Miraculous Skilled Doctor/C1 Pingmei
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Miraculous Skilled Doctor/C1 Pingmei
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C1 Pingmei

Yulong Village was a remote mountain village.

It was already midsummer, and the mountain village was still very hot.

In a small forest beside the village, a black dog was lying on the back of a yellow dog, trying to get along with it.

"Dong, dong, dong …" Just as Zhou Ting was deep in thought, there was a knock on the door.

It was already dark outside, who could it be? Zhou Ting curiously walked over to open the door.

"Sis Pingtian, why have you come? Come in quickly." Opening the door, he saw that it was Xia Ping, Zhou Ting anxiously greeted him.

Xia Ping was twenty-six or twenty-seven years old this year, and was Zhou Ting's neighbor. Her husband worked outside the country all year round, and only stayed home for a few days at the end of the year.

Although her face was not white, but it revealed a healthy sheen. The most important thing was that she had a round chest and a perky figure, and that the men in the village all had ulterior motives, wanting to seduce Wang Qiang when he was not home.

However, Xia Ping also followed the rules, although she was hungry, but after so many years, she had never heard of anyone succeeding.

"Little Ting, my stomach hurts. I heard your grandfather say that you study for a doctor in the city. Hurry up and help me see if you can cure it."

Zhou Ting looked at Xia Ping who was constantly frowning, and knew that Xia Ping was in unbearable pain, he anxiously brought Xia Ping in: "Sister-in-law Pingtian, come in first, I'll check for you."

After helping Xia Ping into the hall and letting him sit on the old-fashioned sofa, Zhou Ting started to feel his pulse.

"Sis Pingtian, did you eat something cold?" Zhou Ting frowned and asked.

"Yeah, I found it too hot today, so I bought an ice cream from the village entrance store. What's wrong?" Could it be that the ice cream was broken? " Hearing Zhou Ting's words, Xia Ping raised his head and asked.

"No, it's you who ate the cold food, then ate the chili peppers and greasy food, causing your stomach to become clogged up. If you don't have the qi and blood, then it will naturally hurt."

"Can you cure it? This is killing me. " Xia Ping frowned and asked.

"Of course it can be treated, but it needs acupuncture."

"Acupuncture? Was it a needle? I've seen your grandpa treat others and it's very effective. Just one shot and it'll be fine. Hurry up and give me a few needles. " Xia Ping said anxiously when he heard that Zhou Ting knew acupuncture.

"However, for acupuncture, you have to take off your clothes. I'm afraid that you won't be able to do it." Zhou Ting said in a low voice. He glanced at Xia Ping and saw that she did not have a single expression of worry on her face.

"It's not that big of a deal. Hurry up and give me a shot." Hearing Zhou Ting's words, Xia Ping did not give any explanation and immediately took off his short-sleeved T-shirt.

Zhou Ting's eyes instantly opened wide. The women in the mountain normally did not wear bras, so after taking off his t-shirt, what he saw were the real deal.

Zhou Ting felt a warm current pass through his lower abdomen.

"Alright, hurry up and treat it." Xia Ping quickly said, not at all shy.

"Sister-in-law Pingfan, come and lie on my bed. I won't be tired if I give you acupuncture like that." Zhou Ting hastily pushed the door open, turned on the light and laid down.

With the pain in his stomach, Xia Ping wanted to stand up and frown.

Zhou Ting noticed Xia Ping's change in attitude, and anxiously asked: "Sister-in-law Pingtian, how about I carry you over there?"

"Yes." Slightly nodding his head, Xia Ping agreed.

Zhou Ting used a bit of strength and picked up Xia Ping.

Feeling the smooth skin on Xia Ping's back, a faint fragrance assaulted her nose, Zhou Ting's heart could not help but throb, and an indescribable desire rose from the bottom of his heart.

"I'll give you a shot." Seeing the pain on Xia Ping's face, Zhou Ting quickly said.

From his grandfather's silver needle box, he took out a few silver needles and pierced them into the acupuncture points on Xia Ping's stomach. Because he did not have the support of Innate Qi, Zhou Ting did not dare to be careless.

When the last needle was inserted into the acupoint between Xia Ping's twin peaks, Zhou Ting's hand trembled, and his right hand passed by the full mountain on Xia Ping's right.

Zhou Ting's heart skipped a beat, but he quickly started to revolve the silver needles. With every turn, Xia Ping's face relaxed a little, but the exposed Xia Ping made Zhou Ting's eyes burn with envy.

That soft feeling nearly made the hot-blooded Zhou Ting lose control of himself.

"Brat, are you taking advantage of Sister-in-law?" Staring at Zhou Ting, Xia Ping asked angrily.

Glancing at Xia Ping, although the words seemed to be said angrily, there was no anger in the eyes. Zhou Ting also chuckled.

"No, it's just that it's too big. I accidentally bumped into it."

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