primordial Blood! Please don't make our creator sound like a pervert. " For some reason, Mingyi couldn't help but break in.

"Young master, please don't interrupt. You've lived for too long and are very forgetful." Feng Jiang said unhappily, "Hmph, since you have your own position, then I'll just say it briefly. If it's related to Haotian, then we might as well skip it. In short, Haotian had spoken out the thoughts in his heart, hoping the gods would come up with some ideas. Zi Huang never expressed his attitude. Emperor of Nuwa sank into deep thought, while the other five gods felt their wishful thinking. It was no wonder that the soul was the most marvelous existence in this world. Even the eight Gods were unable to completely grasp its power. Azure Dragon and Qingyang would have argued back at this time, but this time Qingyang suddenly changed his nature. He actually expressed that this method was feasible, but some more conditions should be set. It was because of Qingyang's suggestion that the fates of Heaven had changed. His suggestion was this: Firstly, one must not live forever; secondly, one must not use divine power; thirdly, one must not enter the cycle of reincarnation; fourthly, one could integrate the Eight Spirit Primordial Blood and cultivate it the day after tomorrow; fifthly, the Eight Spirit Creator would refine the soul for fifteen minutes and fuse it with his body with a single thought. With these five harsh restrictions, becoming one with three souls was even more difficult. Haotian agreed with the suggestion and Qingyang seized the opportunity to make a bet: Whoever first thought of the method to fuse souls and turn them into humans would be honored with the title of one of the Eight Gods. Haotian's thoughts were all about creating a human, so he didn't think about anything else. At that time, he agreed straightforwardly. The most important thing was Haotian's attitude. Once he expressed his opinion, the other six gods would agree even if they had doubts. 108 days later, the Creation of the Eight Gods had ended. They had gathered together to share the matter of soul fusion and the creation of a human. There were countless ideas, but none were complete. Only Qingyang smiled and said nothing. Haotian asked him if he had a feasible method. "Qingyang didn't answer. He stretched out his right hand, and an exquisite pearl appeared in his palm."

Feng Jiang paused for a moment, his tone carrying a hint of strange emotion, "That treasure bead is obviously not ordinary, there is a dense fog in it, and there's a little golden-armored person standing in the middle of it. The little guy was handsome and had an impressive stature. Other than his empty eyes, he looked exactly like Qingyang and was imprinted on the same mold. Oh, I know the question in your mind. You've seen my true form. Don't worry, listen to me speak slowly. The little person in this orb was the best example of what Qingyang was capable of. It was a soul that completely fit the requirements of a divine being. Haotian was overjoyed. He then asked about the method to fuse with his soul. Qingyang pretended to be profound and didn't answer. He simply took out seven precious beads and gave them to the Seven Divinities. These beads contained mountains and water, but there were no small people, only a mass of mist in human form. He smiled and only said two words: Beginning. Just these two words were enough to block all the questions from the seven gods. According to the bet, he was already a god of the Eight Gods. He had arrived when he announced the time to build a human. A quarter of an hour passed quickly, but the result was vastly different. The Azure Dragon and Azure Sun have the most humans, roughly a thousand of them. The number of Netherezim, Yu Shang, and Blazing Zero Divine Divinities has also surpassed seven hundred. The three great gods of Clear Sky, Emperor Nuwa, and Zi Feng have the least, and none of them have more than the number of Great Change's. "

"The number of Great Yan?" "Less than fifty?" Ming Yi was very surprised, this involved his ancestors, so he was naturally very nervous, "Was it Qingyang who cheated? The difference is too great. "

"Azure Sun didn't cheat." Feng Jiang said indifferently, "Haotian and Emperor Nuwa possess vast amounts of divine power. Even Zihuang is no weaker than them. In the mortal world, there were legends of how each of the Eight Gods were able to use such a divine ability. Haotian, Emperor Nuwa, and Zi Huang all had the personality of searching for the roots of everything, spending too much time and effort to study this technique. As for the other four, they weren't able to fully understand its roots; they were only refining their souls like replicas. Actually, to the Eight Gods, creating more people was a small matter. At most, it was just a face of vanity. But this is basically destined to be the structure of the Hao Chen Palace. "

"You mean, I'm from the Haoyue minority?" Suddenly, he thought of the history of human evolution and could not help but feel a chill in his body. From the moment the heaven and earth was formed, their fate had already been decided. People with more people were destined to flourish, and people with less people would not be able to escape their fate. This was just a small wager from God, but it affected the fate of countless other people.

"From a worldly point of view, it's understandable, but the truth is much more complicated." Feng Yue said, "There are some things that you will understand later on. There is no point in me telling you now. Heh, it's easy to nag after living for a long time. Now, I'm going back to my original cultivation problem. As you know, the souls of Heaven are impure, and cannot escape the four rules that Qingyang spoke of. The first three rules were restrictions, and they made the humans at that time not much stronger than the mortals in the mortal world. However, with the fourth rule, the people in heaven would have the possibility to control their fates. As a result of his inheritance, many miracles had occurred during the long process of evolution. Some of them had probably exceeded the expectations of the Eight Gods. Young master, in order to understand it directly, take your own body as an example: Yesterday, the 'Heavenly Hidden Blood Succession' that was awakened in your body was one, and the 'Primal Appearance' that appeared on your forehead was the other. These two abilities were innate, not acquired through cultivation. Only one in a thousand possessed one of them, and it was extremely rare to own two at the same time. Therefore, as your so-called 'minority', the son of the Ming family of Haotian's elemental blood, you are already extremely fortunate. "

"Oh, I see." Mingyi's eyes lit up as he excitedly said, "Although great god Haotian didn't create many people at the beginning of creation, most of them fused into the pure primordial blood. Thus, the chances of future generations displaying their talents are much greater. If that's the case, then Emperor Nuwa and Violet Phoenix should be in a similar situation as well. No wonder when Windmoon mentioned the Nuwa Feng Clan, he had a look of pride on his face. "

"You are right, the Feng Clan indeed has the right to be proud." Feng Jiang's tone was solemn and solemn, with pride that could not be concealed, "My creator's name is Feng Wuya, he is a true legendary figure. He is not just the ancestor of the Nuwa Feng clan; he is also one of the Four Protectors of this era. " After pausing for a moment, he seemed a little sad, "In the blink of an eye, tens of thousands of years have passed. Many memories have become blurry with the passage of time. Sometimes, I can't even remember his appearance."

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